If Witcher 3 is really a good game then how do you explain this?

If Witcher 3 is really a good game then how do you explain this?

You have terrible taste in video games and prefer being railroaded and deemed stupid.

>being railroaded and deemed stupid.
Sounds like Shitcher aright


This is actually a serious question. Are you autistic?

>railroaded and deemed stupid

Literally Witcher 3's opening.

But that's true for both games user, the point was to explain the difference not the similarities.

Now I know Witcherfags are retarded and have trouble understanding simple rhetoric, but jesus fuck man stop and think for a second before you post.

Witcher 3's own 'BatVision' was a flaw, true. I know you're just shitposting but let's be completely frank here.

Fallout 4 is a 4/10, while Witcher 3 is an 8.5/10.

it's called "autism"

Because you can't appreciate an actually good open world and you don't have the attention span needed to acquire and complete side-missions that have more depth than the autistically easy ones in Fallout 4.

Your loss, really.

You're a faggot, I guess.

Todd's Steam account?

The guy who took this screenshot is a cuck?

>No combat variety
>Dialogue is mostly fluff and choices don't matter for 90% of them
>Braindead objectives and interactions
>Ohhhh but it looks pretty and it tells me my character is awesome so I can be a faggot and self-insert
Fuck off, W3 is a 5/10 at best, and that's being generous on how big a factor the prettier graphics are.

First post best post.

Do you have Asperger's syndrome?

Witcher is a better version of Assassin's Creed, that's it

Does not change the fact that Fallout 4 is terrible.

Made me reply.

todd pls go

Literally the only thing bad in W3 was the combat.

No user, I've read actual books and stories that aren't childish tripe like W3 so it's writing completely fails to impress and the game has literally nothing else going for it.
>B-but I really liked my Twilight tier fiction, you're just a contrarian autist!
Whatever makes you feel better about that shit taste, user.


>Geralt edgily mumbling "just fuck my shit up" in his monotonous voice

>buy soda for 12 bucks
>Drink it
>Find out it's truly worth one cap

>worthless copypaste POI everywhere
>terrible character and horse movement
>80% of the quests are "follow the glowing red clues"
>awful game balance and enemy scaling
>awful item scaling and loot randomization
>no dungeons or any place of interest outside of the populated areas
>utter shit gameplay
>utter shit character progression
>the main plot is laughably bad like it was thought up by a twelve-year-old
>shitty UI made for gamepads

And combat is like 90% of the game, that makes W3 weak.

What other games have you played in your life user? Skyrim? DA:I? I can only imagine the kind of shit you must have experienced to think W3 is an example of good vidya.

W3 is an interactive movie and the interactions are awful, good vidya indeed.

You like one game more than the other and I respect that, even though I prefer Witcher.

I've probably read more books than you, actually good ones, like classic literature, instead of young adult fiction or Stephen King or whatever edgy shit you read

And I fucking love Witcher 3's story

Not everything has to be deep and intricate, video games aren't art you fucking neckbeard

Video game stories only need to be entertaining

>Classic literature
>Actually good
Why out yourself as a hipster retard user? Why the fuck would you do that?
>Stephen King
Hah, and a retarded strawman to boot, truly a patrician of reading.

>And I fucking love W3's story
Okay, good for you. That's like saying you're a food critic and love eating shit, this proves literally fuck all
>Hurrrr food analogies
You don't deserve better, you don't get better.
>Video game stories need only be entertaining
Oh fuck off you demented mongoloid, that's just you saying 'I liked it so it's good' and that's not a fucking argument you pissant.

simplest explanation is you have shit taste

i can't speak for the quality of the witcher because i've yet to play of the witcher games, but fallout 4 is a disaster of a game
terrible plot, retarded side quests, every faction is stupid, randomly generated weapons that are almost always garbage (and if they're not, they're overpowered) instead of proper uniques, terrible voice acting for the protag, half baked settlement system that doesn't even let you properly build on the slightest incline, every ghoul has hair and those weird eyes, i could go on for hours
fallout 4 is a disgrace and it makes fallout 3 look amazing in comparison
fallout 4 is the last 60+ dollar game i bought and it'll be the last one i ever buy
absolutely horrible

You're memeing way too hard in your shitty post

I'll just leave you with this, you're a waste of time - video game stories only need to be entertaining

Witcher 3's story is entertaining

Therefore it's good for what it's in, a fucking video game

Video games are not art and never will be

shit taste

Shit taste can't be fixed.

Oh wow are we finally allowed to reveal the truth about The Witcher 3 now?

It's like the worst parts of Ubisoft and Bethesda open world games combined together. And even the best parts would make for a poor game.

>I-I'll just call his post a meme, that'll show him!
If you have no arguments just leave the stage with some dignity user, that was pathetic.

>I'll just repeat that it's good because I had fun! Waaaaahhhhhhh
Seriously buddy, you know you need to be 18+ to post here right? And you have no excuse to be acting this childish past that age.

I agree with you but W3 makes Fallout 4 look amazing in comparison

Well user its because you have shit taste.

you have to be a retard for this. no sane person can spend that time on fallout 4 garbage.

>its anothee thebull thread

W3 is that but without settlements and with awful controls, especially when running there's a 1.5 second delay on input changes like stopping, even on the so called 'fixed' movement.

At least in fallout you have difference in melee and ranged, and different weapons are slightly different in how you use them. W3 has swords, and all of them are exactly the same, you can literally beat the game in the nude without weapons as well, on the hardest difficulty at that, and it's trivial to do so. Every activity in the game rewards you with armor, weapons or potions, all of which are completely optional and mostly useless.

If you think Witcher 3 is better than Fallout 4 you are objectively wrong.
You literally can't prove this to be anything but the truth.

Retards exist.

Reading classical literature doesn't make you a hipster, hating a game for being popular and 10/10 does though. Admit it, Todd. You're jeaulous.

We you dont like w3 so you look up every ocasion you can to slander it.

So? Bethesda and Fallout have better brand recognition amongst shit-eating normie cucks, so more people play it. Doesn't make it a better game.

>You're a retard if you like that garbage normie trash over this garbage normie trash

>Reading classical literature doesn't make you a hipster
Bragging about it like it makes you something special does, dumbass. Classical literature and the quality thereof is highly dependent on your locale, and even the best classical literature isn't beyond criticism, but dumb hipster faggots will just say "muh classic literature, end of argument heh" as if that means something.

>Hating a game for being popular
Another retarded strawman, good job faggot


>all these fags thinking witcher combat sucks

You can clearly spot the retards who never played witcher 1 nor 2, this series was never about the combat.

And FO4 exploring is boring but still better than W3

kek gave me a good laugh

W1 at least had you plan ahead, prepare for fights and potions were mandatory, as was having the right equipment.

Dialogue mattered and the plot wasn't full retard, which also helped, and the controls weren't awful tripe.

Just fuck off mate "they did it wrong too" is not an argument to prove something is good you fucking child.

>Fallout 4 has exact same issues described only worse
>Doesn't even look pretty


best game ever LOL ;)

Yes, hence I accepted FO4 being a 4/10 you dumb nigger, if you think graphics matter to the point of raising W3 any higher then you're retarded.

>best combat in a rpg
>still bad

I refunded witcher, piece of poop white knight simulator.

Those kinds of roleplaying games are for artists no offence.

I like Normie games like battlefield, skyrim and star citizen

>potions were mandatory

Not even on hard difficulty, buddy. You had to install a mod that adds extra challenge for them to actually become mandatory.

>Le Witcher is white knight simulator XDDD
>Plays the most cucked and shitty FPS series on the market now

That was W3, user.

Otherwise I don't know how you played W1, you must have grinded yourself retarded for potions to not matter.

Why can't CDPR make good games?



that's not kh2fm dumb frogposter

This has become a case of pot calling the kettle black user. You really need to stop.


This is ridiculous.

thebull please

Almost done with the second short story book, sword of destiny. Can't wait to replay all the withcher games.

You don't have to read the novels cause they are mainly about geralt and ciri. But i'm planning on picking them up eventually. But the two short story books, last wish and sword of destiny explains a lot of events, characters, the world, cities etc.

Witcher 3 makes a lot of refrences to these two books. Like "Geralt, The Butcher of Bleviken". If you haven't read you don't know why geralt is called that by others ingame.

Can't wait to fully understand the refrences in the games. Hoping i'll enjoy the games more than i did long ago.

Why do people do this?

I wonder what Sup Forums's reaction would have been to tw3 if it had been released 10 years ago and had gone unnoticed by the masses, yet a game like vtmb had been released today and received universal acclaim?



Kek, Witchercucks can't even use spoilers properly

Witcherdrones should kill themselves

Fallout 4 just shat out some DLC, it's obvious more people are going to be playing that

Try again in a week when everyone forgets about Nuka World

shit tastes

Jesus fuck this is like the SJW's calling everyone that disagrees with them a goobleygoober.

What happened to you user? How did you turn into this?

I really don't like Witcher. I've played all 3, but I can never get more than 5-8 hours into them. This will hurt to read, but I even prefer Dragon Age over Witcher, they're just not my kind of games man. I'm glad other people enjoy them, and I hope more people buy Witcher games to support CDPR, because I hope with all my being that they can make a good Cyberpunk RPG with CP2077, especially since they have the one guy who made the original Tabletop Cyberpunk working with them on it, which is cool. And even if Cyberpunk 2077 sucks, I hope it at least revitalizes an interest in cyberpunk at large. Seriously.

I can dig some RPGs man, playing a character and leveling and going through story and all that, but I'm just a Monhun and DMC/Bayo kind of guy. I just want a good Cyberpunk game in the end man.

>Dragon Age
>A game where everyone's a tranny, everyone's gay and there's dindus in supposed medieval europe
>Better than The Witcher 3

>M-muh cybahpank
Truly the furries of video games. Fuck off.

cyberpunk is for homosexuals

>Implying there's no dindus and gays in W3
W3 fags being in denial as usual.

bad taste

How come the Witcher 3 GOTY meme didn't save it ?

Kids, legitimate mentally ill people and/or fanboys of other series

There's also the "Bigger bitch than Anthony Burch" retard and that rugarel guy

Every single character in The Witcher 3 is white and there aren't any gays

user I'm pretty sure he was talking about you and not the images you posted, because by now you've posted those images as often as the posts in those images.

You need help.

You spent 8 hours playing Fallout 4 and 983 hours configuring mods for it.

You spent 8 hours playing Witcher 3.

>inb4 100% crossdressers are gay

There's several gays and the expansions specifically added black people you dumb nigger.
>B-but those were only the expansions
Which only makes the pandering even worse you dumb fuck.

But Witcher 3 GOTY edition came out a few days ago user


So? How is it any different

There aren't any gays you fucking idiot

And the expansions didn't add any blacks, what the fuck are you talking about?

Movement is disgusting. I can't walk up stairs if my life depended on it

>W3 fag too retarded to realize the claim works for both W3 and FO4
W3fags really are morons.

>user I'm pretty sure he was talking about you and not the images you posted
This is even more ridiculous. No, I was quite obviously talking about the person in the images.

It's fine user, you believe what you must. I'd feel bad for crushing such childish fantasies.

Then you're retarded user, but that's fine, carry on.

Just want to point out that those posts in the image haven't been around in weeks, while this faggot keeps posting his image every other day while accusing everyone of being some bull guy or what not.

But hey, you're clearly retarded so you can't help saying stupid shit, it's fine.