>Come on Vito, don't you wanna join the Mafia Two?
Honestly, what the fuck?
>Come on Vito, don't you wanna join the Mafia Two?
Honestly, what the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ellie, we truly are The Last of Us
That was unnecessary.
>The worst board is Sup Forums - Video Games
Really moot?
>welcome to morrowind
>The ancient world engulfed by Total War, Rome too
do you guys actually think this is funny every single time?
it's funny the one time you see it, then it becomes old as fuck
kind of like most shit meme that Sup Forums parrots
>You are are convicted with the heinous acts of Grand Theft Auto 5 times, Michael de Santa.
I am utterly speechless.
Vito, more like Pito
You guys joke about this, but in Final Fantasy Type-0 one the characters actually had the fucking balls to say "This is my final fantasy". I almost threw the controller away.
"You have committed one of the gravest Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion."
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Shut the fuck up. You wouldn't know memekino if it hit you in the face.
>The name's Tommy. Tommy Vice City
Really Rockstar?
> I'm dj professor K and this is jet set radio
>my name is uzamaki naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst, believe it!
>Glad you could make it, Uther
>Watch your Warcraft 3:Reign of Chaos with me, boy.
Uther is such a nigger i can't believe they even thought of making something like that.
>At the the top of the Himalayas I let out a Far Cry 4 my country of Kyrat!
I'm done. I'm so fucking done.
*record scratch* *freeze frame* >it's a Sup Forums-autist goes full retard episode
Woah woah woah back it up. Now you might be wondering how I got so fucking retarded? LETS TAKE BACK TO THE BEGINNING
More like its a reddit on Sup Forums episode
*Edgar Ross, seeing John dragging will billiamson's bullet-riddled cadaver inside a saloon*
>Well shit, Marston. This is some red dead redemption right there.
It just felt shoehorned in