What mobile game are you playing on your smartphone, Sup Forums?

What mobile game are you playing on your smartphone, Sup Forums?

Dokkan Battle Eng and JP
Boom Beach
Kingdom Hearts JP
Valkyrie Connect JP
Clash Royale
Sword Art Online JP
Justive Monsters V JP
Yokai Watch Punipuni JP
Pokemon GO
Day of the Tentacle

Yeah, I use my phone a lot.



Can i play this offline .

Not that garbage, that's for sure.

Also stop making this thread.

Can't. This is the only place I can make this thread.

Why on earth do you keep making it though?

That game fucking sucks shit, so does brave exivvus, and so does record keeper.
>b-b-b-but they play just like the old FF games!
No they don't. Quit spreading this horse shit.

Also, I'm playing the best mobile game that isn't Doom RPG 2.

Brave Exvius
Record Keeper

BE is the best one, I can play decently on mobius and I suck at RK

Dokkan Battle is kinda comfy even though it's pretty much just a puzzle game.

Already cleaned up the dragon stones in the quests so I don't have to grind too much unless World Tournament time or an event interests me.

What game?

Deck De Dungeon 2.

>Tap my Katamari

shit's fun

Pretty good.

>Doom rpg
Oh man, i still remember back when java games had potential and were, well, actual games.

How does that compare to AW? Better than warbits?

Man warbits sucked hard once you got "CO powers".

Hearthstone, Downwell, Kunio kun dodgeball and everyonce in a while I'll put TWEWY back on my phone. Lost that cartridge so that's why I got it

Recommend me a trashy but fun mobage

I dont care if its EN or JP

LoveLive! School idol Festival
Kingdom Hearts Unchained X
GTA San Andreas

Deus Ex GO
Riptide GP Renegade

That's about it.

Dokkan has spiked a lot in difficulty lately. Either you get lucky with your pulls or you feel like Bamco is trying to force you to buy stones.

If you don't have a Gogeta you're fucked almost from the start.

Persona 3 and star control 2

Super melee on the phone is garbage though so thats a shame

Any other cute rpg like Crusader's Quest? Probably the best mobile rpg if you don't want to spend.

FF Tactics
Game Dev Story
Pixel Dungeon

You don't really need Gogeta since you just need to get him as a friend then build the team around that.

And Gogeta doesn't really do as much damage compared to a team with double AGI Golden Friezas or double TEQ SSB Gokus.

Dokkan Battle Eng and Puzzle & Dragons NA and JP.

>tfw when I got both TEQ Perfect Cell and TEQ SSB Goku after starting last month

I got SSB Goku when I went "Fuck it" on the recent TEQ event. I knew I shouldn't waste stones on it but I lucked out.

Now I just gotta wait for Perfect Cell event so I can see if I can evolve my Cell. I sadly can't beat Buu event yet, even though I got Teq Good Buu and Agi Kid Buu.

Puzzle & Dragons N/A

Jojo's Medal Clash Adventure.
Still waiting for the Kira story to unlock.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Not getting Shout during the last event before running out of myth tilted the shit out of me.

A double Gogeta lead is obviously much, much better. Besides, isn't there s STR Type equivalent for Golden Freezy and Bluper Goku if you want a mega-nuking Soul Punisher?

Dokkan Cell event is the only one I managed to complete. If you got lucky enough to pull some key cards like INT Turles and you managed to get a Golden Frieza from the Resurrection 'F' event, you're pretty much good to go.

record keeper eng and jp
brave exvius eng and jp

I am hording all of Echo skins in Mobius and nobody can stop me.


>INT Turles and you managed to get a Golden Frieza from the Resurrection 'F' even
Nope, sadly aint got neither of those but I reckon that since Cell is just a single enemy without any "transformations", having doulbe TEQ SSB Goku leaders and Perfect cell along with some good items might be enough.

I got some other decent cards but nothing majorily good for leading with yet outside of SSB Goku I think. Int Vegito, Agi Kid Buu, Phys Gotenks and some decent SR cards like Teq Good Buu and such.

STR lead for nuking would be SSJ3 Kid Goku from GT who isn't available for Global. Which is a shame since Global already has its STR nuker.

NonoCube, because Picross 3D-2 is fucking $30.

I usually dont play on my phone,but when I do I play gba emulator and bbtan,which I got bored with it

shoat is shit try for sentinels grimoare

this game is such boring trash

dunno about trashy, but Granblue's pretty great


Mobile games are all shit that offer shitty shallow experiences that are meant to hook you on microtransactions.

Every single one of you that buys into this is part of the problem. Get fucked kids.

that fucking game was so addictive

It actually is and regret that I installed this uninspired grindfest of a game.

game fucking difficult spiked and holy shit it became hard
the meta game is fucking hard
this game goes from 0 to 100
and I'm still doing badly


are you emulation the psp version?