What is your favorite video game genre and why?
What is your favorite video game genre and why?
Fighting, you don't level up the character, you level up yourself as you learn facets of the game.
RPG because I'm shit at everything else.
Fighting with friends
RPG alone
I just like doing cool combos and controlling a character directly
RPG because i'm an autist
Rougelikes, duh.
city sim and strategy
Life sim, gives me a glimpse of the life I could've had
Racing cos fast
i don't have any favourite but which i prefer to play is
>open world
Even though I'm absolutely terrible at them
Atmospheric and tense, where you need a good balance of clever strategic thinking and split second instinct to survive.
Also basically an entire genre centered around causing mischeif.
Life sim (not like sims. more like animal crossing, harvest moon, fantasy life, etc.)
>Submarine sim
I need examples of this.
I don't really have a conscious favorite, I play whatever looks interesting, but my top 5 is mostly RPGs and action RPGs with a shooter on top.
RPG easily.
What would Super Monkey Ball 1&2 be considered?
What if we invented a new genre
1) ARPGs
2) 3D platformers
3) Arcade racing games
4) Puzzle-VNs
5) Turn Based Strategy
Also anyone who says JRPG is a retard since its not a genre.
silent hunter
Stealth and Musical
Now that I think about, has there been a Stealth game with music mechanics?
Open world ain't a game genre.
>favorite video game genre
Top-down RPG. 2D fighting too, but top-down RPG more.
Because when it comes to my favorite games in history, the ones that have given me the most (((fun))) while playing them and the most memorable stories and characters, they have been of this genre.
Going fast is cool, cars are cool, pulling hectic skidz is cool.
Also its a genre that, as far as I'm aware, is completely untouched by the gaming/gender politics shitstorm. All the Arthur Gies' and Austin Walkers of the world are too bad at them to care. Everyone in them is either dressed head to toe in fireproof overalls and a helmet or is a blur as you drive past them so there's no tiresome MUH CENSURSHIP bullshit on the other side either.
On the other hand most modern racing games are unfinished early access trainwrecks or autistic sims, leaving that comfy simcade level in the middle. Oh well, on with emulating obscure japanese ps2 racing games then...
>flight sim, space sim, train sim, subm sim not all falling under the general category of vehicular sim/realsim
I didn't know open world was a genre.
1. Horror.
2. Stealth.
3. Fighting.
4. Sport
Roguelikes, strategy, stealth (though I haven't played one in ages), sometimes RPGs.
It's not really a genre, but I'm also really particularly fond of games that go full-out on unique/atypical mechanics, music, visual design, etc., like Shadow of the Colossus or Journey.
Where's beatemups and action adventure games?
I mean there are some stealth games where you can turn on radios and shit to mask your noise or distract people.
but never a rhythm stealth game as far as I know.
beatemups fall under the general category of Fighting games, action-adventure probably gets put under RPG
1. Strategy/Resource Management/Tycoon games
2. Shooters with depth (like RO)
4. Racing
Immersive Sims.
Because what's more of a manifestation of the potential of Vidya then being dropped into a world and creating your own path?
>mfw Looking Glass will never come back
>action-adventure probably gets put under RPG
huh? how is something like Uncharted an RPG?
What are some good music games? By musical do you mean stuff like Project Diva?
Action puzzle?
the combat in Batman Arkham games are designed so the fights have a rhythmic pace.
Any game in which you have to dodge an enemy's sight by running across when he's not looking at the right moment could be argued as rhythm
Action games focus on combat
Adventure games focus on puzzle solving
RPG's focus of combat and puzzle solving
Though one could easily argue Uncharted is a shooting game or even a platformer
That'd be the dream
I mean stuff like Rhythm Heaven, Elite Beat Agents, Rock Band, PaRappa, Necrodancer.
JRPG can be considered a subgenre, a form of RPG that sacrifices openness and customization for the sake of characterization and plot.
Roguelikes, shmups, 4Xs, hectic 3rd person action games.
Complex turn based games or fast paced real time games in short.
That kind of 90s game design was and still is really sweet, I like how they tried to capture the spirit of pen and paper rpgs even in games that weren't rpgs. They generally weren't perfect in terms of balance but were just really fun to get into.
Where do hack n' slash games fit on this?
Anyway rpg and adventures
>no RTS
an idiot made that, I can tell
Fighting games because if you fuck up you can't blame your team, only yourself sometimes you just get out played and have to rethink your play style
It's honest
strategy is on the list though
Rts and tbs play completely differently though
T. Love tbs, hate rts
It only says strategy you retard, besides strategy is the genre, RTS or TBS are only subgenres.
Either shooter, racing, or stealth. I'll go with racing since it's the least popular genre, I think.
1. City Sim
2. RPG
3. Fighter
4. Life Sim
5. Strategy
Raising Sim is my absolute favourite but it's a dead genre.
What if nice quads
1) old platformers because immediate fun
2) some rpgs because if done right can be an excellent experience
3) few open worlds because if done right give you a sense of freedom and wonder
What is Paragon under?
Because progression and permadeath.
>shmup not even on list
>fighter not even on list
>not even a blanket term like 'arcade' on list
I think the quads is a message from above telling us to go through with this
No it can't. It literally means "a RPG made in Japan".
Exact same way WRPG isn't a genre.
I'm not the fella you're responding to.
But yeah, JRPG is not only where an RPG is made, but usually a general stylistic choice, usually with party mechanics. It's definitely not it's only genre, it falls under the umbrella of RPG, but it's a sub genre of RPGS.
Sport > Life Sim > City Sim > Platformer > RPG > Stealth > Fighting > Adventure > Musical > Racing > Open World > Roguelike > Horror
I'm not completely sure, but I would say platformers.
It is a very flexible genre, you can easily innovate when it comes to mechanics and settings. And it also allows other genres into it (rpg, stealth, hack&slash, puzzle), so they never get old (while on the other hand, shooters can change a lot of stuff, but they always feel either quakeish, or codish)
Beat-em-ups, because they're fun even though most other genres have lost their luster to me.
Used to be FPS's before they went full console during the seventh gen.
Now it's RPGs.
Let's not get into this again user.
Though you are right.