How do you organize your Steam library, Sup Forums?

How do you organize your Steam library, Sup Forums?

I have over 1k games so most organization methods I've tried aren't working well. I've tried to use Depressurizer; a utility that automatically assigns categories to your games based off scraping the tag database. This is probably the best/easiest but is not ideal as it has similar/redundant categories and sometimes categorizes not the exact way I wanted.

Was also thinking about reducing down to three categories: Something like Played, Not Played, and lolwhydidibuythis. I barely play any of my games so I feel bad. Maybe this would encourage me to play more.

Any protips/strats for organizing?

90% of my library is in the garbage section.

Waiting for updates category. Hmm, not a bad idea. I like it.

and then a tab for all the games I've finished


Putting a space before genres means they are all above series and then alphabetically.

Although I will probably sort it again sometime with more specific catagories.

I organize them in 3 categories: Games I play(multiplayer games), Games I am playing(story games/games with an end), Games I don't or will never play, Games I will play/Considering to play, Games I have completed. That's it. I don't need categories like platformer, Bullet hell, FPS and etc.



alphabetical. I know what I want to play when I want to play it, so I just go to the game and pick it.

I've got about 1200 games myself so organizing by genre and shit isn't really... useful.

I do have a special category for humble bundle shit though.

I just have the active library and the archive

>How do you organize your Steam library, Sup Forums?
I don't.

Alphabetically with grid view. I regularly add non-Steam/emulated games to Steam and it's nice having the custom images. Pic related is just a look at my R section

I don't. I only have like fifty games in there and a huge chunk of that is just dlc/multiplayer being counted as seperate game for some reason.

Just click on "Installed".

I do the same, though I use ~ to denote series instead of a leading space, and I appear to be more stringent on creating new series categories.

so much resident evil

>"Anime" games
>Hack and Slash
>Rythm games
>Rogue Like/Lite
>Star Wars
>Story Rich

I need to do something like this

On Hold

That's my categories

I organize them alphabetically and use the built in search function to search.

All your autism does is over complicate a perfectly adequate system.

Forgot to add 2 categories because I rarely use them:

Do Not Play

>I have over 1k games
Here's your problem. The best way to organize your steam library is to not buy shitty games and sort everything according to genre..

I used to have a "Favorites" category, various genres, and then "zGarbage." I used a program called Depressurizor to make it much easier than the way Steam does it.

Nowadays unless the game I want to play is the one already highlighted I use the search bar. It's always faster than scrolling down a list no matter how organized it is.

Alphabet and search function usually do the trick well enough.

Same here
>not installed

I play what I feel like at the time.

I have mine set as 5 categories:

To Be Completed
Continuous Game (like open world no ending)
Stupid Mac Shit (for when steam handed out mac versions for free)
Don't Care (shit games)

how fucking pointless is that

OP here. This is actually what I am doing at the moment. Aside for using the Favorites designation. I just type the name of the game I want to play.

But sometimes I feel like playing a genre or something without a clear game in mind.

A workaround for now is I go to the Steam store and sort by tag/genre/whatever and then just choose a game. Chances are I already own it.

makes a lot more sense in terms of usability than these stupid joke categories some of you jamokes have

>Favourites (self explanatory, but only includes games I intend to keep playing, not just stuff I played once, loved, and will never touch again)
>Try (backlog, the only section I had to manually add. Stuff here goes into the games section 99% of the time after a short while)
>games (everything else that I don't care about any more)
>VR (self explanatory)

I just hide games I uninstall and only uninstall games I know I'm not gonna play ever again/for a long time.