Pokemon killer. Why haven't you played it? The kids in Japan are loving it!
Pokemon killer. Why haven't you played it? The kids in Japan are loving it!
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Buddy of mine is crazy hyped for the new one and I'd literally never heard of them before yesterday's direct.
Played the first one and boy let me tell you the battlesystem is boring the yokai minigames are tedious the difficulty is too easy and most of the yokai are just recolors, the world and graphics are nice though
Didn't YW3 fall way off compared to 2's release week?
Because I'm neither Japanese nor a kid.
I hadn't even heard of it until the FFXIV crossover event started.
Would get it but Dragon Quest 7 is a couple of weeks before it's release and that game is insane in length. And after that it's World of Final Fantasy in Oct plus Dragon Quest Builders. And a month after that Pokemon. Nintendo seriously picked a really bad time for this game to come out.
I feel like I'm getting old, what even is the gameplay?
>Pokemon killer. Why haven't you played it?
Because only idiots or children still play Pokemon or the like.
Not really. 3 sold like 1.5 million, and is still goin'
DQ monsters with minigames and a switching mechanic
is it fun?
Why do pokemon fans get so salty when someone else makes a monster collecting game
>They shitposted Cyber Sluts thread
>They shitposted YW threads
>They'll probably shitpost Monster Hunter stories threads
Can we all agree that Pokemon fans are the worst fanbase ever?
You go around solving conflicts that involve Yo-kai in order to "catch" them, meaning that not everything is fighting, there are fetch quests and negotiations.
Actual fights are not comparable to the depth of Pokémon fights, they are very very simple.
Good game for little kids, boring for anyone over 10, unlike Pokémon
Yeah, 2 and 3 are pretty good
yeah, first week sales were like half of YW2's
Because it somehow looks more boring than Pokemon.
>boring for anyone over 10, unlike Pokémon
I enjoyed the first one.
>Yokai Watch 2 has following Yokai
lol holy fuck Pokemon's lazyness is starting to show. What's gamefreak's excuse?
quit projecting
also if anything MHS looks like a Dragon Quest Monsters clone.
>YW 2 actually outsold Pokemon XY and ORAS in Japan
I am so glad that Pokemon is being humbled. All of you can thank Yokai Watch for Sun&Moon not being a complete rehash
they're not though. YW is already past it's prime, it's totally irrelephant in mainstream media in japan, nobody buys YW shit anymore, lel.
>Quit projecting!
>Now watch me shitpost more!
Salty about the genwun pandering, pokefag?
Your samefag is showing
Then why did Buster's japanese sales beat Pokken and SFV's worldwide sales?
>3DS vs WiiU
Cybersluts shitposted first in threads they didnt belong in
YW monster design is garbage
MonHun stories is the only monster collecting game that can even hope to rival Pokemon, at least they have good designs and aren't releasing on a fifabox.
It will probably still fail because lol capcom and localizing games.
I saw a toy of that in ASDA the other day.
I've literally never seen the game sold anywhere, but the high street supermarket chains seem to stock their merchandise.
Really makes you think.
>heh it's okay for us pokefags to shitposts hehe.
Why are you out of your containment board?
I never said shitposting is okay or that I take any part in it.
How sexualized are the designs?
There's a crossdressing yokai that hits on the shota
>Cybersluts shitposted first in threads they didnt belong in
this is a load of bullshit. Fuck pokemon autists are the worse. They eat up rehashes and revise history
Depends, is farting and scat on your fetish list?
Pokemon doesn't need a killer. It's taking its own life with all these god-awful new designs this gen and other poor design choices.
>Playing video games is worse than shitposting console war images in threads that is not even about your game
If I had a penny for each time someone posted that cybersluts vs pokemon graphics comparison image accompanied by blatant shitposting in a pokemon thread I'd be able to buy Sup Forums and stop all shitposting for good.
Because Japanese kids loving it is not a good enough reason.
Enjoy the 20th anniversary blunder, Pokefag.
We'll just be laughing from the sidelines once we see this betrayal to many childhoods tank in sales and reception.
Thanks, I will!
Hope you can find some games to enjoy too, user.
As much as I hate Sun and Moon, Nintendo has unfortunately ensured the game will live by hooking in the dudebros and normies via Pokemon Go along with children. Both of these groups love the new shitty designs and overpowered abilities.
>overpowered abilities
>Pokemon was ever hard
You can win every match with a magikarp if you really want to. Also don't like the new pokemon? Don't use them and stick with the older one. Personally I'm getting both and going to have fun playing them.
>Also don't like the new pokemon? Don't use them and stick with the older one
Except you don't have that ability because older ones are being replaced with Alolan forms and they're going to want to shove those and the new Pokemon in your face as much as possible. I'd rather not play through the entire game just to get a chance at getting older Pokemon.
You're basically telling me to swim in a sea of shit to try to find a diamond and that's fucking stupid.
You know you have the ability to trade in Pokemon...right? It's kind of been a thing since the very start.
>Pokemon fags invade another YW thread
sucks since YWbros are so chill. Why won't the mods ban these poke autists?
Yokai watch is more like a SMT-lite honestly
That removes the point of catching Pokemon as you go and gets rid of a huge chunk of the game's meat, and I wouldn't be able to control all of the Pokemon I have off the bat.
I don't know why you're trying so hard to convince me to play a game full of shit designs with retarded reasons.
Which version has which Yokai?
I enjoyed the first one, getting fleshy souls for the second.
It's just fun game, I enjoy the juggling/support element in battle and liked exploring.
im not 10 dude
Fleshy so I can have my Frog Prince
pokemon is a kid game too but for some reasons it's not THAT childish. Might be because the gameplay is simple yet fun while yokai is a kiddie game straight and through.
>Spend a lot of time trying to get a Enefly for that side quest that needs both
>After the quest fuse them to make Betterfly
>The abandoned hospital has them and I even get another Betterfly without even throwing food at it.
Helmsman and Armsman also don't want anything to do with me no matter how many bamboo i throw at them
>the depth of Pokémon fights
Boy you got me there.
Too many Nyans
and recolors of yokai in general
There are like 30 different pikachus in pokemon
Also, Yokais adds more then 60 monsters per game so a few recolours are fine because they make up for it
I'd probably play it if it didn't have a shit, 4kids-espe localization.
>it's like dqm
Fuck you and your lies.
>There are like 30 different pikachus in pokemon
I thought some where funny.
In the way you choose tactics rather than picking moves and recruitment method
>30 different pikachus
Jibanyan has way more than that.
>>YW 2 actually outsold Pokemon XY and ORAS in Japan
Yeah...at the start.
Also all of those look different enough. Jibanyan variants are literally Jibanyan in different clothes and color difference.
>Cosplay pikachus
>Raichu and pichu variations
Let me clear something up for you kids,
Pokémon wasn't first. Pokémon wasn't even CLOSE to the first. From SMT to Go-Gos, Tamagochi and Digimon, millions had already tried what Pokémon did with minor success.
The reason Pokémon dominated all competition is because it was BETTER than them. Pikachu was a better mascot than Jack Frost. Red was a better game than Digimon's shit. Yokai Watch is just another attempt to cash in on their success, it will fail and be gone in five years.
No, in total.