>Japanese game
>Has an anime like opening
>It spoils the entire game
Japanese game
Other urls found in this thread:
>being this pathetic
Daniel Bryan did in a year and a half what Miz will never be able to accomplish in his 50 year career: Be entertaining as fuck and a huge draw
I will never understand why they do that.
>japanese has an anime opening
>literally nothing in it happens in game
>Japanese game
>Anime OP
>intro has big spoilers, but is carefully detailed and cryptic enough so that people will think of it as a normal anime OP
I love anime openings in vidya, they get me pumped up as fuck. Hell, sometimes they're way better than the actual game is. I played way more of Tales of Zestiria than I should have entirely because of its excellent opening. And they usually only spoil the cast.
Fucking Nier
And yet miz has been doing it longer. Yeah he might have never got the same pop but to be fair he wasn't hand picked by regal either.
Bryan sucks he just stole benoits moves and threw in a beard.
>song is never played in game
He never drew a dime
>Anime opening changes as you progress through the game.
Any game that does this?
>American game
>opening sequence is hamburgers
>Daniel Bryan was a huge draw
No, Steve Austin was a huge draw. The Rock was a huge draw. Hulk Hogan was a huge draw. Daniel Bryan was just the most popular guy in the company at a time when wrestling wasn't nearly as lucrative as it was in years prior
This tipped me off that Alundra wasn't as great as the internet made it out to be.
So what? You clearly don't know how a game is done.
honestly japs don't care about spoilers it mostly hypes them more than to get spoiled by it
Not that I know of, but it happens with title screens, and I love it.
>Japanese game
>everyone is underaged or even a little child
>Japanese Game
>Has anime-like intro
>Mostly vague/subtle stuff
>You progress through the game
>Over time you slowly recognize key moments in the intro
>Opening spoils the entire game
>You don't realise it until you beat the game
Got something against purity?
Maybe some multi-disc game like final fantasy. Pretty sure IX has slight changes.
>I am the game maker of the world, my games are inarguable 10/10 masterpieces
>Yeah but I've been releasing games on appstores for the past two decades so I'm better
Not how it works.
It doesn't spoil anything then.
Rune factory 3 , Solatorobo
Well, Bravely Default changes the title screen around after certain plot elements are revealed. Not quite the same, but still.
What a shame too
>dynamite kid's moves*
>Triggered by someone else's aesthetic decision which is consistent with the intended market
>Run to Sup Forums to beg for validation
Get friends, get laid, get lost
Miz has never had a single 5 star match on his entire life and won't.
The biggest match of his entire career was the worst Wrestlemania main event of all time.
If he left wrestling forever tomorrow literally nobody would give a fuck.
I agree with you in general but Hulk Hogan VS Yokozuna was worse
>getting worked this hard by Based Miz
Truly the best heel of the era
That game was really fun, I hope the new one has as good a cast and story as the first. Also, I hope it's not all combat, I liked having downtime to do silly side quests and fish.
I mean I personally have never given a fuck about Daniel Bryan after he joined WWE so you know, different strokes and so on
I've had that game along with Monster Hunter 4 sitting on my shelf since I got them. I have a PS4 and a PC, I never make time for my 3DS games because I'm always trying to get through my current backlog, which keeps growing I'll have you know. Even when I have free time, I just play WoW.
How do I break this pattern?
Drop all the shit games
I don't think you actually enjoy video games all that much anymore and are just buying them out of collection habit
Miz is an amazing heel as he has the most Hateable face of any human being.
Its physically impossible to like that person.
Being hateable won't make him an entertaining wrestler, ever. Even after he stutters and stumbles his way through a shoot that morons like you eat up.
>getting worked yet again
Truly the GOAT
Miz is a good heel and I'm happy for the guy, hope he doesn't get jobbed out to Dolph Ziggler now.
All I said was that Daniel Bryan was a more better, more entertaining wrestler that provided with higher match quality.
I'm still salty Valkyria Chronicles second opening spoiled Alicia being Valkyria.
I couldn't play the game back then
Fate realta nua
No matter how good someone is and how over they are with the audience, they'll never draw like they used to. Wrestling is not popular, it was a fad in the 80's and again in the 90's because they embodied certain cultural zeitgests. The 80's love for colourful, family friendly cheese, and the 90's love of all things edgy and trashy.
fire emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn add CGs to the opening as you reach certain chapters.
Miz got a great ladder match out of Old Man Close To Having A Heart Attack At That Point Lawler
Honestly, the only awful bit with Miz's wrestling is that he's too scared to catch people properly on outside dives and he may have the single worst Figure Four in the world
Tales of Symphonia comes close
Lawler is twice the worker Miz ever was, even at the age he did that match
I'm not sure which ones are shit or not until I'm at least a little way in. I hate judging a game on the first hour or so of gameplay.
This might be the case, but I really enjoyed Bloodborne and The Witcher III last year. I had a lot of fun with Phantom Pain despite the disappointing parts. This year I've really enjoyed Dark Souls III and DOOM. I can't wait for the Dark Souls DLC either, I love that series. It's just in-between all these big titles that I know I'm going to like, there's all sorts of games which I'm not sure on. Sleeping Dogs for example, I got it during the steam sale earlier in the year because it looks like fun. I'm definitely having fun with it, but it's not something I can just sit down and play all night like some games. I also got around to playing Nier last month and that was a blast, so it's not as if I only like games as they release. I'm honestly not sure what the problem is.
I really loved the original Deus Ex, Human Revolution was good despite that god awful cover system. I really want to get the new one, but I don't know if I'll actually get around to playing it...
Fucking Zone of the Enders
>Anime opening has the best song of the game
>Game has 2 versions of the anime opening
>One for the boy avatar and one for the girl avatar
Post shitty anime openings that ruined their respective games
Why i play japanese games
>cute characters
>cute characters interactions
I dont think i ever played a japanese game for the story, i dont think they even make ganes with good stories
Every Ys game. Maybe every Falcom game even.
Though it's mostly obvious who's gonna be the bad guy in all of them.
Just awaken the crystals, user!
>game trailer spoils the twist
And all the Tales of games.
>music by Hiroyuki Sawano
Gundam Unicorn soundtrack is boss tho
>Opening has a shot of the sun shining through trees that the camera is whizzing past
>Panaround of main character running
>Segment that shows a series of clips of the main characters turning towards the camera making an uguu expression and flashing a lame hand sign
>Sun shining through trees as camera whizzes by
>One character is right side up in the bottom left corner and another is upside down in the top right corner then it flips and it shows a different credit
>Shows one character sitting under a tree with another character standing in the background while the camera pans slowly
>Shot of character holding their hand out towards the camera
>Ends with the cast standing on a high place looking over a city or landscape with a breeze
>You never skip the opening because of how hype it is
I love this shit honestly, only if there's hype music playing though.
>memento mori
>remember you are mortal
>remember your death
>remember you will die
Remember when he won the tag titles solo then crushed cena just so they would lose them?
Yeah no one else remembers either
Nigga fuck u anime is life u fucking baka
Wild Arms 2
Wild Arms 2 has completetely different openings for disc 1 and disc 2
>Opening spoils the everloving fuck out of the game
>But it's just vague enough that you don't get any of the spoilers unless you've already played the game
This is the best shit ever. Especially if it has a good song backing it up.
>Opening instantly wins me over as the mix is godly but the thing is spoiling all the stuff really hard
"oh right this game had already come out before, but this is really unfair to first time players"
Learn to read, pedro.
I love OP's that do this. Parasyte was an example of one gone wrong, because it spoiled the ENTIRE ANIME and any semblance of twists it would have.
>le "have sex, gain height, lose weight" meme
Don't you have an entire board to shit up?
are there even openings that outright lie in your face to get you to expect things?
Zoe HD collection
Even Nier's manual soiles one of the character's transformation.
Really shit taste there senpai
Persona 3 FES op is bad opening for first time players.
>song is played in game
>it's the final boss theme
Hello, Yakuza games
Then it's not a spoiler
>music by Hiroyuki Sawano
>Boss Fight
>He uses bleeding attacks
Fuck this shit.
>OP is just a random japanese man singing in English
>The lyrics don't make any sense
>Boss fight
>He regens just as you're about to finish him
>boss fight
>old party member comes in and saves you at the last minute
Why does JoJo do this?
Original opening is better
>lyrics make no sense
>it's still jammin' as fuck
>Game comes with different edition
>You picked the best edition
Zestiria has a really shitty opening, though. The song is shit (laughably bad lyrics, too), the visuals are underwhelming, and the entire thing goes on too long.