our boy pritchard gonna come back
Our boy pritchard gonna come back
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oh shit waddup
So the other half of the game will be all the DLC?
Might as well wait for the complete edition.
well fuck i guess i will just hold back on purchasing the game until all the dlc is out so i can enjoy an actually full experience
How much will it be? I only know that Season Pass is complete ass. Wouldn't be surprised if it would be cheaper to buy story DLCs alone. Might be the first time I'll buy DLC.
Judging after Day One DLC mission (that one that came with pretty much every copy) it won't be part of campaign, but could be picked at any time from main menu (separate from campaign).
>So the other half of the game will be all the DLC?
That was the plan all along. See the new Hitman.
Publishers have become so kikerish that they will release only half of the game at full price at launch and then sell you the other half for additional $60.
But... The new Hitman isn't that at all. It's just $60. Everyone knew that going in.
What was his fucking problem though?
He works in IT, do it long enough and you'll start to hate everyone.
Lava wall let senior trjon throu.
Ariba mother fucker.
He wasn't Adam
I love how jensen and prichard hate each other at the start of HR, but become best bros at the end.
Reminder that he was the only one being honest with you.
"You don't "fix" a firewall Jensen"
I hope you can romance him.
Actually was there any point in fortifying?
Pritchard, Malik, and Eliza are the crew Jensen deserves.
Eliza is the cutest though.
>not Malik
user, come to my office, your best-girl sensors seem to be off.
I'm going to buy it and there's nothing you ccan do you stop me
Not at the start. Fortifying gives you more time, but do it after you trip the search.
We anime now?
Will he ever return?
Will hunt you dreams and be super spoookey.
Was he "our" guy?
>Might as well wait for the complete edition.
Certainly what I am doing.
What's up with that anime artstyle though?
Also, didn't Pritchard get a comic or something?
Not that it matters. Adam Jensen died in Panchaea. You're just some loser dressed up like him.
Are DLCs or Director's Cut worth it when I already have original HR?
you might like the missing link, it resets all your shit and kind of forces a stealthy run of the area on you but it's a bit short, although it's on sale for like $3 and shit all the time so it's really on you whether or not it's worth it
>Not that it matters. Adam Jensen died in Panchaea. You're just some loser dressed up like him.
It all make sense!
Is there a mod that makes it not reset your shit in the Directors cut? That shit is so annoying and just breaks the flow.
get gud
Is that Deus Ex animu or something?
>We live in a cyberpunk reality with all the negative shit but none of the cool aesthetic
Worst timeline.
Good ol Nucl3arSnake
Square needs to pull their finger out and start releasing a new final fantasy game every year.
Jesus Christ
we're not even close to cyberpunk yet
Literally Impossible.
Why do you guys say the game looks bad?
This is the problem with MD
No animu girls with gun mags.
what's this? Found it in VersaLife's vault
Could he be
>dlc that most likely originally was part of the game
fucking kikes I'm not gonna buy shit from you
>buy the electro resist and get her to typhoon the electric generators
>run away and turn on the gas
>In order to get Dev commentary this time you need to look for these
>story dlc
>literally one month after release
welcome to Deus Ex as a AAA series, the fun is over
All links are on wikia.
I can never tell if they want the grays to actually be aliens or what.
Should have waited for the GOTY edition
>game barely out
>DLC already announced
>ingame cash shop
>short AF
Yeah i'm done with this series.
>Mass surveillance
>High technology (internet, cellphones) available to the lower class
>Mass police brutality
>Increasing unemployment due to the rise of automation
We just don't have double-decker cities (never happening), neon lights everywhere (never happening, marketing execs have found that simple flat colors draw better business), flying cars (never happening for obvious reasons), androids (maybe), and artificial limbs/nanomachines that further a class divide (maybe).
>All links are on wikia.
It's not in the game so it's shit
The hero we deserve and need.
What the fuck is that artstyle? Did they commission it from some animu fanartsit from deviantart?
in directors cut you can just hit her with the stun gun a few times and she dies.
what are those anyway, I can't be assed to install their stupid app
seethere's a reason it resets everything, part of the plot, don't see how that breaks the flow and you sound like you're probably shit at stealth huh
what the fuck is that shitty tumblr tier art?
what the fuck?
Francis drew it himself.
Thematically we're there. Technologically and aesthetically we're a ways off.
dev commentary . and secret missions in the game
Fucking dropped
>Excuse me, but time is money, and money is Final Fantasy XV.
Is this included in the season pass? Or something different altogether
>>We just don't have double-decker cities (never happening), neon lights everywhere (never happening, marketing execs have found that simple flat colors draw better business)
Please explain these. I thought neon lights are beautiful.
yes, this and the 2nd DLC are included
It is.
>not waiting for the entire trilogy + dlc
fuck the current industry
I have no good pc or console to run this game but loved the fuck out of human revolution and the first deus ex.
Is Malik dead or alive? Is she mentioned? What about pritchard in the main story? I'm fine with spoilers.
Also why the fuck does jensens hgead look so big compared to hr?
>mass police brutality
maybe if you live in africa you retard
I just wanted moonbase dlc...
I hope they remake the first one while keeping intact the original story.
>at the toilet
where anime belongs desu
>pause game, get out phone
>download app
>gotta make a fucking square enix user account
>finally get it done
>'you have unlocked concept art'
fucking mad
and I'm even madder now that I've opened this thread, and seen that DLC is out WITHIN A FUCKING MONTH, on top of the game being smaller than HR
squeenix had a good track record for a while as publishers, but they have become utter shit now
>Sarif was accidentally fucking him and Jensen in the backdoor the whole time
I'm still not sure who to blame. A lot of incompetence all around with security, costed a lot of lives and wasted a lot of time.
>on top of the game being smaller than HR
I'd say it's about the same. Clearing out Prague and doing all the side missions really fleshes out the game.
If you're some sort of ADD faggot who rushes the main quest, of course it seems short.
I can't wait to get a highend pc and replay it. I bet it looks beautiful
you are me to the t
now go take a shit
does that still technically trigger an alarm since the timer started in the first place? they're not very clear on what accounts for triggering shit from the start
>original game intact: learn the truth about what happened to adam jensen! meet paul's secret informant: none other than francis pritchard!
>prequel tie-in story dlc
>zenith 10mm dlc skin for pistol
>updated design, original design plus a gold and black version is dlc
hire me, squeenix
Look harder. I found a Manga Monthly magazine at one point. Don't quite remember where.
What does it mean? The coordinates turn out to be a park in Zurich
>replaying hr
>all hacking auggs early on
>mfw after missing link I'm 4 augs away from a complete jensen on new game and have almost 100 of both worms and nukes
jesus fuck too much xp
Do you remember the early 2000s, when everything was vibrant and every company's logo had something to set it apart from each other? And do you notice that nowadays that every company has the same minimalist logo and every high tech corporation uses nothing but the color white in its designs and marketing?
Marketing people found that minimalist shit is simply easier to sell on people because it's universally appealing. Sure, there are people who prefer bright lights and complex designs, but there's not many people out there who get offended by the sight of a white cube.
Double-decker cities aren't happening because they're a design nightmare and there will never be enough upper class people to make the infrastructure costs for that sort of thing viable. Cities sprawl a lot because it's cheaper to build outwards than it is to renovate existing buildings to have more room as people come to the city.
Are there any other kind of games like this? I've never played them
Yeah I know it's from a cuck, but it shows how retarded SE is.
>2nd DLC is A Criminal Past
Calling it right fucking now
2nd DLC is going to be about Chikane
Made a big deal about him in prequel footage, then there was literally no characterization or story for him ingame, they left it all out so they could gouge us with DLC
These canned animations are great
That sucks. At least I can put neon outside my window and pretend...
I had a little chuckle when he appeared
Malik is alive (or heavily implied to be)
Pritchard doesn't appear in person, but Sarif mentions him, and he also appears in an ebook hidden in adam's apartment.