Monster Hunter

Name one weapon more satisfying than the Great Sword

Protip: you can't

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The hammer, because it's so rare that a monsters head stay still enough for you to boop it enough,

Greater Sword


Nothing is more manly than the lance.

>wants to hunt online
>friends already dropped the game right after HR7
>Most lobbies are hr keys and they leave right after
>Grinding becomes unbearable if you do it solo on later quests

Especially since hammer got nerfed so hard waving a wet fart in the general vicinity of a mon does more ko than hammer now.

>Got to HR4 in MHG
>Screen started to fuck up
>Have to ship it to Nintendo to get it fixed
>Not MH nor DQ7 all month
Fucking end my life now

>needing a shield

>LS fag trips Lance over
>LS ends up getting hit because tripping has i-frames

What's best SA combo for when a monsters down?
Figure 8 axe swing or just wailing away with the sword?

doing some star set farming


>no pw
good going dumbass, enjoy the randumbs

The longsword.
Runner up goes to spear.
Get out of Sup Forums if you can reliably maneuver a great sword with ease and that goes for over half of the human population as well.
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

>playing MOBA-hunter mobanations
no thanks

What country has the worst hunters and why is it France?

What, like Frontier's longer-reach weapons that just shift up the hitbox?

Im having trouble just getting randumbs to join

Shield is on the right hand. It's our weapon.

It's a true show of strength that we only need one lance to wield this thing and absolutely destroy giant monsters with it.

>one hand*

Fug. You know what I mean tho.

>connection error
what did chink moot mean by this

Greatest Sword

>Still using the rough version

I gotchu

Finally landed the Evade Dist +6 talisman with 1 slot that I needed. What good 5 slot skills are there for HBG? I'm sporting full Shagaru with Arc S armor and Shagaru HBG, so that comes with Peak Performance and Normal Up already.

Is Haphazard good? Shagaru HBG comes with
Internal / Total / Load
Slicing S Lv1 / 15 / 3
Dragon S Lv2 / 5 / 1
Triblast S / 5 / 1

Aerial hammer is pretty fun.

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

Shaggy HBG is often used as a Normal type gun with

>Weakness Exploit
>Normal Up

Otherwise not really, TrueShot Up is a large boost in damage but it's better used on other kinds of ammo or on bows.

Anybody wanna hunt some Hyper Mizutsunes? Need to upgrade the armor.

Hub: 07-8212-1736-5141
Pass: 5555

pretty sure the blast from triblast wont be affected by haphazard, only the impact of the shot

>rath lbgs are fuckawesome for no reason

>haphazard makes them even more OP

>mfw original guild girls always just give information
>mfw localized guild girls have eight pages of meme dialogue about git gud and other try hard Reddit tier cringe

Which ones in question? For all I know you could be referring to any of the six different Raths

Well I only have room for a 5 slot skill so that only leaves those single slot decorations that provide +2 of their skill, though most of these are merely quality of life bonuses for HBG. A couple of decent ones I see are:
>Combo Rate/Plus
>Pierce/Pallet/Crag S+

Mycology is nice and Arc S comes with Light Eater already, but HBG isn't exactly going to sheath very often.

>tfw no gargwa body monster
We got Popo-monster but where is gargwadrome?

Combo Plus is okay for getting the most out of combines.

I use the cat one. She gives out lewd insinuations while being crotch height so when I talk to her her snout is right in my crotch.

Stupid cat. People and cats can't do it. But she swipes the floor so I let her stay.

>hyper blangonga

Their voices sound weird too. I don't like the Kokoto or Pokke Gals.

When we get Apecerodrome, Great Kelbi, and Great Rhenoplos

Maybe a bigger Slagtoth or something too


in all seriousness though, goldian, silverlos and goldisilver LBG's are rediculous. check their trees.

i have gold semi auto and it is outright insane with haphazard.

sting S which somehow cuts tails.

remedy s which is a cureall that only affects your team

team recovery s that only affects your team

pierce flaming lvl 2 that rapid fires 3 rounds
rapid fire normal 2

>Great Kelbi
We've had that for a long long time.

But it doesn't get back up when I carve it

Some games have killable kelbis, they can lose a limb or two without even noticing it but they aren't immortal.

Were people that triggered by Khezu eating Kelbi in its ecology cutscene?

Look at him he's so happy to see you

Charge blade

>deviljho sized kelbimon

>huge deer / elk / moose like spikey antlers of death as wide as it is long

just imagine how brutal that fight would be.

>impossible to hit legs due to tininess making everyone trip everyone
plus it's jumping everywhere like kirin
headshakes that practically cover the entire area with hurtbox of bleed and stun antler hits
bulldrome charging plus wide antlers making unavoidable death charges

He's saying cheese now.

What is that gauge in the center of that pic for? I've seen it in gameplay videos but I've never actually seen it in-game before. Is it UI for some weapon?


As a lance main I love fighting Khezu. One of my most fun fights.

Adept anything rapes Khezu.

Adept anything that lacks the perfect block or isn't GS feels dirty

Striker Lance

>tfw i keep doing the counter instead of the charge
how do i lance

>join any random group
>half the group is made up of people in ugly mixed sets with no active skills

Is this some kind of meme? Like that bombing yourself before entering an area where the monster is that speedrunners do?

I want to learn a new weapon. Already gotten good with GS, DB, IG, Bow and Prowler. What else is good?

Press the special attack button on the touch screen.

you can map it so that start button does the charge. Just go into the options menu and mess around

Go to options and make the start menu do "kick".

Now all you need to do is hit Start.

Menu is still there at the bottom screen top right so you lose nothing.

Better yet, put it onto Start/Select

Bombing actually serves a purpose, though.
If you set a bomb and then eat something, like a Mega Dash Juice or a Might Seed, you still get the effects but the animations are cut.
No-skill clownsuits just signify that the person doesn't know how armor works.
They might also be gimping themselves for a challenge, but I really doubt it.

Which monster is the coolest

ice barroth

This fucking infuriates me to end.

I should not have to skip through multie dialouge boxes just to do a simple fucking quest.

Shit most of the characters in the game have this problem. It takes way too dialouge boxes to do shit that you have to do near constantly. It's like they're purposefully trying to waste your fucking time.

It's even more annoying given that Japan has shorter dialogue boxes that aren't meme Tier, especially given that the west is notorious for not giving a fuck about pages of writing and just wants to get to the game

i feel bad for khezu because everyone hates him but all he really does is sit in his cave and mind his own business

>It's like they're purposefully trying to waste your fucking time.
generations is pretty much the videogame version of an anime filler arc

>mfw there hunters that put down traps for elder dragons
People had a whole game before gen to learn about this shit, how?

Kelbi die in the Japanese versions.

I guess they think the westerners are that big of a pussy when it comes to deer.
They're right.

Death to the Localization team, West is world famous for deer hunting, Reeee


Motherfucker no.
Every fucking time I try to mine rare minerals there always seems to be a fucking Khezu trying to fuck my shit.

Minding his own buisness... Fuck no.

The localization team is basically Tumblr, and I mean that in the least memey sense possible.

Of course they are butthurt about deer hunting. They are braindead liberals. They probably fucking love fast food, though. Fucking scum.

>Khezu are blind, hunter!
>Oh cool, let me try and be stealthy! This should be an interesting fight if he relies on the noise I make to find me!
>lol nope he sees me just as well as any other monster when the fight starts

Fuck your Capcom

Fucking this.

Why they have a sneaking feature is beyond me. It virtually never works.

It does actually, you just have to crouch or be crouching before you're Red.

Anyone interested in doing Hyper Metal Raths, Hyper Pickle, or whatever unreleased DLC?

>only Jho will consistently fall for spiked meat
Seems like a waste of an entire feature if it's so pointless most of the time

Axe mode Switch Axe.
>mfw the third hit of the finisher flinches the monster before I get rekt by an attack

If power phial, sword mode side slash > double slash > repeat.
If anything but power phial, frenzy slashes in axe mode.
That said, frenzy slashes are close enough to power phial, especially with the finisher, that if you happen to be in axe mode as the monster drops, rolling into an upswing and going into the slashes will take less time to set up than getting into infinite doubleslash combo.

You can trap the fucking Popodrome, why the fuck you can't trap the Kelbidrome? Shit doesn't makes any sense.

Sneaking only works before they've seen you, or during the alert stage.

Also, Khezu actually has a bit of trouble targeting you until you've got thunderblight, at which point he can target you very consistently.

The Kelbidrome is lightning, rain transformed.

Kelbidrome is an elder dragon.
Elder dragons can't be trapped.
Gore being the exception, because it's a juvenile elder dragon.

Are Dragonbone Relics fucking extremely rare in this game or something

>tfw these faggots get paid more than you do to be stupid dumbasses and rename Japanese monsters retarded names like Ass talons and Glave Anus


>trying to be sneaky against a monster that looks for food using its sense of smell.

Could anyone tell me where this image is from?

I just play in 4chen rooms and don't deal with this problemo

A->A spam in sword mode in Guild, otherwise mash X in sword mode
Maybe start revving your sword up as the monster gets up to see if you can get a free flinch in

MHGen on Vita

where are the lobbies
my internet's too shitty to host

>hyper silver rath not in the september dlc

Charge Blade or Gun Lance.

Just eat for explorer in the Frozen Seaway.

>glave anus
Seriously, look up glaiven.

I actually just downloaded the Japanese DLC earlier, because I didn't like anything in this month's batch.
But now I have nobody to hunt with.

should I consider getting artillery skill if I use gunlance?
I don't play that defensive to consider getting guard+

Khezu often attacks without turning to face you first unless you have thunderblight.

>I cheat and I now need to whine on Sup Forums that no one else cheats with me since I have no friends

If you want to actually use the gunlance like a gunlance, sure, it's not bad, but just know that ye stocke standarde speedrunnere critte builde will deal far more damage.

>ye stocke standarde speedrunnere critte builde will deal far more damage.
my what

What's the luckiest you've ever gotten in a single hunt?

>join lobby for teo expecting a grind for that dumb gem
>second hunt in, pick one up from a tear, ecstatic that if the retards guck up I still got what I want
>carve another from the tail, another from the body
>get another two in reward box and sub quest bonus
>FIVE fucking gems

Felt like a great blessing to me finally trying bow out, which is pretty amazing, after GS.