We need to be honest with ourselves

This is a good game. Especially for a fan game, it seems to hit every note it should correctly. Fundamentally it works.

However, there seems to be a large number of people who view this game as a better metroid than Fusion, Zero Mission, or even Super.

Please do not let your hype blind you. I understand that we are all famished for a new 2D metroid. Just because the game works, doesn't mean it's perfect.

I can maybe see someone thinking it is objectively better than Fusion, if they are a metroid traditionalist, but the huge empty rooms, unbalanced bosses, mediocre art and music, and over all lack of polish means that it will never reach the quality of zero mission or especially super.

Realize that if Nintendo put this game out as the next major Metroid, people would throw a shit fit over its quality.

Again, that doesn't make it bad. I really enjoy it. Just don't go around spewing nonsense that it's one of the best metroid games

Other urls found in this thread:


It's one of the beat Metroid games only because it treats it's players with respect and the creator knows what makes a good Metroid game.
Unlike Shitendo.

The intention of the game creator does not make the game any better or worse

>Realize that if Nintendo put this game out as the next major Metroid, people would throw a shit fit over its quality.
It would've been received far better than Federation Force.
If it had been released for the 3DS, none of the target audience would've complained. Maybe there'd be a few people whining about Nintendo rehashing their old games, but what with it being so long since the last 2D Metroid most would completely overlook that.
It's not a perfect game. It is good for what it attempted to do, though. Pity it's completely shut down now.

Prove it.

Super > ZM > AM2R > Fusion > 1 > 2

Do you not realize the game is 90% Nintendo's work, just remade?
All of your complaints about the game should be directed towards the original devs.

No, its Nintendos general level and character design, remade from scratch. Nintendo had nothing to do with the bosses, bugs, music, art, or even level design in the new areas the dev included

Effort or intent ≠ quality

It's got some of the fundamental aspects of Metroid down like atmosphere and exploration. I'd say it's better than ZM in the atmosphere aspect, even. However, there are many things about the level design, music, boss battles and stuff that kinda keeps reminding you that this was made by fans on their spare time. Also, Fusion, for all its faults, nailed the atmosphere part pretty well.

It's a great game and a good way to gain an appreciation for Return of Samus, but it's only a fangame afterall and it kinda shows.

Most of the non-Metroid bossfights were created by the AM2R devs. They also overhauled the Metroid fights to a degree where you can't really say they're the same thing.


unless you can prove Tanabe made Federation Force to piss off old fans your post is full of shit and asspain.

>unbalanced bosses
What? Are they too hard for you? I thought they were the best part of the game
What's the purpose of this thread? Your opinion isn't interesting to anybody. I liked the game and if someone thinks it's the best Metroid game then I'm happy they could enjoy it that much.
Are you afflicted with asperger syndrome?

I really struggled to take a shit this morning. Strained for a good 20min. After all that effort, my shit was still shit.

I wish i could beat you to a bloody pulp you fucking cock sucking nintendrone

Fusion is better than AM2R, get the fuck outta here.

>This post

>mediocre art and music
Really? I played through it and thought they were fine. Never thought any parts looked or sounded messy/unpolished

The art and especially the music is "fine" at best. The sound design in general, aside from the music, is pretty low quality.

>played through it and thought they were fine.

that's the problem. i would never go out of my way to listen to the music from AM2R isolated from the game. a sign of a mediocre ost.

But i do enjoy Fed Force only because it acknowledges Prime 3 and in the end tries to continue it.
But also in no way did it respect what was good about older, successful Metroid titles.
But... you were trying to make shit and succeeded, So congratulations?

no u

I feel the same way for pretty much any Metroid OST with the possible exception of Prime.
Metroid OSTs aren't amazing in general.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with this thread

So Metroid to a t

You're entitled to your opinion, except for the fact that it's shit and you're wrong on almost all points.

AM2R, imo [Opinion Aquired], has awesome music and is pretty faithful to Metroid 2. I'd play it any day over the Gameboy title since it's aged fucking horribly.

It also came out at a time where there weren't any good Metroid games for years. So that's why it's praised as the coming of Jesus.

Fighting Metroids in this is pure shit. I enjoyed the game but the actual Metroid fights were fuck awful.

Point being that effort doesn't equal quality.

>However, there seems to be a large number of people who view this game as a better metroid than Fusion, Zero Mission,

that's not a notable accomplishment

>or super

not even close, holy shit.

What? I'd listen to Castlevania OSTs or even La Mulana's on their own. Metroid OSTs just as good.

Why are Metroid fans the most asspained fanbase of all time? Dozens of other fanbases have been through either the same shit as Metroid, or worse, and you don't see them being as toxic as these manchildren.

>metroid am2r soundtrack
>just as good as Castlevania

now we're reaching pleb overdrive


there's that word again

megaman fans bitch much more even though they have a dozen good games in like every genre at this point

>Metroid OSTs just as good.
*just aren't as good, is what I meant to write.

I never said that. None of the Metroid OSTs are as good as Castlevania's, fanmade or otherwise.

Reminder to support an actual Metroid game instead of Federation Force.

What's so bad about amr2? I mean yeah there were some bugs but besides that I enjoyed the game. But I must mention I played only SM and prime 1&2.

Needed way more environment variety. Everything was just so.... the same.

Even shadow complex was more fun than that.

Megaman fags have seemed to have simmered down lately and stopped being so asspained over Legends 3. Metroid fans have been more active lately after Fed Force and AM2R's takedown.

not an argument, and 100% applies to the Metroid fanbase.

Because there was a period in 00-09 when they had a good amount of releases coming out. The thing that made the current drought worse was the fact that there was no certainty over whether they had shelved the entire series after the bad reception Other M got.

Additionally, you shouldn't confuse the posting you see on the shitposting heaven Sup Forums for a fanbase. Although I doubt you care about that since you already made up your mind and/or are just shitposting yourself.

As a fan who absolutely loves the exploration aspect of Metroid i put it above Fusion without a second thought
But compared to the others i have some issues with this, mostly that after you kill every Metroid in a area you are done with it, feels too much like "you've beat this stage, go to the next one", even Prime 2 had you returning to previous areas after you're already on the next one to get a required upgrade and shit

Axiom Verge is a well-made METROIDvania, but let's be honest here, it's not worth the standard price. Wait for a sale.

A lot of the new stuff is some of the weakest parts.
All the wholly new map additions like the last area and the power bomb sequence are wholly linear and pretty mediocre.
The new item additions don't really do anything for the game at all with power bomb being practically useless and gravity suit doesn't mean much beyond a defence boost.
New bosses are hit or miss. Things like the Tester and Chozo Tank are just wars of attrition where you shove missiles at them as fast as possible and some bosses like Serris are just plain bad.
There's even some spots where you can get stuck and need to reset.

AM2R is really fun and a good metroid game but after the initial buzz wore off and I played it a couple time it's pretty obvious that it's a fan game and I'd still put it below Fusion, Zero Mission, and Super.

>mediocre art and music

don't be fooled, anons. hide thread and move on


The DMCA is in


That aspect was copied almost 1:1 from the original iteration of the game, right down to the earthquakes telling you when you're ready to move on to the next area.


OP is an aspie

That's just sad. Why couldn't they do it why it was still in development.

On Hard, this motherfucker here is one of the hardest bosses i've ever fought.

They probably waited until it was out and spread over the internet. That way they protect their copyright and people could play it. Kinda win-win, but still leaves some bad aftertaste.

>that stupid DMCA
>people still entitled metroid fans are unreasonable
>at the same time, they ignore the shits metroid fans suffered during those years

blind&pretentious people, are you happy now? Pretending to be resourceful just won't make your superior.

Yeah but that's like your opinion man

Messing around in the big areas and doing things in a different sequence every time is my favourite thing in this game. The main cave is pretty boring, but the nonlinearity of the areas is really well done.

>Zero Mission > Fusion
Debatable. AM2R is okay but I've always been a fan of old Metroid so it (nor any Metroid game ever again) will scratch that itch

>Game gives you a hard to use tool
>Expects you to fight a hard boss straight after with no warm up period

Finally a Metroid fan speaking the truth, as opposed to the hordes of retarded Metroidfags.

Nintendo is like that old friend that used to be cool
now it's just some patetic lefty with a wife's son

If this shit were 2.5D and shoveled on the 3DS it would have sold like hotcakes and hailed as Super's successor. Fuck off with your shitty opinion you nintenkiddy sublte shillling scroat.

You can spam jump and you will go up how is that hard to use also is it wrong for doctorm64 to assume you've played other metroid games?
This is a fangame after all.

i ended up not really using it that much. most of the time i fell in the spikes anyway. so i tried to stay on the platforms as long as possible.

>is it wrong for doctorm64 to assume you've played other metroid games
Yes it is.

Its on sale right now

Oh then you're retarded

Not on Steam

neo-Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen

>no game is allowed to be better than Nintendo games if it doesn't have the official Nintendo logo on it

Honestly fuck off.

On 3ds and wiiu it is

Effort and intent may both influence quality in a positive direction. Unlike games where they don't give a shit and care little for details or the universe the game is set in.

Oh boo hoo.
Nintendo was doing the right thing with shutting this piece of shit game down.
They should just shut fan games down in general, Greedy cock suckers trying to use our Ip's for their own use,

I don't care how well the fans hate us for doing this shit, fuck off.

All fangame makers should just fucking kill themselves, greedy unoriginal assholes.

I would snap you in half motherfucker

Neo-v everybody

>but the huge empty rooms
No there aren't. all large rooms are have a lot to explore and find.

>unbalanced bosses
The bosses are great, none were too hard and the ones added all have neat new stuff

>mediocre art
Both are really good, especially the music which has some really strong tracks

>over all lack of polish
That is really one things you can't say about the game, so much effort and thought was put into things. He took great ideas from all the different games and made them work together so well. It is hard to go back to the older games now without the really smooth ledge grabbing, one button for morphball, how easily cycling through stuff is or tow different buttons for directional shooting which allow you to move without turning. He even gaver Samus an idle animation

Someone seems broken. Don't worry you'll be put to good use.

happy now? Its (You)

If it's worse than Zero Mission, it's because of the fundamentally disappointing structure of the original Metroid 2 as a whole, which was disappointingly linear in comparison to the first game. Mechanically, it is just as good if not better than Zero Mission. The mere fact that you can toggle powerups and do charge bombs alone makes it better than Zero Mission.

Fusion had a lot going for it that made up for its rigid structure, general lack of exploration, and linearity. Its atmosphere, sound design, powerup set (including things like ice missiles and diffusion missiles), doing something more unique with Samus' suit. The writing also gave us a good look into Samus's personality, without her being totally broken by it like what happened in Other M (which is basically a shittier version of Fusion in nearly every respect). As such, while I feel that Fusion could have been a little less rigid and somewhat failed as a metroid game as a result, especially when compared to the likes of Super and Zero Mission, it was still a decent game.

That said, AM2R is better than Fusion. Despite also being more linear than Super or Zero, it's not nearly as rigid as Fusion is, and there is a LOT of bonus content you can find, and a LOT for you to explore. Fusion felt like you were being led down a path, but AM2R feels like you're delving deeper of your own accord, and that it doesn't stop you from exploring at your own leisure is an important point. Furthermore, the lore and writing of the setting, via the scans and logbook, feel done better than in Fusion.

I couldn't get into this game at all. AM2R feels like the dev really understood what makes a metroid game work, all the little quirks and how to improve them. AV just doesn't, even basic stuff like the weapons just aren't enjoyable and take too long to kill anything.

Also the MC looks awful, I swear he must be a self insert of the dev

No, that's a sign of your taste not aligning well with what is offered, not a sign of being mediocre.

Nice argument

find better place to squander your time, see ya.

I like the game, except for the fact that trying to control movement with the analog stick feels a tad awkward. It's like the game is too sensitive to even the slightest angle variations, so aiming directly up or straight ahead or even just crouching down is harder than it has to be.

Anyone notice anything like this? It could also be that I'm just incompetent with it.

>linear and pretty mediocre.
Metroid has had linear moment before, fusion in general is a very linear game. And still the areas he added are at worse passable, stuff like the escape after getting the bombs are pretty strong sections especially that last moment. The whole water bit which leads to the quick travel stuff makes traveling around at the later stages much easier and less tedious.

>The new item additions don't really do anything for the game
If you try to use them more they aren't, and if you don't want to just skip them. Also the power bomb is great for clearing rooms. plus he actually added a lot to the controls which makes using everything a much smoother experience in general

>New bosses are hit or miss.
Metroid bosses are hit or miss, the bosses he added are more interesting they ones usually and a neat spin on what they were before. If you didn't know what was in M2 before they feel completely natural

> it's pretty obvious that it's a fan game
No not really, the only big thing you can really hold against it are the glitches that he was trying to fix. It is much better quality than most metroidvania

>Realize that if Nintendo put this game out as the next major Metroid, people would throw a shit fit over its quality.
I wouldn't complain about its quality, but I would I would be annoyed that Nintendo wasted their time with yet another unnecessary remake instead of making a Fusion sequel.

Super > Metroid > Metroid 2 >Fusion

>powerup set
It was just all the same stuff from super, apart from ice + diffusion missiles the last one being added pretty late

>Realize that if Nintendo put this game out as the next major Metroid, people would throw a shit fit over its quality.

I could have told you that. Given how little federation force is probably going to sell it sure makes you wonder just how many of it's haters actually played it.

ZM would be better if it had AM2R control scheme, playing it feels so archaic now

What about it feels archaic? The aiming?

The controls. Do you realise just how many little addition AM2R has? ZM doesn't even let you grab ledges until you find the upgrade

Hence the point of grabbing the upgrade

git gud

Great advice user, pick me up the press one button for morphball and being able to walk back while shooting forward while you are at it

Opinion discarded

It's a remake of the original game. Be thankful you can grab ledges at all.

I know another metroid remake, this one has a better control scheme from the start

this entire thread is cancer
there's nothing left to say about AM2R, nintendo is a shit company and they fucked their fans because of nippon pride and "le IP laws :^)"
please stop making these shit threads

What a rebuttal. Here's your (You).

Said secondary remake had the knowledge and ideas of Zero Mission to use a baseline hence why the game was even designed with ability to do so from the start.

Does that change the fact am2r is an improvement? I mean my whole original point was ZM feels archaic in comparison

Plus I don't think anywhere he said that ZM was used as the baseline, just metroid in general, you know like how a normal sequel or remake is done

Most of AM2R's flaws come from slavish imitation of the original game. Big empty obstacle rooms, repetitive metroid fights and some of the more dull environmental stuff are all a result of trying a little too hard to replicate Metroid 2. Nothing there is able to detract from the overall high quality of the game though.

The brand new stuff, and the way that later additions to the series like speed booster are integrated, are excellent, and the controls are probably best in series.