Why is no one talking about this? It comes out this month

Why is no one talking about this? It comes out this month


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Next month

>he doesn't know

im sorry, user. i hope you're a console gamer

next month sorry lads

Because the first reboot had mediocre level design and enemy placement. Stop with this meme.

Shut up, it was awesome.

>More Open levels
>More weapons and enemy types

Sounds good

>Borderlands loot system and RPG elements
>Enemies look spongey as fuck
>Levels are randomized


I'd rather have a remake than a reboot honestly. The new game didn't feel wangy enough

No, it really wasn't, faggot. It was okay at best and only gets attention because faggots like you cum over anything with excessive gibs regardless of whether or not the game is well designed.

only setpieces are randomized not entire levels

what are you talking about


not keen on the rpg stuff but it looks good
certainly better than Doom at least
>it's not like the original
no shit

First one had some real flaws
>stupid as shit perk/ability system. just give the player powers as they go, don't turn it into some half assed RPG
>awful level design. if you make a shooter that is walk down hallway, walk into arena, fight enemies, rinse repeat, stop making games you fucking hack. that shit is boring as fuck. levels should be organic and fluid
>many weapons were utterly useless, arguably all of them save the katana

Because they turned it into a shitty procedurally generated borderlands rip off instead of making something good.

I enjoyed it in spite of its problems but it seems like they've just doubled down on poor design with the sequel. Instead of fixing how much of a bullet sponge everything is, now its a co op game so everything will be even spongier. Instead of fixing the level design they made it boring procedurally generated garbage. Instead of balancing the weapons better and taking out the shitty unlock system, they've added fucking borderlands loot mechanics.

Because nu shadow warrior sucked. Blood source when?

I think you mean mediocre

>Two completely different source ports of blood are being worked on
>Both move at a snail's pace and never update people on their progress
Kill me.

>better than Doom
Nice bait.

Also. The planned remake of retro shooter Blood will not be happening after all. Monolith Productions founder Jace Hall revealed this week that Atari, the company that owns the rights to the game, has declined to continue the project.

"I just got an unusually short, one sentence e-mail from Atari, letting me know that given the current set of circumstances, they are choosing to decline to proceed," Hall said on the Blood fan forums Postmortem. He also expressed his disappointment at this turn of events, noting that Atari had offered him a lot of encouragement.

Hall announced his intentions to create a Blood remake this August. He said at the time he wanted to release the game on multiple platforms. The remake was going to incorporate several "dream" features requested by fans. Hall was going to pay for all the production expenses and release the game for free.

I just want an exact copy of the game that runs well on windows

Gog version.

Uses DOSbox

Just played through the game again, twice through. He's right, though.

Shit's amazing if you can get it as a budget game, but the level design just got worse and worse as the game went on. They gave it an open feeling, almost close to what the original had going, except they decided to make it linear by locking all of the map to you and forcing you to search out the next glowing yellow door/story item to click E on. This wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't make literal mazes after the tanker level, or used some sort of structure on where to go next inside of a giant bisected ship.

The last half was also lame because all money pickups and secrets became incredibly worthless for some reason (75-250 pickups became worth 5-30), so by the time I found the flamethrower onward, I was only able to make room for two major upgrades by the time I finished the game after find over 70% of all pickups on map.

Also the Uzis felt really wrong for some reason. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about, because I don't.

XL engine and the EX engine are what you want to keep an eye out for. The former is swamped with work and the latter is working on Turok 2 though so Blood is getting shafted.

Why does Wang look like Jace Hall?

Even the first shadow warrior wasn't a really phenomenal game other than the special katana kills you could do. I didn't make it three levels into the remake before I got bored. I don't have high hopes for the newest iteration, this entire series just appears once in awhile to say 'Hey remember when games were really gory?'

>better than Doom
nigger doom 4 and sw13 are both arena meatgrinders spawning endless enemies so it's very easy to compare the two and doom 4 is a shit ton more fun
sw13 was still a great game tho

>loot system
>randomized guns
>bulletsponge enemies
they are just moving away from original shadow warrior
fuck, i loved the 2013 version but this looks like an ass

Randomized guns have never been good. Just give me a handful of interesting ones that are all satisfying to use in one way or another.

>tfw love oldschool FPS games like Doom, Heretic, Duke 3D, Blood, Powerslave etc.
>no one makes games like that anymore
>all I can look forward to is Painkiller-closed-arenas with tacked on RPG elements

At least not another modern military slogfest with regenerating health and a two weapon limit.

People still make map packs fampai.

We live in a world where Skyrim and Bioshock got remastered before Blood.

Hell, we live in a world where Turok and Strife got remastered before Blood.

What the fuck went wrong?

Looks better than DOOM, and it's cheaper too. I'll preorder it next week

blood isn't as popular as skyrim or bioshock

Serious Sam 3 was good

I feel the same fuck even a time splitter reboot would be nice at this point

Yeah despite a few shortcomings it was pretty good.

I just hope they go back to TFE's gameplay and ditch sprinting and reloading for the next game.

the RPG shit pull me off

The first one was pretty mediocre/bad, shitty guns, bad melee, bad level design, some of the most obnoxious and useless upgrade system. Probably one of the worse Serious Sam clones.

Randomized guns and levels only makes this worse. It'll be pretty mediocre or just straight up bad.

Where's my Heretic spiritual succesor?

Seriously, all these FPS games yet very few of them use cool magical artifacts.

Everyone will praise it as OLDSKOOL

I enjoyed the new game but I agree that the Uzis were severely underpowered. There were segments towards the end that became far too linear. The base mission had that problem, where it offered you the illusion of exploration but never delivered. That being said, I'm not a cynical doomsaying Sup Forums faggot who hopes games fail so that they can quickly shitpost about it, further preventing themselves from facing the fact that they haven't played a game since they were 11, so in that case I'm probably going to buy it. on sale of course

GOG is giving away the original 90s game for free to promote Shadow Warrior 2.



>Why is no one talking about this?
Because they showed gameplay where they made SW into some loot'em'up with randomized levels and gear, like some Borderlands crap.

>Serious Sam clones
Painkiller clones have fuckall to do with Serious Sam.

>Borderlands loot system
what does he mean by this?

>Also the Uzis felt really wrong for some reason. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about, because I don't.

There are various reasons
> alt fire needs to be held down instead of just switching between both modes
> alt fire also splits the mag-size for the Uzis, so each has 40 bullets now instead of 80
and something that goes for every bullet weapon:
> the hit-detection/bullet spray is kinda fucked
Seriously, the guns aren't actually THAT weak (well, unless you play on anything above normal), they just can't hit a thing.
If you try to actually aim, including using the iron sights, you can usually kill a normal demon in one headshot or 20 Uzi rounds.
The game is not made for this kind of slow gameplay, though, and so you end up with a shotgun that is supposed to clean an entire room of enemies with one shot of its alt-fire according to its description but in reality can't hit the broad side of a barn.
Add visual noise like head bobbing and motion blur and you can forget aiming as a whole during more hectic fights.

>Giving away good game to promote mediocre remake.

>enemies are spongey
Like any shooter then?

This, why would you add "random" elements to a game that alleges to be a classic shooter?

Cool, I recommend everyone pick this up: Shadow Warrior is a pretty good fps

Duke Nukem 3D > Blood > Shadow Warrior is the ranking of the build shooters

Prove me wrong, protip: you can't

He probably just means the "arena" style shooter where you have to kill every enemy in an area to advance, which Serious Sam created, and in my opinion perfected.

what to talk about? pre ordered, waiting

As someone who recently played Blood for the first time after growing up on Duke3D
Blood>Duke>Shadow Warrior

Daily reminder that Shadow Warrior had a railgun months before Quake II's release.

>Borderlands loot system and RPG elements
Why is this a bad thing?
You do realize the loot system and RPG elements are those 2 things that keep Borderlands in top 40 Steam even today right ?

You know, braggin about preordering a polish borderlands clone with the same reddit-tier humor should be rather embarrasing. Shitposting about D4MM on top of that takes your bad taste to a whole new level.

Did anyone deny this?

Duke 3D was my least favorite. I didn't like the setting and there was too many boring maps between good ones but yes people generally rank them like that.

>tfw these fuckers make an arena shooter instead of CLASSIC shooter
>shove in randomizers and loot system
No, thanks, I'll pass.

Well, I hope at least this shit won't be like that.

Well user, nowadays "oldschool FPS" means throwing a ton of bad guys at you, and maybe a lack of regenerating health.

Everything else is as modern as it gets
>RPG elements
>iron sight
>bullet sponges

Everyone bashes on the new DOOM for not being oldschool, but it's the most oldschool modern FPS we've had in a while.

It's a bad thing for a game series that was anything but a coop lootfest.

Damn, this looks pretty Quake-ish.

Although I'm not really sold on the way the weapons sway when you move.

Wait a fucking minute, what is this?

>levels should be buzzword and buzzword
what did he mean by this

I don't bash on D44M, it's a surprisingly well-made game. It actually feels like devs knew what makes shooters good and it shows a lot. Monster balance is good, weapon balance is good, the gameplay style is different from OG Doom in the sense that it forces you to constantly be on the move instead of dodging projectiles but it's still fun. The level design has excellent flow too in spite of it being split by arenas.

Now Painkiller clones and rougelite meme shit like Strife is plain annoying.

So you want every shooter to be Borderlands then? Fuck out of here.

As official site states:
>Dusk is a retro-themed FPS inspired by classic shooters from the mid to late 90s, such as Doom and Quake, with particular attention being paid to engaging and rewarding level design.

Fuck, I meant Strafe.

>official site

go back to play Memelands underage

I enjoyed the new Doom, but it's not an old school shooter: it's more like the Doom 3 we would have gotten if that game took inspiration from painkiller and Serious Sam as opposed to System Shock and Half Life.

ironsnowflakes blogspot ru

>System Shock
>Half Life


>using aim down the sights makes your FOV tiny as fuck

I want this meme to end

The structure of Doom 3's opening is similar to Half Life, and the audio logs and attempts at making a horror fps were taken from System Shock, almost entirely the second one.

I never said Doom 3 did it well

A slow paced, atmospheric, and story driven fps.

>Everything is brown as shit
>Stupid ass head bobbing
>Barebones everything
>Even the soundtrack tries to imitate Reznor

I get that copying Quake as far as 3D FPS games go is logical but Quake singleplayer wasn't THAT good I think it was very mediocre tbqhwy and Quake 1 wasn't a very influential singleplayer game. Not to mention that looking like literal shit was not its strongest point in the slightest.

Painkiller came out after Doom 3 and it has nothing to do with Serious Sam. SS is "dodge projectiles and prioritize these 200 enemies charging at you", D44M is "always move and kill everything while hopping around". It's more like Q3 if it had singleplayer if that makes any sense.

Also I don't think making D44M something drastically different than it's now would have been wise. I mean, less arenas would be nice but it's not like you could make it 2.5D and there're wads for it anyway. Taking Q3 influence seems perfectly logical.

Doom 3 is poor man's System Shock mixed with Half-Life for all intents and purposes.

I want aiming down the sights to be removed from arena-combat gamesin general.

I wanna see the weapon in all it's glory, not just the top of it

>Quake single player
>not that good
You fucking what m8? And Quake's colour palette wasn't all brown environments: they added more colour as you go through it.

I played this at PAX East and one of the devs was a fucking tool. I really liked the first game too. Fucking christ that dude was a cunt.

It really wasn't. Enemies took a fair amount of hits to kill and levels were mostly corridors, thus making combat pretty annoying. Episode 4 was outright garbage and I think I only really enjoyed the third one, first two felt very forgettable.

Yeah, they also added muddy grey and muddy blue, the color scheme was still incredibly ugly, especially coupled with early 3D.

I think the only good thing about Quake singleplayer is how it clearly influenced Thief in a lot of areas.

Somewhat related, but anyone paying attention to the Duke Nukem thing that's getting revealed today? It's been leaked that it's a remaster of Duke 3D with a new episode made in the build engine. Hopes? Expectations? Fears?

It's Zimbabwe memes galore, user. Just let it go.


> Enemies took a fair amount of hits to kill
Depends on what weapons you used on them; you can take out the enemies in Quake pretty quickly once you know what gun's effective against them.
>levels were mostly corridors, thus making combat pretty annoying
The corridor thing is a fair complaint, (i'd argue it was due to early 3D limitations) but it doesn't mean the levels are poorly designed simply because you weren't a fan of their dimensions. And the combat complaint doesn't make sense to me considering the enemies were designed around corridor combat.
>Episode 4 was outright garbage and I think I only really enjoyed the third one, first two felt very forgettable.
This is all incredibly subjective, and I can't really argue against it because you're not giving me much to work with: WHY are they bad and forgettable?
>Yeah, they also added muddy grey and muddy blue
Okay? it's still an expanded colour palette, and not the generic "all brown" corridors people who don't like the game claim it is.
>the color scheme was still incredibly ugly, especially coupled with early 3D.
Subjective, and you can't really complain about the game being early 3D as a negative.

I can see why someone wouldn't like Quake's single player, but to outright say it's not that good is pretty silly.

I can't, I just want a good Duke Nukem fps. Just once more, damn it.

The balance of Doom is soooo pefrect too. The RPG elements make you way too overpowered and ruin the balance imo

This, those runes are absolutely busted. I recently did another playthrough on Ultra Violence without them, and found it it be a far more rewarding experience.

Level design will be at least passable. Not sure about overall visual design, though. And I'm 100% sure writing will be utter shit.

Ive been playing on Nightmare and purposefully gimping myself, the game is amazing and unlike any other gameplay experience ive had in so long. Those things are flaws, so its not perfect. But I dont understand how anons take those flaws and say they ruin the whole thing somehow, refusing to see any good.

I really like it, but i can see why some aspects might be deal breakers.

I really enjoyed the reboot (gotta love me some Painkiller) but goddamn, the bigger enemies were goddamn spongey.

It's not a dealbreaker for me, but they ought to make enemies more aggressive instead of giving them more health.

I never had a problem with the bigger enemies. The main one people seem to have issues with are the big charger ones with glowing backs but a few shots from the crossbow with the high tension mod takes them down fast and easy.

it's only for PC
Consoles have been delayed till next year

It's becoming less like Painkiller and more like Borderlands, which sucks because Shadow Warrior 2013 was a pretty good game.Anyone have hands on with this game to prove me wrong? I really want to like this game.