Metal Gear Solid 2

>Metal Gear Solid 2
>MGS1 rehash
>shitty graphics
>worst PC port of all time
>stupid, convoluted and quite frankly ridiculous plot
>Emma dies in VR simulation but this counts in real life
>Worst bosses ever, like Fatman, Fortune and flamengo gay guy
>out the same year of Splinter Cell, but yet boring and clanky gameplay

>10/10 A post modern masterpiece I suck Kojima's dick everynight - SuperBunnyHop

>Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zeroes + Metal Gear Solid:Phantom Pain
>best gameplay by far in the series and superior even to other series
>best graphics so far this gen
>runs perfect on PC, best port ever
>best plot for a videogame with intriguing characters like Quiet, and great takes from other games like Paz and Kaz
>best presentation ever, finally good music instead of that pseudo james bond diarreha in the third and fourth
>great ending, It finally explains a plot hole in the very first Metal Gear

>Disappointing, Chapter 3 when? Fuck Konami - /veeh/

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're wrong about many things but are obviously trolling so I can't be bothered to tell you why


>shitty graphics

fuck off


>>Emma dies in VR simulation but this counts in real life


Stop wasting our time.

>best plot

Nice bait

>intriguing characters like quiet
this has to be bait
her entire plot was
>I love big boss


>shitty graphics

>great ending, It finally explains a plot hole in the very first Metal Gear

the whole game is VR simulation

Splinter Cell did all that better
it finally explains how Big Boss came back in Metal Gear 2

At the end of metal gear 1 he said he'd be back.
Which means phantom pain created a plot hole. Why would bb say "we'll meet again" if venom is the one who died.

>guy hit by missiles blow up
>comes back 5 years later like nothing happened

actually PP finally gave us a reason. Venom Snake is BBoss in MG1, that should be clear by now. Venom knows the real one is still alive somewhere...

Frankly, this is just insulting.

No it isn't. If you fucking pay attention you'd know that

>I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you guys?
only reddit faggots that suck David Cage cock and only play videogames for the story, dislike MGSV

Have you played the game?

Did you play the game? Because I thought it was pretty clear that Venom was made to believe he was just as much Big Boss as Snake was himself.


The events of the game ARE a simulation, because they are entirely within the control of the patriots, but you idiot think that it is in VR.
And S3 does not stand for solid snake simulation anyway, you moron, because shortly thereafter the AI tells you that it means selection for social sanity.

The whole thing is indeed only a reimagining of shadow moses, but it all happens in the real world.


>worst PC port of all time

100x times better than MGS1's port that's for sure.

And that line is said post credits, after outer heaven has been self destructed, so again it's big boss saying "we will meet again", not venom.


mgs2 could run only at 15 fps MAXIMUM on the most advanced PC of that time, like Pentium4 ATI 9250 and so on

mgs1 instead run pretty well

who's playing mgs2 on a fucking PC?

in 2004 (year in game of MGS1) people had plenty of time to play castlevania games so Solid Snake too, who knows


>Best gameplay in the series
When will these meme fucking die? What the fuck is so special about a boring open world with generic TPS controls, 3 types of missions, uninteresting gadgets, filler missions up the fucking ass, f2p mobile timers on research, and an absolutely garbage MGO? People who claim that 5 had the best gameplay are the same faggots who say Resident Evil and Silent Hill are bad because they're so retarded and underage they can't handle controls which are even remotely unorthodox for them. I know this is bait but I'm falling for it anyway.

me, when the substance edition came out

i guess you're right

that's my point

Jokes on you, I have an inferior AMD without even SSE2, a 9250 (how did you even guess) and it runs at full 60 at max detail on 640x480, but then again you can increase the res and lower detail.

And at a FUCKING least it handled entirely by Konami, so graphics and sound were comparable and 100% accurate to the console versions. MGS1 though? It totally sucked in everything but eliminating obvious PS1 problems like polygon jitter and deformed textures. The rest was terrible. That's why I always recommend to emulate MGS1 instead of playing the inferior pc port.

MGS2 is happening AND not happenign at the same time

nanomachines are playing with raiden brain making everything he does looks diferent

Snake is a pleasure to guide in this game

CQC is excellent, aiming is excellent, great butt and abs

>ATI 9250

That was considered shit even on release mate. I know you weren't born back then though so understand why you wouldn't realise.


if I weren't born back then I would have listed some shitty Geforce

i know it sounds pretentious but:
the message kojima that trying to convey in mgs2 was obviously more important to him than the immediate story.
it makes playing mgs1 then mgs2 one of the most enjoyable experiences you could ever have playing vidya

Nice goalpost moving user. 640x480 was totally acceptable, being the closest to native resolution the game ran on consoles anyway.

personaly dont give a shit

i never played MGS for the story..

finished mgs3 6 times before i learned how to speak english

sucks for you then

That only applies MAYBE to a couple of scenes at best. I don't see how can the rest be considered VR, at all.

Even then, the game is not telling you what is real or "augmented nanomachine reality", you have to find it on your own and make up your mind. That's the theme of the game. A real answer does not exist.

>640x480 was totally acceptable
probably in 1997. even voodoo 5 could run half life 1 at 800x640

and how is that a game that runs on a machine with a 200mhz processor and no dedicated GPU runs like shit on a machine with a 3ghz processor and 400 mhz Gpu?

The events on Big Shell was a controlled test made by the Patriots. It wasn't a VR simulation, it was the Shadow Moses Incident being recreated with a staged event.

Several things that happen in that game wouldn't even make sense in the grand scheme of things if it was all just a VR simulation.

>even voodoo 5 could run half life 1 at 800x640

>voodoo 5 (I don't even know if this got a wide release because 3dfx was already dead)
>half life (literal quake mod)

Is this bait?

>and how is that a game that runs on a machine with a 200mhz processor and no dedicated GPU

300MHz~ processor, and until proven wrong, GS is a dedicated GPU.

>runs like shit on a machine with a 3ghz processor and 400 mhz Gpu

Pic related.

fuck off you underage sonyshill

Also as I said I could very well run the game at 60fps on 1024x768 if I give up a bit of graphic detail (which isn't the least noticeable).

>mfw I dropped the MGS2 is VR meme

>Also as I said I could very well run the game at 60fps on 1024x768 if I give up a bit of graphic detail (which isn't the least noticeable)
you were 6 at the time

I love mgsv unlike most people here but mgs2 is still one of the best games and my favorite. You're a pleb.

the mechanics, controls, and gameplay (with the exception of the dumbed down guard) are the best in the series. It's just the game never does anything with it because they didn't have enough time to design actual levels

>worst PC port of all time

skull face had an hard life

Thanks for not adding anything that helped your case.

Also FYI, ATI cards crapped the fuck out on release (the minimum requirements were GeForce cards) and you had to wait a while for an official patch that fixed at least the most popular models at the time, including my 9250.

it was impossible to run taht game at 60 fps 1024x768

what are you even trying to demostrate here

>best plot

What plot?

>Worst bosses ever


Other that I enjoy responding to bait because I like talking about tech stuff I'm into and showing off your general incompetence, sadly not that much anymore.

MGS2 is not a vr simulation.

Fucking retards.

Raiden was trained in VR (MGS1 VR Missions, Shadow Moses, Tanker Incident) and had his memories wiped. The memories he gained as a child soldier.

That's it. That is the complete extent of the role that VR plays in MGS2. The Big Shell incident is a simulation exercise, yes. A REAL LIFE simulation exercise. A test for the S3 protocol used by the AIs.

than post your set up
let's see what you got in 2005 (note that people were able to run beasts like half life and doom3 at the time)

>finally good music
>Shits on 2 yet says PP has good music

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot, no one cares about your shitty troll. I'm angry at myself for even responding to this trash.

2 had bad music too

I mean jazz...

Yell "Dead Cell!" is fantastic what the fuck are you talking about?

just neck yourself my man

mgs1 was just fifteen different versions of encounter

>what is breaking the 4th wall?
>what is doing that ironically to make people mad that their serious realistic military fantasy is also goofy and unrealistic

mgsv has this

2 has the best soundtrack in the series, except for maybe other than 1.


Strut C/Shell 2 Core

Tanker Incident

Yell Dead Cell

Father and Son

How about no? I'm on a netbook right now and quite honestly I don't feel like hooking up any of my 2005 setups (I have 2).

>(note that people were able to run beasts like half life and doom3 at the time)

Cool you named 2 popular meme games from that time period (it's HL2 by the way) and called them beast to boost your gamer cred. Can you remember which was the latest pixel shader pipeline unit supported in 2005, and how many games even refused to boot if you hadn't got any?

you were talking to me boy

>people have to pretend not to understand the game to make criticisms
Just goes to show how 10/10 it is



>2 has the best soundtrack in the series, except for maybe other than 1.


MG2 > MGS = MGS2

You also forgot this. Dat catchy bass.

best song

Whoops, point still stands.

no it doesn't

Yes it does. I have done all the talking that was needed to be done. MGS2 was a good port when it worked, far better than its predecessor (which allegedly had a software mode for people with incompatible hardware). And there's no reason at all it couldn't run at 60fps on 2005 other than makebelieve and assumptions with no solid proof. If I could right now I'd record the 9250 output from the composite/s-video out in 1024x768, but even then it would be an exercise to uselessness.

mgs2 was a disaster of a port, some effects were even missing
no need to defend it.

>some effects were even missing

Not true at all, not that I remember. It was completely accurate to the original PS2 version when patched appropriately for your video card, and even then you can only argue its accuracy to the XBOX port (which it's based off). Every cutscene had its nooks and crannys fully implemented, from DoF/motion blur to stealth camo to rain and any other post processing effects (the setup was quite open about enabling/disabling each one at your own lease).

MGS1 though? Codec looks like ass, cutscenes literally miss EVERY effect, like said DoF/motion blur and even some environmental effect. I can talk about the subpar/inaccurate audio in the MGS1 port for weeks, while on MGS2 you literally can't tell a difference, they were that good.

MGS2 was released only 1 year after Deus Ex and you're saying it has shitty graphics? fuck off

>not that I remember
why are you even talking then
>MGS1 though? Codec looks like ass, cutscenes literally miss EVERY effect, like said DoF/motion blur and even some environmental effect. I can talk about the subpar/inaccurate audio in the MGS1 port for weeks, while on MGS2 you literally can't tell a difference, they were that good.
that because you were supposed to play that game during 99 or 2005
graphic cards changed after that time period and many common effect couldn't be replicated with older codes

There was no plot hole in MG1.

Original Japanese version had Big Boss swear his revenge on Snake. American version had cut it (along with the fight against the Metal Gear for some reason), and thus it made it appear that Big Boss had died. This led to Snake's Revenge doing that retarded thing of Big Boss turning into a giant fire spewing Robocop. Kojima apparently liked the idea of Big Boss seemingly dying but not really, and so he made Phantom Pain with it's twist.

Stay wrong, OP.

i think worst port belongs to devil may cry 3 or sayonara umihara kawase. nips cannot into pc

>Shitting on all the VR music
>Shitting on the amazing Alert/Detect/Evasion/Caution/AreaBGM themes
>PP's Licensed music OST with unmemorable movie shit is "good"
Please stop.

>why are you even talking then

Not only you have kindergarten tier reading comprehension, you also fail to say anything worth a damn in the rest of your post. I'm saying I DON'T remember any effect missing, because there probably weren't.

>that because you were supposed to play that game during 99 or 2005

...What? Why only those two arbitrary years?

>graphic cards changed after that time period and many common effect couldn't be replicated

I'm having an hard time following you, common effects from consoles? They could be replicated, if you programmed the game around a specific card. Or you know, included a damn SOFTWARE MODE.

>older codes

APIs. DirectX is an API.

MGS 4 is objectively worse than both 2 and V

cool music, yes but

>MGS1 rehash
Missing the point. Stopped reading right there.

try using software mode today with cpu cores of only 700mhz on mgs1 than tell me if you can run this at 1024x 768... anyway a lot of effect don't work due to different software

in mgs2 many effects like dynamic shadowing and so on were removed from the game, even on xbox
>APIs. DirectX is an API.
Konami was ass in 99 they knew nothing about directx

Thats nice and emotional and all, but it doesn't enrich the gameplay in any way, it doesn't create tension or exposition in the game to make me remember it.

Literally hearing the Big shell alert theme puts me in tension because of how iconic and strong that shit is.
Fuck, why did they get rid of the Detect/Alert/Evasion/Caution system. It was the best shit.

MGS2 did it the best.
Detect was fucking bullet sweatingly intense.


>try using software mode today with cpu cores of only 700mhz on mgs1 than tell me if you can run this at 1024x 768

Would you stop fucking changing the goalpost for a second??? First of all even the lowest tier of CPUs have at least 1500MHz per core, and back in 99 we just touched 1GHz CPUs so software mode would have been fine for everyone CONSIDERING IT WAS LOCKED AT 640x480, and even so it's not my fucking problem people today can't run MGS1, are you even listening at what you're saying, what is even your point by now? Are you retarded?

>anyway a lot of effect don't work due to different software

What the fuck does this even MEAN? MGS1 doesn't support effects because it DIDN'T IMPLEMENT THEM BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T MAKE A GOOD JOB. Now that could be justifiable for the amount of feedback sent from Konami, but again, not my problem if the end product sucks.

>dynamic shadowing and so on were removed from the game, even on xbox

Except I remember them, why would they leave them out if they were a central part of the Vamp fight?

>Konami was ass in 99 they knew nothing about directx

Except Konami didn't port MGS1, it was contracted out to some devs in Europe, they same ones that ported FF7 I recall.

>Konami was ass in 99

Says you.

Why isn't there some good Paz sfm porn?


>it finally explains how Big Boss came back in Metal Gear 2
Completely irrelevant plot point. Characters came back from the dead all the time in MGS games.

Fuck, your main character gets hit with everything there is. If your point is
>BB got missiles up his ass
then why MGS games even have an health bar? You're hit, you're dead or very close to it.
>m-m-m-muh continently timed demand for realism

>Except Konami didn't port MGS1, it was contracted out to some devs in Europe, they same ones that ported FF7 I recall.
It was Digital Dialect. They did a lot of PS1-to-Windows ports back then,
