God-tier taste
>brrrrrrrrrrrrt followed by reports of friendly fire, failure to penetrate tank armor even older than the A10 and then the sounds of the pilot dying due to AA
Fixed it for you
>He picked the A-10 for the Fortress
my dad flew plane iraq it's ok often he says.
F-35A is pretty cool. C is less cool. B isn't cool at all.
F-117s are cool too. They also have waifu versions in some Ace Combats so that's a plus. I do like my waifuplanes.
Look at this fine Russian cutie.
What's wrong with the A-10?
It's a shit meme plane that was bad when it was created and has only gotten worse with time.
Also if you take it on that mission you're forced to use it for the next one too and it's not very appropriate there.
It's one of the best choices for mission 18 thanks to its high stability allowing you to pickup multiple ground targets at ease in the tight space you're flying, its high defense may also allow you to tank in moments of desperation
But then you're forced into the next mission without being allowed to switch planes and there's like 5 missiles after you at all times, good luck dodging those with the shitty mobility and slow speed
>It's a thinly veiled Belka thread
You should educate yourself a little bit
Ace combat thread ?
You're not OP
What? Everyone ive head say the iraq war means gulf war 2.
You and everyone you know are fucking stupid then. Iraq war means Desert Storm.
You had one job user
F-16 is best Jet. P-61 is best prop plane.
Though there are other really nice prop planes, too. I tend to prefer those.
google Iraq War and see what comes up
Really? Ive always heard from everyone ive talked to that Iraq = gulf war 2 and Desert Storm = the gulf war
Sukhoi is sugoi.
rip bubi
>dunno lol
An user who was ten when his dad was flying CAS for the initial invasion would be 23 now.
Oh. Fuck man, im getting old
>Not a multirole plane
Shitty plane only made for lawnmowing
>not posting superior pic
DCS World Area 88 RP when?
>bounty reward system
>buy and sell aircraft/weapons
>manage your own squad of bros
>airbase vs airbase bounty wars with special missions/events
>explorable airbase lounge, etc
>grew up on an air force base
>F-15s everywhere
>can't hear shit when one is nearby
>return to the base years later for a job
>jet takeoff not far away, boss and I are shouting but still can't hear each other
>get weirdly nostalgic
Mig fighters are always the cutest.
god damn the F4U is a sexy bitch
Spoiler that shit, this is a blue board
Why did we have to invent fly-by-wire and thrust vectoring ; _ ;
Would a 2d plane do?
>that s-3 viking in the background.
shame uncle sam shit-canned them both for the super hornet. new hornet is fine, but it doesn't really outclass the tomcat by much if at all.
and yeah, the viking was a goofy looking bird, but how many jets are there designed specifically to hunt submarines?
How do you pronounce Sukhoi?
Not only the greatest plane, but also the dopest album cover ever.
dunno, probably not many
the P3 Orion is still around i think but of course its turboprop and not carrier based
Thanks komrad.
She's a drawing, not real, user.
Since it's a two seater, we can share her right? You can pick front or back
autisti/k/ faggots
Bestest prop.
Can anything compete with this ludeness.
>mfw the first time >
My favorite AC superweapon by far simply because it's the only one who keeps messing with you throughout the game.
My harem.
Don't forget about this mission
If I take it off will you die?
t-this is a blue board, a-user...
The sexiest, honhonhon
She is loud.
She is ugly.
She is old.
Yet she is the best bomber. The B-17 comes close second.
pls no bully
Anyone else love COIN aircraft?
30mm club is glorious.
The Vulcan, sound of fucking death.
>That last missile being a Burst Missile
my niggas
looks ambient/post-rock to me
>not helvetica
I'm not a macfag, sry anonkun
>no wings
>no wheels