>The Last Guardian - October
>FFXV - November
>Gravity Rush 2 - December
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8 - December
Is it finally time to get a ps4?
The Last Guardian - October
Other urls found in this thread:
No, there's never a good time to get a PS4.
>PS3 game
>Literally Who?
No. End yourself.
>Decent game
>Multiplat downgrade shit
>Kiddie Game
No thanks.
Those games all seem awful.
Nintendrone thread?
I'm looking forward to three of those games but I can't recommend getting a PS4, it's fucking garbage and Sony are assholes.
>it's only on PS4
>not out
>not an argument
>not out
I see PCucks are living up to their name.
>not maining ps4 since 2014
If you're interested in them, yeah
Gonna pick up all of them + NiOh, fuck my wallet
No, there's never a good time to get a PS4.
You can see how big of a pile of shit those games are from a mile away. You don't need to wait till they're out for that.
How? You literally know nothing about at least two of these games?
Will you ever stop being a Sup Forums shitter?
What's a good game to you user?
Or let me guess, you don't play any games at all and just shitpost 24/7?
Nintendrone thread it is. Post your favourite games coming out for nintendo. Mine are Zelda and uhhhh.....ummm....uuu....
Isn't Nioh coming out in October as well?
I am gonna assume those months are for 2017, a year from now. PS4 sure looks attractive right now.
learn the word senpai
>the last guardian isn't listed at Sony's TGS show
Is it? Beta is still going on, I doubt they can do much with the feedback in that short of a time. I'd love for it to come out this year but I'd be more willing it is a November/December release. I loved the alpha/beta.
All games are shit now. On consoles and PC.
Time for a new hobby.
Sup Forums always was nintendoGaf.
nothing new here. now fuck off and go to /vg/ if shitposting isn't your intention.
Also, with the Ps4 slim and the Ps4 neo around the corner there's probably an incoming price drop so just wait for it.
>posts cgi studio logo
At least post the real time stuff.
At this point it must be like 99% complete, If I were Sony I'd rather use the presentation space for a new game.
Breath of the Wild will literally wipe the floor with every single Sony exclusive. Sonyggers should just fucking kill themselves at this point.
Probably we'll get a release date at KT panel at tgs this month
Isn't ps4 already being replaced? Why would you buy a ps4?
Whats ur faveorite Super™ Mario™?
>At least post the real time stuff.
>posts more prerendered shit
>Nioh will get a release date at tgs
>probably this year or early 2017
>get another good exclusive after GR and BB
>pcucks still replaying undertale for the xth time
>start a petition to get nioh on pc
>cry 5 whole years shitting up comfy nio threads
>finally get thier port
>haha mad sonyggers???
>Child Slavery
>japanese open world game
Even koijima managed to fuck it up, and lets not forget xenoblade.
Nothing good will come from breath of the wild, unless you've been under a rock for a decade and haven't played skyrim or farcry.
>kojima literally says it was running in real time
The pcuck tinfoil hats are seriously getting out of hand.
He said the same thing about mgs5.
And? Was the game pre rendered or something?
>hope it's good
>people waited 10+ years, worth getting just cause
>It's kinda eh but has it's charm
>It's kind stupid but has it's charm
Maybe. Up to you user. I'm still on standby.
Probably Super Mario Bros 2.
Not being sarcastic or anything, it has this weird eerie ambience. Also Super Mario Land 2 although Wario games in the same series are better.
Also, mods are biased towards Nintendo ™
still doesn't match up to No Man's Sky
Clearly, considering early footage looked great and now it looks like shit.
It looks literally the same.
>underrestimating the power of playstation
There's a collector's edition and all that jazz.
Nice try however.
Are you kidding me or do you seriously believe that?
A few people confirmed it's 99% finished but the prevailing rumor is that it's another Duke Nukem Forever, should have stayed dead and not a good game in the slightest. Sony is only releasing it to bank off the name and recoup investment.
Remember, DNF also had a collectors edition as well.
Why is there so much fog, you can't even see the shitty skybox.