>turning a fun action adventure series into a boring SJW propaganda walk simulator.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
>turning a fun action adventure series into a boring SJW propaganda walk simulator.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
Other urls found in this thread:
Niel Druckman
>skinny 100 pound nigger woman can beat 2 6" fully grown and fit men with ease
this gamed sucked from the very beginning
when even an obnoxious prick like Max Landis is right about your retarded story defects, you know you fucked up as a writer
>Drake tells her his safe word as she beats him up
He obviously enjoyed it
No that means he didn't enjoy it.
If you say your safe word you have to stop guys.
No means nooooooooooo.
>SJW propaganda walk simulator.
thats some serious buzzword diarrhea op
But it's ok when little girls beat adult men in japanese games?
youre forced to walk alot. and I wouldn't say it's sjw but it's certainly the blandest and most intentionally inoffensively writing I've ever seen in a video game
nice strawman
>youre forced to walk
Yes, you usually walk or run in third person action advanture games. I would say most of the time.
> but it's certainly the blandest and most intentionally inoffensively writing I've ever seen in a video game
That's only your personal opinion.
Do you even know what strawman is?
>SJW propaganda
You have autism? How it's SJW propaganda?
strong woman
Nathan Drake fights multiple guys at once in the series, sometimes even guys twice his size.
Pretty much this, all the goobers who came over from reddit are afraid of the SJW boogeywoman ruining their games
you are not showing any evidence
Wow, you are like man version of Anita if you see propaganda in this. Shitton of games have strong female characters. You need theraphy.
It's funny that this is where the suspension of disbelief ends. The first game had literal monsters in it, and people went with it. This game has a woman beating up two men at the same time, and people can't accept it.
Both scenarios are bullshit, obviously, but the first is impossible.
Dead or Alive, Neptunia, Atelier series?
My problem with this is it just seems awkwardly animated. I mean she's military or something right? That would make sense
there are constantly sections where you're forced to walk and cant run or jog, its usually accompanied by dialogue. stop being intentionally dense just because you like the game you fucking loser
One was a decision made to include different enemies to shoot at, the other was for diversity.
It's called consistency. Plus, monsters are interesting. Empowered womyn really aren't, unless you're a eunuch.
Oh right, this existed.
I almost forgot given how nobody gives a fuck about it anymore.
MGS3 is now SJW propaganda because of Big Boss, holy shit, fucking Kojima!
nah it doesn't make sense for some chick to be able to hold down a dude that size. it's a really whiney complaint, but it's true
>meanwhile Sup Forums likes MGS3 with a women who can fight a man
Yeah, fucking NG, why Nathan even have to walk. He should fly in space ship instead.
>you fucking loser
Why are you getting so mad?
yea fuck all this sjw shit
Most people called her a marry sue when the game first came out. I like her though.
Only if it's magic or some shit
But why would you stoop so low to try to defend uncharted? Japs aren't known for anything resembling grounded, realistic story
who cares if it's sjw? the game was fucking awful. forced walking, boring dialogue, awful goose chase storyline, shooting that was somehow worse than last of us, focus on meaningless background setpieces, and literally the only new mechanic was the useless rope that only served to make webms
>Neptunia, Atelier series?
there are almost no men in those series
in DoA everyone is a assassin ninja at the same level of ryu hayabusa, so they use secret ninja arts, like pic related to beat the enemies
I don't care if you like her. If Uncharted 4 is "SJW propaganda" so does MGS3.
what are you talking about? a spaceship? there are forced walking sections where you can't control nathans movement speed. why are you pretending they arent throughout the entire game?
Daily reminder that DOA is the reason why NG is dead
The boss is a shitty mary sue
not that user, but the emphasis is on '''stronk womyn''''
the antagonist is a black female who has done 'atrocities' in her past life, and the story treats her like a mary sue - kicking everyone's ass and taking a high moral road near the end of the game, despite her unforgiveable flaws
if she were a male character, he would probably die a horrible death and you'd be going ''yeah, that's what you deserve''
>Only if it's magic or some shit
Dead or Alive has literally little girl who fights giant wrestler. Argument discarded.
>there are almost no men in those series
Yes, there are.
>mentor TEACHED snake how to fight, developed snake fighting style and snake have a emotional atachment towards her. what makes him not want to hurt her
nigless beat drake ass up
drake joins with another dude to fight her
nigless beat both up
>trained as a soldier her whole life
>in a narrative universe where super soldiers are common
It's appropriate in the MGS universe.
The way I see it is that she literally trained Snake so she knows everything about him and his combat style, very easy to counter the attacks you already know are coming
It pissed me off when snake got his ass beat by her when I was 10 but now it makes a little more sense
That's just shit writing with a little touch of political correctness. It's really not a huge deal. If the game was shit the game was shit
Uncharted is THE game of 2016, get over it.
Wow, you sound Anita.
Recettear confirmed for SJW feminist whore.
I bet she's even against capitalism.
this is the closest releated to men in the series
desu Naughty Dog is the by far best looking console game there is so far
Are you succeeding during these QTEs if so why fuck are still getting beat up, I only played UC2 and I remember a QTEs stops enemies from pummeling on you.
Neil Cuckmann wanted to impress his San Francisco friends so he turned a fun and adventurous series into massive SJW pandering walking simulator. Amy left for good reason.
2016 is the new 2007
worse year in gaming by far
>naughty dog
whoops I have autism
I meant Uncharted 4
The power of the strong independent black woman cannot be stopped by the cis white male.
She was considered best soldier in the world. A fucking WOMAN with abilities to surpass any man including highly trained soldiers. This is actually less realistic than some woman beasting a guy not experienced in martial arts.
Kikeman and his good goy friend Stranley.
There is an interview where Kikeman basically says that he hates fun. He also changed the rating system in the test plays because no one thought the beginning of UC4 was "fun".
It's really not that impressive considering it's all pre-baked closed down non-interactive environments and barebones AI. MGSV and Ass Creed Unity eclipse it by a wide margin in terms technical prowess.
*taught you dumb yuropoor.
And as said, she's literally the best soldier in the world.
you don't exactly play uncharted games for their incredible gameplay, that's for sure, but UC2 at least demonstrated that it can be tolerable with a competent story and decent pacing
so when the story is shit, the game as a whole is also shit because it has very little redeemable features there
Cause she's white
I'm not mad because a woman is beating up a man. I'm mad because Nathan Drake was established as an asskicking hardy treasure that beats the odds and this woman comes into the franchise and starts beating his ass entirely because we need a "strong patriarchy smashing black womyn".
We knew nothing about Naked Snake when MGS3 dropped so when they set up The Boss as someone Snake looks up to, it makes sense that she was much more skilled.
>guy can beat armed tugs with a single hit
>can swing and shot with terrible precision from wines
>is a casual version of prince of persia with guns
>can survive multiple gunshots
The boss is more realistic than anything in the uncharted series
and she gave birth to a cat during D DAY
>make nigger villain
>she's not a henchman because that implies slavery
>she's not the boss because that implies niggers are criminals
>nobody ever says something bad about her
>she's good at everything
>she doesn't even die
Another memorable nigger character by our beloved western devs.
>It dosen't make sense that some woman is stronger than some treasure hunter. It's patriarchy and SJW propaganda
>It makes sense that woman is stronger than some highly trained soldier. It make sense. It's good writing.
>We knew nothing about Naked Snake when MGS3
But MG1 and MG2 exist?
>>can survive multiple gunshots
So does every fucking character you play in every video game. You must really run out of arguments if you trying to convince someone with autism like this.
Well The Boss did teach Snake everything he knew. And he did end up beating her. So it's not even comparable.
You know almost nothing about his history in those games.
>Well The Boss did teach Snake everything he knew
So? Woman teaching man military is another idiocy.
>So does every fucking character you play in every video game
you should play red orchestra
even on casual mode you die with one gunshot
One of the main characters in Ateiler escha and logy is a guy
Gotta agree with OP
Both the sjw stuff and the long, boring walking sections were nothing happened seriously ruined the Game for me
a woman invented copilation code from computers user
there would not be videogames whitout woman
and she was from the army
I'm talking about military son. Tell me how many drill instructors are women?
>bringing up a fighting game to defend his point
In Mortal Kombat you could be a skinny as fuck, unmuscular woman that beats up the shadow lord of is like 8 foot tall and uses magic.
Fighting games shouldnt be taken into consideration.
> You’ve said in the past that you’ve been influenced by Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency videos and the larger conversation about diversity and representation in games. How did that affect Uncharted 4?
> Druckmann: When I’m introducing and describing a new character to our lead character concept artist, constantly she will ask, “What if it was a girl?” And I’m like, Oh, I didn’t think about that. Let me think, does that affect or change anything? No? Cool, that’s different. Yeah, let’s do it.
> Initially, in the epilogue, it was Nate’s son. Something similar happened with the mansion they go into. That was an old English guy’s house. She asked, Well, what if it was a woman?
> You have some sexist focus testers who were really upset by Nadine beating up Nate, and really upset at the end when it was Nate’s daughter. To the point where we had to ask one guy to leave. In his core, it just affected him. He was cursing, “Not you, too, Naughty Dog! Goddammit. I guess I’m done with Uncharted, if you guys ever make another one, with his daughter. This fucking bullshit.”
> And I was like, Wow, why does that matter?
the boss was not a drill instructor
snake was already in the army when she started teaching him
Holy shit. Black women are strong as fuck. No wounder black males hate them. I would be scared as fuck avoid pissing off someone like that.
original ps3 fan here.
how bad is it? The combat and everything looks aweful like they learnt nothing from the last of us and just went back to formula.
story also looks retardedmore than 3
oh well guess ill wait for the ps5 so i can play it on ps now on pc
but it still triggers me because I say so
It's okay because its CUTE
Neil Druckmann however literally said Anita Sarkeesian is a huge inspiration for him
Uncharted has always been shit
>people didn't like the "walking" parts of U4
Really? The part where you discover Libertalia with your big bro, there's no soldiers around and the two of you just walk around talking about random stuff and enjoying the scenery was probably my favorite part in U4.
>it doesn't matter
>which is why they have to be women
If only western devs had the balls to make memorable female characters and not just SJW template after template.
I was talking about Dead or Alive not Mortal Kombat. Short skinny girl can beat giant martial arts man 3 times larger with power of her fists alone. This is 10 times less realistic than Uncharted.
Nigger women are disgusting because they scream like chimps and don't manage their hygiene at all.
Neil Kikemann should be shot
Those games need to be like that for the sake of balance you dumb shit. Otherwise fighting games would only have muscular roid machines.
Sad days
So does action games have strong female characters, not only "muscular roid machines"
>you dumb shit
I never insulted you, you fucking inbreed human abortion.
You don't balance a fucking story like you balance a fighting game where everyone needs to be equally viable you dumb sperg.
They're all the same fucking tedious third person shooter, user. I will never understand the praise this series gets. I have never been so infuriatingly bored with a game.
It all started with Amy Hennig. The very first game she directed (Jak X) was broken and they've never looked back.
I don't know whether I hate them or Insomniac more, now. At least Insomniac is TRYING to retain what made them great.
I wish I could get as triggered over insignificant things like you guys can.
In story of fighting games female characters are also equally strong. Argument discarded you fucking oaf.
Uncharted has a more realistic setting. That's why anime girls can have super strength and shit and can get away with it but if that happened in tlou then that would break the suspicion of disbelief.
t. pcuck