
So is this the best post-apocalyptic game out there or is there something much better?
The only thing that I like more is Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead.
Anyone got suggestions?

>The only thing that I like more is Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead.
Too bad the devs are starbound levels of incompetent.

You might like AoD but it certainly isn't better than Underrail and it doesn't really feel post-apocalyptic because of the backwards setting.

It's boring garbage with bland writings, 99% of the loot is crafting trash, and the combat would have sucked if it came out in the era it's trying to ape.

sounds like somebody couldn't get past the rats

Wasn't there an crowdfunding attempt to find a full time team to work on it?

LOL you didn't get past the first section did you.

it is finished?

Age of Decadence.

is this true? i've been on the fence about getting it. not due to cost but due to time investment (i'm scarce with free time), so i rather not go through the effort of getting in to it if the end experience is bad.

does it have flaws?

>does it have flaws?
Are you retarded?
Age of Decadence? Wasn't it fantasy game?

Time to replay this shit again. It's fucking amazing, and I already have 70+ hours of playtime on it. There's something about the atmosphere, and the modern touches to the classic RPG formula. I liked the combat better than Fallout 1 and 2.

It's a post-apocalypse ancient Rome. Pretty original.

It's a fun game if you like that sort of thing. Some of the loot is indeed crafting mats, but a more accurate percentage would be about 20%, and usually only in containers and certain vendors, which combined with the fact that enemies drop their entire inventory when killed, means the only things you really have to make yourself (depending on how early you want them) are the really esoteric items like laser guns and stealth fields.

Setting and exploration are amazing, great game. Start is a bit generic but cool and then the plot takes off. Was the best RPG I've played for ages and I wish games of the same caliber came out more often.

thanks a lot guys, guess i'll give it a try after all. i've just heard a lot of mixed opinions is all.

go fuck yourself

Sure it does- no game is perfect.
However, is a fucking retard.
The combat is shitloads of fun, and about ten times better then FO 1-2's combat. And it's good by itself as well - Until this game, I didn't believe you can make a single-character turn based combat any fun (outside roguelikes), but UR made it work fucking great.

Cocksucker, there are no perfect games. EVERYTHING has flaws. EVERYTHING. Especially you, since you have to ask.

It's also a real treat for fans of exploration. The entire setting is basically a fuckhuge, mostly hostile, non-linear dungeon.

The thing it doesn't do as well as FO may be some storyfag things like ... I dunno, shitting out stats for some dialogue options. But I seriously don't care for these things anyway

I bought this game during the last sale because everything about it looks great. What's a good build for a first run? Any build that is completely broken?

A good part of the fun is finding out your own style and making it work - it's definitely possible since the game is balanced damn well. You can't really fuck yourself over unless you go full retard.

If you're truly a spoiled brat and gotta know, a generic agile-guy-with-SMGs-and-psi can work just fine. But again, it's just one of many options

>shitting out stats for some dialogue options

Well yeah- the game allows for some of it. And it's very cool. But you can't just go full blabbermouth and coast thru the game.

Some fags find that a terrible thing, but they are fags.

>Any build that is completely broken
Minmaxed sniper or psionic can 1shot the final boss without doing the puzzle that makes him weaker.

Is there anything like that with co-op play? Could be old/new and/or FP/TP.