List your top 10 games of all time in no particular order and hate on others top 10s:
>Zelda OoT
>Mario 64
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Dota 2
>Zelda LttP
>Final Fantasy 7
>Age of Empires 2
>Pokemon Red/Blue
>Dark Souls
>Resident Evil 2
List your top 10 games of all time in no particular order and hate on others top 10s:
>Zelda OoT
>Mario 64
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Dota 2
>Zelda LttP
>Final Fantasy 7
>Age of Empires 2
>Pokemon Red/Blue
>Dark Souls
>Resident Evil 2
>2 FF games
>Re2 but not 4
This is actually a pretty neat list. Can't hate on it. You have good taste in vidya, good sir.
>>Zelda OoT
Why? What did it do to make itself great?
>>Mario 64
I can somewhat understand this, it's a decent 3D game with some good controls.
>>Final Fantasy Tactics
What the fuck. Stop with the story games. They're not really even games.
>>Dota 2
Fuck off.
>>Zelda LttP
Same as OoT
>>Final Fantasy 7
Same as FFT
>>Age of Empires 2
What for? It's far from the best in its field from any perspective
>>Pokemon Red/Blue
>>Dark Souls
>>Resident Evil 2
Not even the best in its series.
No particular order
>Majoras Mask
>Pokemon ff/lg
>Star wars battlefront 2
>Dark souls
>Half life 2
>Just cause 2
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Super Metroid
>Chrono Trigger
>StarCraft: Broodwar
>Super Smash Brothers Melee
>Resident Evil 4
>Quake 3 Arena
>Baldur's Gate 2
>The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Tried to list the best from various genres, there's a whole bunch of RPGs that I think are really good, but I had to narrow it down to give a better overall cross section.
>Not even the best in its series.
sure it is, only resident evil 1 compares. could be either one. re3 is shit and re4 was impressive but not a traditional resident evil game.
>Majora's Mask
>Dark Souls
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls 3
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
>Wind Waker
>Pikmin 2
>The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
>Team Fortress 2
Dwarf Fortress
Red Dead Redemption
Dark Souls
Pokemon Explorers of Sky
Majora's Mask
TES III: Morrowind
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Shadow of the Colossus
Some GBA Fire Emblem
>>Dark Souls
>a LITERALLY unfinished game, riddled with bugs, and crippled by AI straight from the 90s
Why the fuck would you put this thing in your top 10? Like, not even pulling your leg here. I want to know the reason, because it fucking baffles me.
How could I forget about CT?
Kick FE from there and add Chrono Trigger (although I still really enjoyed the older FEs)
Beyond Good & Evil
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
StarCraft: Brood War
Lords of the Fallen (shut the fuck up Souls fags)
The Evil Within
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (you should try it)
Monster Hunter (the first one)
Maybe because he enjoyed it?
could you BE more generic? it's like those top lists written by someone at Time magazine who obviously doesn't even play video games
>OTT meme still on the list
Not the best zelda
Not even the best 3D zelda
Pretty sure we just call these 3x3 threads
+silent hill 2
>Burnout 3
>Sim City 4 (with expansion)
>Gravity Rush
>Pokémon Platinum
>Metroid Prime
>Super Metroid
>Mobil 1 Rally (PC)
>Red Alert 2
Some people consider their favorites to be different than the games they think are the highest quality.
Not my favorite Zelda game, but i can understand it taking nr.1.
>Mario 64
While it's a great game it's ranked to high, top 10 is however correct.
Never had the chance to play it.
>Dota 2
Cyka blyat? XAXAXA. It fun if you have 5 freinds to play with, but it's not top 10 material for me.
It's great. Nothing more to say about it, it's overrated but great.
Never played it. I have FF in my backlog but so far i have only finished the first 3 games.
Should be higher. Best RTS ever made along with Broodwar.
Gold/silver did everything better, and Crystal did everything better than Gold/Silver except for not catching Teddy really fast.
>Dark souls.
I can understand this, i don't agree with it but i understand it.
I like the first game more, but both are great.
Dota2 and replace it with Broodwar.
Red/Blue with either Crystal or FR.
Why isn't HoMM3 on the list?
sure thing majoras mask hipster
>your top 10 games
If we were ranking based on overall quality, I think most lists would look the same. Dark Souls sure as hell wouldn't be among them, considering how flawed it is.
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Jak X
Persona 4 Golden
Star Fox 64
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Shadow of the Colossus
>in no particular order
Sorry for pleb taste.
Sam & Max hit the road
AoE 2
Mario 3
Lechuck's Revenge
Megaman X
Dungeon Keeper
Mario 64
> not liking FF
> not liking VII and Tactics even so
Shittiest taste I've seen in awhile, fags
How many layers of irony?
Well I enjoyed Skyrim. I'm still not dumb enough to think it's better than most games on the market.
get off Sup Forums
The Witcher (2007)
Red Dead Redemption
Metal Gear Solid 2
Max Payne
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Hitman: Blood Money
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Mass Effect 2
Assassin's Creed III
Literal faggot.
Pokemon Sapphire instead of AC III
>being this contrarian
Ultimate Doom
Deus Ex
Starcraft Broodwar
Donkey kong country 2
Lands of Lore Throne of Chaos
Fzero GX
Timesplitters FP
Mario Kart Double Dash
Dead Rising
Perfect Dark
Dark Souls
Majora's Mask
New Vegas
Final Fantasy Tactics
R8 me
Okay, but I think that MM > OoT
Also DotA2..Uh okay I guess
Really good, have you played Bloodborne?
Good, never played DF though
What the fuck senpai
Haven't played Sim City 4, but looks okay
>Persona 4 Golden
>not Persona 3
Also Overwatch? I mean it's okay, but is it really THAT good?
>Assassin's Creed III
>The Witcher
Mediocre stuff user
You enjoyed it that much? I think it's pretty good, but nowhere near top 10
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Megaman X2
Zelda Lttp
Final Fantasy tactics
Super Mario RPG
Pokemon Emerald (i'm a first gen fag but i have to accept this game is superior)
Early Ragnarok Online
You know what fuck Of RO , i'll switch RO for Ghost trick
Swap AC III for Pokemon: Sapphire.
Dishonored GOTY is the bee's knees. Great experience.
>>Age of Empires 2
>What for? It's far from the best in its field from any perspective
Shining Force《GBA》
Cave Story
Riviera: The Promised Land
Super Mario RPG
Resident Evil 4
Chrono Trigger
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Pump it up
League of Legends
I haven't played SMT nor FFT
That list is disgusting jesus christ
>Abe's Oddysee
>Tomb Raider 1 PS1
>Tactics Ogre LUCT
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Rayman 1
>La Mulana
>Demon's Souls
>Majora's Mask
>Zeno Clash 2
>Mega Man 3
>Really good, have you played Bloodborne?
Yes, it slipped my mind when making the list. I'd probably swap out DaS3 for it.
These and order of ecclesia.
>Any Pokemon game ever
>Wario Land 4
>Super Mario 64
>Contra 4
>Quake 3: Arena
>Unreal Tournament 2004
>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
>The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
>Deus Ex
>Spyro: Year of The Dragon
>Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
really fucking hard to narrow it down to 10 games but I'll try, no particular order
>Final Fantasy 7
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Dark Souls Artorias of the Abyss
>Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
>The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons/Time
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Pokemon Emerald
>Chrono Trigger
>Final Fantasy 9
1. Metal Gear Solid 3
2. Kingdom Hearts 2
3. Sly Cooper 2
4. TESIV: Oblivion
7. Red Dead Redemption
8. Rome: Total War
9. Spyro 3
10. Aliens vs Predator 2
puffy vulva/10
>Dota 2
Dark Souls has popularized a metric shitton of mechanics and trends because it is so cohesively designed. Like the way the multiplayer aspects function, the music works, the way it refuses to hold your hand etc etc etc. It is fucking brilliant in almost every aspect which you can very much see by how popular it has become even with the mainstream market. Which is of course isn't me pretending like it's actually hard but all of my casual friends who play games for the story and "experience" instead of the gameplay got into it and that's a borderline miracle.
Unfinished? Yeah unfortunately. Even the post-Anor Londo areas are infinitely more memorable than the AAA trash you get nowadays though. Buggy? Yeah arguably. Shit AI? Yup, but even then it's more complex than any other game with that popularity.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Unreal Tournament 2003
Counter-Strike: Source
Serious Sam 2
Age of Empires 2
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Burnout Paradise
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Anyone who disagrees with this list needs to kill themselves
1. Fallout 4
2. TESV: Skyrim
3. Fallout 3
4. TESIV: Oblivion
5. TESIII: Morrowind
6. TESII: Daggerfall
7. TESI: Arena
8. TES: Online
9. TES: Legends
Fuck, I ran out of games
>Serious Sam 2
Yeah, nah.
battlespire? redguard? fag
I don't think that they are the best games ever made, but they are absolutely the best for my taste
The Binding of Isaac
Diablo 2
Dark Souls
Nuclear Throne
Dragon's Dogma
Team Fortress 2
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
The Sims
Honorable Mentions:
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (Multiplayer)
Call of Duty 4 (Multiplayer)
yeah well no one played them
>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet and Clank reboot
>Portal 2
>The Last of Us
>God of War III
>Fallout 4
>Dark Souls
nobody played 7, 8 or 9 on your list.
go home todd
bump for a rate
>Skies of Arcadia
>Suikoden II
>Dragon Quest V
>Dwarf Fortress
>Baldur's Gate II
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Ultra Street Fighter IV
Come at me
I really didn't like your taste. But if you look mine you will notice how different we are.
Definitive list:
>hope ffxv surpass ff7
Dmc1 the first one i mean
Ghost Trick
The World Ends With You
Persona 4: Golden
DotA 2
Unreal Tournament
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Kingdom Hearts
Team Fortress 2
how about current players?
Some of these are because of nostalgia. It's hard to pick just 10 favorites.
>Pokémon Gold
>Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
>Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
>Chibi Robo
>Smash Bros. Melee
>Mario 3
>Pokémon Emerald
don't know if this is good or bad
Super Mario Brothers
Super Mario Brothers 2
Super Mario Brothers 3
Super Mario Brothers World
Super Mario Brothers Galaxy
Super Mario Brothers Galaxy 2
New Super Mario Brothers U
Super Mario 3d World
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
thanks for posting reggie!
>wonder boy in monster world
Ninja Gaiden Black
Crash Bandicoot 2
Thunder Force IV
Beyond Good and Evil
Chrono Trigger
Burnout 3
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Digital Devil Saga
Revenge of Shinobi
I am but a lowly motherfucker
I just play games for fun
And that game is really fun
it's so fucking good
Tell me what you think about Wonder Boy III the dragon's trap, and also the two new games coming out soon
Also MW IV tell me what you think about that!
no one knows this series but it's got so many fucking excellent games.
>being contrarian is not considering skyrim one of the best games of all time
get some taste damn
Dragon's Trap is pretty good as well, though I got used to MW III too much. IV is something I plan to play because everytime I start it something comes up.
I'm looking forward to both new games though Monster Boy looks a bit weaker graphically, not as ambitious but it's something new. I would put my money first on that remake though.
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Silent Hill 2
Majora's Mask
Cave Story
Minecraft (I had a lot of fun with it in it's early days)
Yume Nikki
Maybe not a totally correct list, but I couldnt think of any more. I don't really play many new video games and find it difficult to get into older ones.
Sega Rally 2
F355 Challenge
Rambo on Master System
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Gran Turismo 2
>Metal Gear Solid
>The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
>Final Fantasy VI
>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
>Diablo II
>Gradius III
MW IV is really good, I played it once years and years ago.
I hope the new games come out on steam so I can play them.
Why do people post such generic fucking titles in these threads?
I thought Sup Forums was comprised of enthusiasts given the elitist overtones.
>Dead Space
>Crash Team Racing
>metal gear solid 3
>pokemon gold
>Ratchet and clank 2
>resident evil 4
>Rayman 3
>Legend of zelda: Oracle of ages
>spyro the dragon
>metal gear solid