Burn hackers/cheaters alive irl

People who hack/cheat in online pvp games should be burned alive irl and tortured aswell, if you disagree, you are a subhuman.

k thanks.

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No they should be persecuted by law.

just a game bro :)

All jokes aside, it really is just a game. If you take this """"""competative"""""" baby tier tf2 nock off fps shooter seriously then you deserve to get shat on relentlessly

Fuck off subhuman, if people do this shit when a group of people are outside doing some sport/game, they will have their heads bashed in.

you sound muha-mad

At least blizzard has been consistently banning hackers.

Honestly though I have about 200 hours logged and am yet to come across someone I was 100% sure is hacking.

Many of the hackers are on chink/gook servers anyway.

I don't really think it matters if you sperg out about competitive. It's really just about somebody having an unfair advantage.

Imagine if the Flash become a soccer player. It would be pointless for the other players.

Well all the TF2 pros were hacking people just wants to be like them

They only ban the gooks, the ""pro"""" western players are ignored.


Been running triggerbot since the game was released and have fun being a complete asshat as Tracer. Haven't been banned and probably won't.

>This is the SJW mindset

I used to play CS Source all day, I was CAL-I when it was still around and played easily over 4000 or 5000 hours.

I was pubbing one day on de_dust2 and some hacker came in with aimbots and walls and killed everyone and me a few times. Eventually I just hit back and waited for his stupid ass to run at me and used my sound to pre-shot him when he passed a wall and I was actually gaining kills over him doing this.

A lot of the people on the server loved it and laughed at him, then I did it a few times and after like 5 rounds of doing this they all started getting worried because they said it was stupid I had to "turn on my hacks to beat his".

I literally had to make a demo of myself beating an aimbotter legitimately because people couldn't believe that you could kill a hacker using sound and shadows.

Good times. Still one of the best gaming moments of my life. I think I actually still have that demo too, of everyone on their mics going "wow you didn't have to hack to beat him dude" and shit. Greatest moment I think.

why do people care about hacking in a game with built in hacks?

Disagree. They shouldn't have even come into existence. But I guess I have no choice but to agree since they are here.

According to people I encountered in this game, there are absolutely zero hackers/cheaters in video games and you will get reported if you call someone out for it. No matter how incredibly obvious it is, no one is actually cheating. Even they themselves will tell you so, so it must be true, because not only do people not cheat, they also would never ever lie to you.

Right. Everyone in prison is also innocent.

There are a few pros who are super sketchy but there were plenty of non chink players who got banned.



They can't be serious, can they?


>shield up start wakling relentlessly into group of enemies "come out and face me"
>cocky shitters get close trying to make you lower the shield or turn "barrier is giving out"
>"hammer DOWN" stun 4 shitters
>take a swing, launch a fire strike, kill tracer and genji hurt the others severe "bring it on! I LIVE for this!"
>charge into the corpsefield, pin roadhog, bounce mei into the abyss, slam roadhog into the wall and finish him off with a swing "i am unstoppable"
>watch mercy flee in the direction of spawn, catcall her "bring me another"

No you havent



There are literally forums for cheaters who are this delusional.

>you're really gonna punish people who paid you MONEY for this game?
The delusion is real.

>cheat in csgo
Thanks valve

>you're really gonna punish people who paid you MONEY for this game?

What about the people who weren't cheating, they paid money too.

These shitlord can dish it but they cant take it.

Glad they got banned.