Is White March good?
Should i buy it?
Is White March good?
Should i buy it?
If you enjoyed the main game, then yeah.
better than the main game, give me the high hopes for poe 2
Why did Act II drop the ball so hard? ;_;
It's more of the same, but slightly better. Enough to make a difference for those who were okay with the base game, but not enough for those who did not enjoy it to begin with.
Is there any r-romance?
elaborate with details
no, go away
Is PoE comfy?
Extremely. The DLC as well.
>elaborate with details
It's been a while. Pacing was awful, you reached or very nearly reached level cap in act 2, the fights were samey and weren't rewarding in any way (plays into the low level cap), and I hated that Gnome Druid.
Grieving Mother was great, though.
Sure, as long as you play it in a language you don't understand, or somehow manage not to read a single line of dialogue.
that's it?
>you reached or very nearly reached level cap in act 2
that was fixed in later patches
>and I hated that Gnome Druid.
I got to the start of Act 2 in the base game I think, before being distracted by other vidya, now it's been so long I'll probably have to start over.
Should I bother? Also Eder best companion.
Take your bitchy midget and fuck off. Worst scene was when he said
>yes, very funny, but only i get to make jokes about that >:( so u better shut up
Don't even recall the context, but I hate him.
>Also Eder best companion.
Durance is the best. a priest who despises the god he worships is a really cool concept
Durance is fantastic, yeah.
I'm not the only one that steals Aloth's armour, am I? Guy keeps fucking dying anyway.
if by "comfy" you mean "boring where all the skills are boring as fuck and the game is vastly inferior to the infinity engine games it tries to be a spiritually successor of", then sure.
i wanted to like it, but it plays like a Baldur's Gate for underage kids.
The druid was basically the only companion that got a satisfying ending to his quest, though.
How are wizards in this game?
Powerful, but extremely boring.
They need to rest a fuckton because all your best spells are per rest with some per encounter.
Cipher is the best class.
>but it plays like a Baldur's Gate for underage kids.
you may not like it but poe is way more complex than bg games
bg is very fun but very simple at the same time
Eder was just that bland, default companion every RPG apparently needs. Not bad, but there's nothing special to him.
>Sawyer came up with every companion except Durance and Grieving Mother
This explains so much.
I get you, but the only other choices I had where I got to was a schizophrenic with an Irishman in his butt, a stronk dwarf woman with a useless dog, Durance who is actually pretty great, and a hairy guy I met eating a deer raw and didn't interact with beyond that.
Gotta go back to the game at some point and finish it, maybe get the DLC.
real problem with companions was they didn't get anywhere near the same amount of attention across the board. then again, when you realize obsidian went with literally the first draft of the script for the entire game it all falls into place.
>have chris avellone writing for the game
>give him only two characters to write
>remove 75% of what he wrote in the end
obsidian really is just a shadow of what it used to be.
>>remove 75% of what he wrote in the end
Isn't this why Avellone quit Obsidian? Heard he was sick of being edited down to the dirt.
he also said he basically felt as if he had accomplished nothing since kotor2
>wow look at all these cool skills that are just different colored ways of dealing damage
it's basically an isometric MMO. it's crap.
I like down-to-earth companions. He's pretty charming if you're into that sort of thing.
Kotor 2 was great most of the time, but I felt like New Vegas was often better.
I liked him. They took the "generic former soldier" stereotype and gave him an average quest story that ended up being interesting and had me genuinely feel bad for him at the end. He's the epitome of average but still somehow interesting.
Which is even weirder because NV was Sawyer's baby through and through with Avellone being involved when it came to DLC. And then Sawyer completely shits the bed with PoE.
>wow look at all these cool skills that are just different colored ways of dealing damage
nice opinion but that's just not true
you grew up with bg, i get it
maybe beamdog will serve you bg 3 or something based on d&d 5th edition to satisfy your patrician tastes
Nope, not likely. Urquhart promised him his own project, and we know that got scrapped somewhere down the line, and that was probably the final nail for him. He wasn't particularly invested in PoE.
The thing that so many of these "spiritual successors" don't seem to understand is that infinity was fucking garbage and all those iconic games were good in spite of it, not because of it
It's all a mess.
I just want my well written (see: better than 95% of what comes out) vidya back.
It's a good h&s expansion. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
>I just want my well written
tides of numeneravwill deliver unless you're not from rpg codex
Obsidian apparently has a huge number of cancelled projects under its belt. We know Mitsoda left after some project get cancelled and only years later Urquhart let the public know Obsidian was negotiating for a WoD game at the time before it fell through. Not to mention that Aliens game that got cancelled mid-development. And Tyranny is pretty much Avellone's pitched idea from long time ago, except they waited for him to leave the company before working on it for some reason.
>Is White March good?
Yes. Both expansions are much better than the base game, but they still don't really fix the tacked-on stronghold aspect. They strive to improve upon it even if you can still tell there's story missing there for you to give a fuck.
It's good.
Like a shorter, better version of the main story.
when is poe+dlc likely to be cheap on gog?
I think I want to buy it, but not for steam because >steam
Eder has some great moments
Zahua is my favorite companion desu.
>pick up zahua
>he jumps to the top damage dealt within an hour
its unreal how much damage he does
It's monk stuff, if the enemies are actually attacking him he murders everyone.
yeah but it's like he's secretly Charname
>Wild Orlan
>it's a fucking Dwarf
wild orlans make great tanks, sue me
my other tank is Kana
The portrait doesn't fit
Act 2 dropped nothing, 2 was when it got really engaging, 3 did.
The funny thing is, I probably would have love Twin Elms if it was a post-game expansion area. But not like this.
>rpg codex
Fuck those guys.
What's a fun class to play?
I usually like to be fast, deal damage but not just auto attack.
put 18 in dex and don't wear heavy armor
I Wonder how much sjw shit they put in this time
Stopped carring about the First one After I heared about the lesbian mages and Trans censorship stuff
Don't monk need heavy armor since they need to take damage?
That was backer content. The game itself is about the importance of the traditional family structure and making babies.
Zahua is pretty fucking based, no doubt.
medium is more than enough
Monk all day every day
On the contrary. I use the lightest armor possible for my monks. Gotta have them punching at the speed of light. As long as they have a healer supporting them, they can kill shit no big deal.
>The game itself is about the importance of the traditional family structure and making Babies
that actually Sounds kinda refreshing and unique in it's more realistic approach
Might buy it if this is true
Just wearing armor bother me desu
Well, I don't even know if you can consider what my monks wear armor. It says it's light armor but they're just cloaks.
I liked how rape-deer form looked when I last played him. Is shapeshifting druid still viable after loads of patches?
>Is shapeshifting druid still viable after loads of patches?
he's even stronger now
It's the main theme of the game, discounting the the final part of the main quest that tried to introduce a completely new topic in the final five minutes.
The entire premise, main plot, and half of the companions are related to it. The game really hammers home how much people suffer when the family unit falls apart for one reason or another. And the game provides many examples of just how many things can fuck up a family.
Good. Gonna ram some bitches hard.
Armour will reduce the damage you take.
pls respond
How should we know? It haven't been on sale for a while, so it might happen in the near future. If nothing else it'll almost definitely go on sale during the autumn sale, whenever it is.
>autumn sale
yeah looks like this is a thing, ty
I heard the White March was just endlessly spamming more tedious combat encounters at you every 3 steps
I NOPED the fuck at it when I heard that. Combat was just a tedious bore. You play an Obsidian game for writing, and they just dropped the fucking ball so hard on that aspect in PoE.
did the White March part 2 improve, or was it just moar fightan?
>You play an Obsidian game for writing
little triggered by this. personally I decide whether a game is good or not without having to think about who the developer is
>I heard the White March was just endlessly spamming more tedious combat encounters at you every 3 steps
That's what i experienced in part 1 except the enemies were now spamming annoying status effect
>I heard the White March was just endlessly spamming more tedious combat encounters at you every 3 steps
Part 1 is definitely this, and it's probably even worse than you imagine. It's not even trash mobs like you'd usually get in the base game, you actually have to manage them, especially when some of these enemies can even teleport your party members away from the group. The encounters are only moderately difficult with a few exceptions, but they are copypasted all over the place. Seriously, you will be fighting the exact same fucking Siren formation again and again every few steps.
Haven't played Part 2 so can't comment on that.
>Obsidian says Tyranny will be the IWD to PoE's BG
At this point I don't even know how to react.
>Seriously, you will be fighting the exact same fucking Siren formation again and again every few steps.
So it's like the Dyrford ruin?
Man i love those threads, i was pretty close to reinstall but then it reminded me of all the shit i hated
>came here looking for answers to this exact question
I need more games where I can have badass lesbians killing the shit out of the bad guys. Why am I such a fucking faggot
I could never bother finishing the main game, dropped right at the start of Act 3.
Exactly like Dyrford, just with a more difficult formation copypasted. The cultists you could probably defeat without per rest abilities or consumables, the Sirens you really can't. I played the level scaled version which probably didn't help, but I haven't been spamming high tier spells so much before.
Nigga you're talking about act 3, the ancient city felt rushed a bit and it was shorter than what I would have liked.
2 has a lot of good fights. There's one in some caves where those kobold things attack you with high level magic and paralyzing arrows on a bridge that fucked me up a couple times, one with a hypnotic mushroom that hurls rocks at you while it sends mindcontrolled spider people to fight you, and the post-story fight where you fight two dragons and a high-level wizard at the same time.
>start game and pick nihilist philosopher as my backstory
>get to the end of the game
>Iovarra drops the "Gods aren't real" plot twist
>my character's only reply is "I KNEW IT"
Best moment.
what can I expect to experience as a White Human Sellsword Paladin?
Trash mobs.