>dude get on mic
Dude get on mic
Other urls found in this thread:
>keeps mic on
>moaning and wet noises can be heard in the background
r u ok
>dude get off the vent or I'll have you bent
are you ok
>there are people literally so autistic that they can't talk over the Internet
Nigga they can't even see you. I'm awkward af irl and I can do it. Be a man.
Are you okay
I could literally bust a fat load across the backside of your neck at blinding speeds
>You are fucking pathetic
You realize you are talking about yourself?
>pretended to be a girl
>"hey you should totally get on skype"
Probably fisting his own ass then.
I'm with you. That shit is getting old and it's annoying as fuck
I'm not the one afraid of talking over the fucking internet.
Fuck you sissy little men.
why are people who watch anime so scared to talk with people online? I swear there is a correlation between watching anime and being anti social.
also, when you bully them, they cut off all contact and act like they killed themselves or actually did. shits so sad.
Blow it out your ass
the internet is loud, user.. how are you going to talk over all that noise?
Look listen bitch boy I have the entire knowledge to do so, during which it can minimize time. Don't test the waters wet
>even online
What? Why wouldn't that be the case?
Are you ok user ?
>dude let's make the same thread over and over
I kinda hate my accent and I feel people won't understand me when im speaking.
>actually a girl
>crazy in the head so I get panic attacks when people give me attention
>play vidya all day because its the only place where I can convince myself that am a normal person
>get on mic for raid
>suddenly 39 white knights are asking me if am having fun, how was my day, if I have a boyfriend
>block everyone
Epic erp attempt
>actually a girl
>I swear there is a correlation between watching anime and being anti social.
No. Fucking. Shit. It's the same with videogames, though, it's escapism. Only thing is that videogames have become more socially accepted, so the beta fuccboi ratio isn't as bad as with weebs.
>One fag nobody liked keeps asking people to get on skype
>Would only talk about what he was currently doing, talk over everybody, turn every conversation about himself and claims he had aspergers
>im le insane xd
come on now.
Cause it's 39 people who probably have little to no female contact, sounds like you want understanding for being socially awkward yourself but don't want to extend that respect to anyone else.
>my post gets deleted
>this autistic anime erp trash thread doesn't
>crazy in the head
Do you feel in charge?
maybe you need a nap, user
you seem mad
>"fuck me, who's this then"
>"hi - im the new guy"
>everyone talking at the same time
>recognize words "deep voice" "radio voice"
>"hey hey! can you say this?"
>say the thing
>"wow dude well welcome to the guild man"
>start talking shop
>begin 4 year venture with guild mates, most of whom I actually met IRL
This happens more often than not.
Flipside is people sometimes think I'm like 40 and American.
>raiding with guild
>item I want drops
>they give it to somebody else
>other item also drops
>same guy gets it
>"sorry user, he reserved them on skype"
>a bunch of other people /gquit
>guild that had a 100 active members dies within the week
Fucking skype/TS cliques ruin every game
>I get panic attacks when people give me attention
>But I have no problems revealing that I'm 'actually' a girl on Sup Forums
Yeah I need to le epic erp with you guys to feel better about myself x d
>"Dude get on mic"
>get on mic
>"Dude what's with that accent"
>Proceed to play normally
It's not that hard really.
stop posting the same thread every day weeb
your autism won't get any better
*nuzzles u* rawr xD
You're a grown man. Think about that.
how is this going to get me off, user?
It ain't that. For me it's my setup being a pain for voice, and preferring to type
>get on mic
>talk with some guy before the raid a bit, he's really friendly
>raid going pretty good
>rare item drops, only me and the guy I talked to are eligible to wear it
>that friendly guy forfeited his roll on the item because he wanted me to have it
>after raid, go do some quests
>the guy decides to follow, being really friendly and helpful
>thank him for letting me have the item
>he gets flirty after some time
>I tell him I'm not into guys
>he is actually a girl with a boyish voice
you really are butthurt LMAO
>nobody coordinates in Red Orchestra 2 because they're all in TeamSpeak
I don't get it, why not use the game chat?
>always play as a girl
>talk in chat as a girl
>can't ever get close to anyone because my voice is too deep to easily do a feminine voice
This board is /vgbt/ half the time anyways
You got me
Act like that in real life instead of being le introvert. Please.
I've always wanted to try out one of those ERP steam threads.
I wanna comfort all of you insecure as fuck """qt""" traps.
Are you implying I'm not cute, user?
Oh you're into public stuff.. user?
>act the same way IRL than on the internet
>log in
>bunch of guys saying hello and asking how am i
>try to get past small talk to play the game
>guys still prod away with questions
>say I gotta go afk for now, so I can't talk
>3 of them find out where I am and fly to me
>they just sit there or dance
>just stare at my screen contemplating making a new character to get these faggots off me
>using mic and talking normaly
>"lol dude say something funny"
>"yeah dude tell a joke"
>"Not in the mood"
>"sure okay"
>get vote kicked
Post the image of the two hairy old men erping. Pretty much sums up this thread
>Things that never happened.
The charade's gotta come down at some point user
>Get on mic
>Tough manly player gets on vent
>Probably 6'0" bear mode IRL
>Yells at me in his deep voice
> get the fuck on vent faggot!
>get really high
>put on some video games
>crack a doritos
>turn on the scuba mic
>get yelled at for 10 seconds then get votekicked
every time.
Nah, I'm just implying these traps are very insecure and just need some loving because they don't get loving in real life.
But I don't care what happens or who you are outside the screen. All I care about is what's inside the little chat log.
That's very noble, user.
I can respect that.
>be really friendly in a fps game
>everyone is getting along despite killing each other
>received a friend invite
>talk some
>before I leave the other person tells me they will be at the hospital tomorrow which means today
Fuck, I didn't know how to respond. Hope it's not the last time I see that person because he seemed cool.
>have a deep manly voice
>look like a scrawny milkshake
whats the best way to imitate a girl gamer to get gifts
Leave Discord or whatever the fuck you're using.
Bam, done.
Are you a qt trap, user?
not if ur a girl fag
>Female avatar
>Do lots of "
but I'm also pretty self confident in myself.
>user get on mic
>"S-sorry my mic is broken!"
>Then go buy one
>"But i want to buy cute clothes first!"
You little shit, Galkin. I will fucking destroy you
I know that feel, I usually make my voice higher when talking to people I like
Post the rest pls
>Get on mic
>Hold on a second
>Turn my mic on
>Make a lot of noise in the background
>Start shouting that I can't find my microphone
>Ask, to no one in particular, where it is
>Can hear people shouting at me over my headphones that it's already in
>Come over to investigate
>"Hey guys, it's already in, imagine that!"
>get vote-kicked
Send them a message saying "hope everything goes fine"?
>don't have a mic
>genuinely have an excuse for not talking
master troller xD
Rate my girl voice
Benj, you're still mad about that?
This is why you should talk with people to their faces.
>be fully hairy baramode 6'2
>soft quiet voice
>wish I was a petite girl
I went with "take care!" it really caught me off guard, never expected that.
Traps are shit
Femboys are better
Fight me
>doing quests
>see this guy, notice he's from our guild(which is huge btw)
>greet him and ask if we could do some quests together
>some time afterwards, ask him if he could get on the ventrillo chat room I'm in to pass the time talking
>he is shy, but eventually agrees after I encourage him
>his voice is soft and kind of high pitched, almost thought he was a girl at first
>he gets embarrased after I said his voice sounded girly
>told me to not tease him like that
>keep doing some quests
>I keep tanking and he keeps healing me
I've never fallen for it myself, but it's pretty easy to do it to others who don't know you're a guy. Always played a NE Female Prot Warrior, so I just had to unequip all my gear down to the underwear and then pretend I'm some stupid, ERP slut to get lots of gold back in Vanilla. It became a joke in the guild.
MMOs don't have voice chat usually, what game are you talking about?
>Get on mic
>Black Americans keep trying to mimic my accent, saying words like cunt and mate all the fucking time
Fucking wankers, would you ghetto wannabes like it if I screamed ooga booga into the mic whenever you talked?
>both roll need
>he wins
Get over it user, he fucking won the item. Fuck, even his friend got it and sent it to him, that's what you get for not having any friends.
Don't you always posts in these sorts of threads? I always hear your voice
Post butt and steam ID so i can bully you
If you bang your male healer it makes you as gay as him.
You can call them niggers, it's cool
It's ok my brother, I am the same. It is a curse we must bear. Stay strong, my friend. It's all we can do