Dualshock 4 D-Pad

How does the D-Pad on Dual Shock 4 compare to the Dual Shock 3 D-Pad?

I use the DS3 D-Pad currently for fighting games and it works well compared to Xbox 360's D-Pad or any older D-Pad out there. But it's still not perfect. For example, if I press really hard on the right D-Pad button it will make my character jump Up, so obviously the buttons are not real, separated buttons. How does the accuracy and feel of DS4 D-Pad compare?

I think the controller as a whole is an improvement over the DS3, only real downside is the giant useless touchpad and lightbar at the back.

the dpad feels more clicky which I like a lot, though that's up to personal preference

don't remember any difference considering the dpad. only the sticks are notably different.

and the battery life is about 10% of the DS3 which fucking sucks.

It hurts my thumb a lot less, but I still find it shit for say, fighting games. Pressing right but slightly on the top or bottom of said right button, makes my character jump or crouch. Yet most quarter circle motions do not register the diagonals. It's really weird and I have to put of a lot of pressure on the diagonal inputs.
Making a diagonal jump usually leaves an input like "Up-right, Up, Up-right, Right" in the blink of an eye.

They should have used the Vita D-Pad instead

Otherwise it's definitely better

It's literally the same.

it's good, but your button individuality problem is not solved in ds4. DS4 dpad is still one lump of plastic.

you can also break plastic between your DS3 buttons so you'll get individual ones like you want, but you need to remove a lot of this plastic or buttons will sometimes overlap.

It feels worse to me at least. I don't really know of any adapters for DS3 to PS4 though. If there's nothing like that you better get used to it if you care at all for competitive fightan and wanna go to locals etc.

>playstation d-pads

>implying theres a better d-pad on any other controller

Literally every Nintendo controller, even the fucking Wii and GC.

LMAO. sure thing bud. never mind that you cant use those for actual gaming even if it were true.

DS4 is bad for playing KOF, inputs will get botched frequently

It's hard to think of a worse d-pad, actually.

and yet you cant name a better one.

Nintendo's d-pads are not segmented, they're automatically better than PS d-pads.

But the best d-pad is pic related, don't even try to argue.

yea youre retarded. that d-pad is brutal on your fingers and inaccurate as fuck for something like a fighting game. you clearly have no idea what to look for in a d-pad.

You never actually held one, did you

Go shill your sony overlords at neofag.

Ohhh so your are just nostalgia blinded retard

Nice nonsensical argument.

Agreed. Vita d-pad an buttons are marginally better than anything else.

The D-Pad is larger and is more indented in the middle so you can roll your thumb around while using it. I think it's a massive imporvement.

Use an xbone pad it has mechanical switches

>that d-pad is brutal on your fingers and inaccurate as fuck for something like a fighting game.
Yeah, that's why companies still manufacture clones of it for fighting games.

That thing was so fucking shitty, I can still remember the feeling of horror my fingers had when I held it back then.

they do it for hipsters like you

Yes, hipsters are numerous enough on a niche as fuck audience to warrant big companies to pander to them.

how does the xbone d-pad compare to ds3 or ds4?

You were probably unborn when Saturn came out, nobody believes your lies user.

>Yet most quarter circle motions do not register the diagonals

I keep saying this and nobody beleives me, at least I'm not crazy, and is not just my controller, which I've bought 3 at this point and all have the same problem.