>ranked - season 2
>think its going to be different from QP for sure
>Hanzo, Torbjörn, Junkrat and Mei
>obviously lost
Why do people do this? Gimp themselves with trash tier characters?
>ranked - season 2
>think its going to be different from QP for sure
>Hanzo, Torbjörn, Junkrat and Mei
>obviously lost
Why do people do this? Gimp themselves with trash tier characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh who gives a fuck? Everyone is cheating anyway, who cares what fucking character anyone is playing. Fuck you and fuck blizzard.
Eh, it's not hard to understand.
>play video game
>"defend the objective"
>user my son yuo are overwatch now
>will u pick 3 tanks and 2 healers
>or will you pick defense chacacter on defecnse
Cheaters get shut down faster than they can say "aimbot" anyway.
Unless you're a popular streamer.
>play placement matches
>win 9 from 10 games
>my last game is with tviq as well
>got diamond after that
>play again
>get placed with people below my rank against people with diamond and gold
>lose rather hard
gg ez
>me ooga
>team booga
S2 is way better. Sucks you got one bad game but that's life.
game as dead as fuck
>avarage wait time is 2 mins now
wew nice thanks /veeee/ for making me buy this trash game.
>Still no ranked
do you think players are coming back after Legion isnt fresh anymore or did WoW kill OW
also rip SC2 / HotS
i wish blizzard would just add single player bots to OW from easy to impossible & offline co-op so that it´d have endless replay value for me even if the gamers are gone
They're all equally shit. They don't need ranked.
>Playing an FPS on consoles
You're a shitposting retard. Doubt you even play the game
How the fuck do I Zarya?
She's tauted as some kind of unkillable death machine, but I get lost often. What's the key?
>playing ranked
All tounry, Esports, and comp video game related things are utter trash only played by utter trash tier people.
>muh meta! stop trying to have fun, this is about winning at whatever cost!
But winning is fun.
but not when winning is the main object
then all you do is fall into the meta bullshit and do unfun things just for the sake of winning
which really, is not that fun.
the fun comes from playing, not the end.
Worst thing is, most meta is only good in the hands of competent people who coordinate for a living. Most of the people in ranked just blindly parrot YT celebs who inform them on the latest meta, without really understanding why it's meta or how it even works, treating it as a "pick X to win unconditionally".
is it? i dont feel like smiling unless u
>win all ten placements
>played support for all of them so basically only one gold medal per game, except when playing Lucio which is either two golds or one gold one silver
>Silver ranking
thanks blizzard, this will teach people that playing support is worth it
Mercy is pure, she is not for sexual!
Get on the frontline and don't pop your shield until they're already shooting you. Save your projected shield for teammates that flank or run in front of you or a Rein shield. RMB in most cases. LMB for big, slow, or single targets.
>not playing as zenyatta
He and ana are the only fun supports, what the fuck are you doing?
>get on the frontline
But they'll kill me
>but use your shield
Three seconds later...
Is there a solo queue for ranked yet? I'm tired bumping on premades who don't know shit and blame every single queuer.
>Console pleb problems
Half your health bar will come back. Don't be so scared.
>tfw there will never be a quick play that is solo queue only
groups are cheating in any team based game. how is a group of random strangers suppose to beat a team that is working together and communicating?
I guess I'm just shit at positioning overall since I get killed pretty quickly either way. Oh well.
Overwatch may not be for you.
Don't do this He's probably rank 40 because you're not supposed to play Zarya on the frontlines. Constantly committing yourself to getting beam kills and wasting your shield for muh high energy isn't how Zarya is played. Only commit to the frontlines if the enemy is pushing you, otherwise let your other teammates handle everything while you have good sightlines on them to give them a shield during a clutch situation. Let your Rein do the tanking.
Muh meta!!!
>Try to communicate this point
>"Your fault for not socializing"
>tfw there are no other shooters out there to play
OW is all I got and I don't even really like it. it's basically just another shitty MOBA, but in FPS format.
>game is so dead nobody on my friend list is online
>three lanes on every map
>holy trinity
Don't listen to blizzdrones user, OverDotA is just that, a MOBA.
I do play Zen but I play Lucio on KOTH
There are DPS on my team to get medals in elims/objective kills than me
I mean, Zarya is pretty sturdy but you can't be charging in without some help. Stay near a healer and keep teammates in sight to efficiently place shields. Always be mindful of your cool downs since they're longer than most other heroes. Fall back and let your shields recharge if your healer is having trouble keeping up.
it's 11am on a friday, most people are at work user
I'm the guy you quoted. I don't play ranked by I'm consistently winning with Zarya. You don't always get a Rein so you'll have to step up and take some damage from time to time. I also said RMB should be your main attack. Nowhere did I say to chase beam kills.
I like how people are still thinking the patch actually helped anyone
>Mercy's still not good enough to be your main healer
>Mercy doesn't even have the highest HPS in the game
>Zenyatta Lucio is still the best heal combo
>Not dying at all is better than resurrecting
>The only thing buffed about Mei was her ult she's still mostly shit
>Hanzo still isnt better than McCree at what he does
>Soldier 76's buff actually made him worse
>Defense heroes are still shit
>D.Va is even shitter now too
>Genji is still viable
Practically nothing has changed.
>three lanes on every map
every map is chokepoint check
players are creeps
>holy trinity
seems moba light.
Reddit, I made a breakthrough. No more supports. I will not play support in ranked ever again. I simply can't win as a support. Just tanks and DPS from now on. Especially Tracer. That's the only way to get anywhere. And she is a defense shitter destroyer, to boot. Mei, Bastion, and Widow can't do shit to her.
>you don't always get a Rein
Switch to Rein
>I don't play ranked
Opinion disregarded. Don't play Zarya please.
>Opinion disregarded
Kill yourself, loser.
better quality
I could really go for a hug right now.
I pick pharah every match in competitive and I ended up in rank 70 so it doesn't matter what tier a hero is . Just how good you are with them
How do you avoid getting gibbed by McCrees everywhere you go?
>am trash with rein
>play better with Zarya
Kindly fuck off
im only here for boobs, dont play or like this shit game
Mcree buff was way too late . remember they needed his ass before he got buffed?
Thats ok most of us play this game for the same reason.
McCree is pretty much the problem child of OW balancing.
They still haven't really gotten it right, they cant seem to decide if he should be a sniper or a mid range fighter.
>They still haven't really gotten it right, they cant seem to decide if he should be a sniper or a mid range fighter.
They also nerfed his ult for no reason. He is still ridiculous in the hands of anybody with decent aim.
I don't mind. He's fun to play with
Due to Blizzard's design choices, Overwatch is built to be a competitive game no matter what mode you decide to play in. If you're not following an established meta and being a shitter on purpose then Overwatch isn't the game for you. Let me guess, you play the game because you're a waifufag?
It doesn't matter if you suck at Rein, the way you play Zarya is subpar. She's an off-tank.
You see, the issue is that people don't play enough Reaper.
If you just want to win games on your own while being aggressive as possible, play Reaper and be able to do the following:
1. do not miss
2. know when to use your abilities to properly initiate and escape
congratulations, you can now shit on 99% of players if you have perfect aim and a lack of ADHD (knowing when to pull out).
>(knowing when to pull out)
I see your dad would make a terrible Reaper huh
Mercy's only redeeming factor is her Ult. the rest of the match she's pretty much a wasted character slot and thus making the game 5v6.
How would you guys nerf/buff mcreee ?
what do you guys think of reaper?
>She's an off-tank
I know this. I only pick her if there's another tank. I never said she was a solo tank. You don't always need a Reinhardt you memer. Some dude asked for tips, I gave him some general tips for solo queue.
I wouldn't because I know jack shit about balance and game design
console players in a nutshell
You can setup custom games with bots solo
>Mfw place in high diamond on the ptr
>Mfw when it gets reset then i place high plat
>Mfw i place gold in live
Just fuck my shit up.
>playing ranked
>dude don't play fucking torb you fucking cuck (he really liked the word cuck)
>just type "torb a cutest"
>he gets super fucking mad, keeps saying GG and "fucking kill yourself cuck"
>we win, I have gold elims, obj kills and damage
>my potg starts
>torb is just in his sitting emote while molten cored
>people think it's hilarious except for the faggot who gave me shit earlier
such is life in platinum
What does someone keep posting this guy's garbage art here?
Are the ranks like hard reset for placements again or do you kinda start placing from your last rating somehow. Thaaaaanks if someone knowss
well, great. still doesn't change the fact that 99% of Torb players are the most retarded people you find in online games.