Biggest lies you ever heard?

>Life iswhat you make it, you can achieve anything you want with hard work in this world

So why is it that after 4 years this computer science degree got me no where? All I wanted to do was make video games

>see you in rayman 4!

I know this is a bait thread but

>being dumb enough to go to college for game dev

Chances are you are too dumb to make a game ever

So, where do you live OP? You gotta go where the work is homie.

>he fell for the STEM meme


I'm genuinely serious. I've loved games for ever, so much so, that I actually wanted to make one. I mean we've soaked up so much with how long we've played games.

If we could apply this to our own game and build upon it looking past all of the other game devs mistakes and the moves that work, then we could create the best games in history that a gen has ever seen.

Don't you want to be apart of that?

How the fuck did you manage to get a sub-2.0 GPA in fucking CS which you obviously took as SE or even IT instead of real CS?

Dumb horseposter

Fuck no. I just want to play video games.

So then fucking make it.

Sounds to me you thought now you have your degree games should just spawn in your hard drive and money should just materialise in your wallet.


Higher education is literally just specialized education, it doesn't make you better, more inelegant or worthy of a high end job.
After I got my degree in English and Math I started work as a chef, worked my ass off and became a sous chef. Making decent enough money. Sitting around moaning isn't going to get shit done.

>computer science degree
That's as much of a meme degree as womyn or gender studies. Why would you pay $50k+ a year to learn Java?

>hard work is just a meme
>t. some retard who doesn't work hard

Whew lads.

>Got a cs degree to make vidya
>Its been four fucking years since

Whew lads.

Reminder that Cave Story was made in five years by one man in his free time. No excuses, anons.

>woah all this work sure is hard, forget this

>don't you want to be apart of that?
I am a part of that. Im a game dev. I just wasn't dumb enough to waste 4 years in college to do it, I did it on my own

To get a piece of paper that you can put down as having on another piece of paper so you can make hella cash by amazing idiots with your basic java skills.

>Studied hard to get a degree in English and Math only to drop to the bottom as a chef

Why? You can still be a chef and not waste your fucking life and money at some school for years


It's literally impossible not to be paid $50k+ right out of college if you have a CS degree from the worst school in the entire world. If you go to a good school, you'd get $65-70k right out the gate outside inflated areas (where you get paid $120k+). If you do actual CS, you start at 6 figures in most subdomains.

Additionally, the likelihood of not finding a job within 6 months of obtaining a degree is virtually 0.

The only meme here is you.

my mum trying to avoid buying me crystal.

"i'll buy you this TOTALLY RAD AND AWESOME link cable, and your 3rd cousin's stepdad's half grandmother will buy you pokemon crystal"

i'm still fucking mad. jokes on her though. i'm a piece of shit that eats all the food in the house and spends my money on stupid antique collectibles.

that'll teach her to throw away my childhood.

This. Maybe people are really insecure in their own future so they go out of their way to anonymously bash easy money and being set for life.

>computer science degree
>make video games

Learn programming like all all the indie fucks.

programmign is only 25% of game dev.

you also need:


being a good programmer doesn't mean you are automatically entitled to be a game dev. Also you are retarded to actually pay a college to learn something you cna learn for free online

You have a very skewed perspective of how video games are made

Did you know that studios have many hundreds if not thousands of employees?

Are you aware of the concept of divided labor?

>You're retarded for getting a degree for something you can learn for free
Jobs don't look at you because you KNOW something. They want phisical proof, and degrees are that.

Think otherwise? Go apply to any high paying corporate job and say you have no degree and watch what happens

>it's the Citizen Kane of games guise!
Boring piece of shit. It's a very generous 6/10 tops.

Yes? So work hard and make some fucking way to make money easily.

I'm working towards my own restaurant then I can literally sit back and hopefully the place will run itself after I train people properly.

Kek, I can get a Cisco cert for $300 and make $70k a year.

>get a degree
>think job offers will magically appear

i really never cared about my looks until i realized how important they are on job interviews

Grow up

>theres no such thing as 1-man teasm or indie devs

Im a talented indie dev myself, you fucking retard. Dont you dare tell me I dont know how games are made. Id Op wants to be a faceless programmer drone in a a AAA corporation then thats his own problem

People care way more about the way you present yourself than your qualifications.

I'm afraid to follow my passion in university because i'm so scared that i won't find a job ('strayafag here).

I've always wanted to do animation, but i decided to do a design degree so i could at least find a wider range of jobs in a city which is already over-saturated and expects so much of you (Sydney).

Been thinking about moving to Melbourne because there's supposedly a better industry and cheaper living. about to graduate at the end of the year too.

Hopefully if i get a decent paying job i'll be able to pursue my hobbies and talents in my spare time. The perks of being a loner is plenty of time to develop your skills!

the degree is a starting point now you need experience to convince them you can treat a gig like a professional

>you'll never get a job without college
>college is the smart decision
>everyone who skips college works at mcdonalds the rest of their lives
No degree, development job for a fortune 500

Friends with degrees are asking if I want fries with that.

>Everyone is unhappy

>Nordic countries
>You are worthless without us and we are worthless without you, contribute to society and we'll help you
>Everyone is happy

So when did you realize the vikings got it right?

Not really, school is learning how to schedule your time and interact with other people. Very very few degrees actually teach you how to do a job (which is becoming an increasingly large problem as companies refuse to train new employees properly).

Again, not really. Most jobs are split among several people, most of whom are inevitably redundant. The vast majority of workers spend the vast majority of their time doing nothing but trying to look busy.

A paycheck is what you get from work. Money is what you get from investments.

>getting two degrees and putting yourself into massive debt so you can do absolutely nothing with them
You're not a smart person.

Yeah, but your ceiling is much lower.

>have good looks
>grew up in a family of actors so despite being a misanthropic emotionally-dampened ball of anxiety I come off as personable and cheerful
>HR Fatty McGoos and female career managers want to fuck me
I could probably walk into any office within 20 miles of my home and get a position of some kind.

Well, as long as I'm willing to deal with sexual harassment from women in their late 30's-early 40's.

To be fair, it's not really freedumb that ruins America.

it's diversity and lack of a real national culture. Read Bowling Alone

> CS degree to make video games
> Expecting a decent return

Video game dev is the absolute worst thing you can do with a CS degree if you intend to actually make money.

I got a useless lib arts degree with a self-taught CS background, got my certs after college, and got a fintech job off Wall Street and am going to make 100k/yr within 2 years. Video game devs work the same shitty hours (worse hours usually), are harassed as fuck, and make nothing. You got played, son.

Ragnar pls go

Then why don't you make a video game?

That might be very true, smaller condensed populations of Nordic countries gives them a insanely strong unity with very little cultural divides. That being said they still dont believe in this 'YOU CAN BE ANYTHING' rubbish other Western nations spout and I think that has a profound impact on peoples ideology as they develop.

Just got home from Seattle. I happened to meet some devs who were there for Pax to show their first game.

The biggest thing they said was that while a degree will never hurt, several places ask that you have released one game prior.

>Have to have experience
Why do jobs do this? I'm coming to you to get that experience in the first place

4 years and the degree is also you have to show for it? What about your portfolio? Do you have a GitHub? Have you bought books about developing video games or computer grapgics? Have you attended conferences or anything like that? Have you worked in any research during your program?

Not him but make your own game, even if its shitty.

Thats what a lot of early starters do. Join in game jams and that sort of thing. You'll find other people wanting to go into game design and you can work together to make something not so shitty. At least proving 1. you are not so autistic you cant work with others and 2. you can make a game

As someone with a CS degree making games, I can agree with this.

The hours sucks, and I get paid half as much as the dumbasses I graduated next to.

Guess I'm the dumbass now.

>Have more fun making my own games anyway

If you haven't gotten any internships (which are given out for free and almost always pay), nor have you ever dabbled, why would anyone want to hire you?

>be American
>want to get an education
>get into massive debt because of that

just work for a couple of years and save up money for college. going to college fresh out of high school when you still have no idea what you want to do is pretty dumb.

where do i get this magical cert

>good goy, just work for us so you can pay an education in order to work even more for us

user, Computer Science is one those degrees that requires no small amount of autism to become successful in.

People confuse for some reason that Making Videogames = Playing Videogames

spot the non stem major

>So why is it that after 4 years this computer science degree got me no where? All I wanted to do was make video games
Because (You) haven't used resources free or paid that are available to (You) to make a vidya (You) lazy sack of shit?

I always thought it was an exaggeration but I guess IDEAS guys really do exist

>SLI isn't worth it and you won't see a difference in most games because most games don't support it

Yet nearly every major AAA release DOES, and I have yet to play a game that, from indie to major release to crappy port, doesn't get a reasonable fps boost.

Maybe I just haven't played the one game in existence that doesn't?

>If we could apply this to our own game and build upon it looking past all of the other game devs mistakes and the moves that work, then we could create the best games in history that a gen has ever seen.

This is where you messed up. It's so easy to critique other peoples' works and creations when you're not making them. Are you active in your colleges' clubs and organizations? Have you ever ran an event for a large amount of people? There's a huge difference between going to one (e.g. a club's general interest meeting event) and planning it.

Same things apply to videogames. You're not in complete control of your vision. Budget, other peoples' visions, higher-ups and investors telling you what to and what not to put in, project management delays, etc.

I honestly find it hard to believe you went to college for 4 years without realizing this