Chie and yosuke

chie and yosuke
naoto and kanji
teddie and rise
yukiko and mc

Chie and my dick

everything else is irrelevant

I will not discuss it.

do it

No because its objectively wrong.

Rise and most guys

but for party purposes, sure, Teddie


>MC x Rise
>Chie x Yosuke
>Naoto x Kanji
>Yukiko x pure virginity
>Teddie x masturbating in the closet alone
Objectively best

>Rise x every one including the fat neckbeard at school

There isn't a single thing in the entire game that even slightly hints Naoto might be interested in Kanji.

He'd be terrible for her, he can't offer even a fraction of what she needs. At least Yosuke and Chie have some basic chemistry.

Honestly Yu/Naoto/Rise/Yukiko/Chie is the best pairing.

>Chie x Yosuke
Opinion discarded into the same trash can that fucking garbo ship belongs

You are the only person on this site other than me that likes chie and yosuke. Thank you for posting

>Chie x Yosuke
>Kanji x Rise
>Yukiko x her "clients" at the hotel
>Teddie x Nothing
>Naoto x MC

Prove me wrong faggots.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong place. Tumblr's two doors down.

Fuck you

Chie Yosuke
Naoto Kanji
Yukiko Teddie
Rise MC

Is Making Naoto Fags Super Mad
and basically, you are fucking stupid
How? ...Just Watch The Free Video >

>Kanji x Rise
>Yukiko x Chie
>Yosuke x Labrys/His hand
>Self insert x waifu
Literally the only acceptable ships

>Liking Chie x Yosuke
>Liking Kanji x Naoto
>Liking Teddie x anyone
I shouldnt be surprised that Sup Forums has shit taste

I still don't get why the fuck they ruined his hair so badly. Literally looks like a wig.

>Not wanting a piece of Teddies sweet little bear-pussy
Sup Forums what is wrong with you

Chie and Kou
Yousuke and some college bitch
Yukiko and a man she meets who regulars her inn just to see her more
Teddie and no one
Kanji and a girl he meets in knitting club
Naoto and a stay at home dad who takes care of the kids while she works for Korijo
Rise and no one (due to being an idol, she cannot date)
Yu and Marie

Chie and MC
Yukiko and MC
Rise and MC
Naoto and MC
Kanji and MC

Beta males BTFO.

Reminder you were originally gonna be able to fuck Yosuke

>chie and yosuke
I don't really care who gets Chie, per se, but Yosuke deserves to die alone
>naoto and kanji
Not happening. How did Naoto not make this clear to you and everyone else?
>teddie and rise
I don't even know how to respond.
>yukiko and mc
Shit taste.

Na, if Yosuke is with Chie then hes a cuck to the MC.
Kanji on the other hand would be better at being supportive to Naoto, and would tell her shes dumb when she doubts herself, only problem is during the game hes a bit too fucking dumb. Ending made him look like a nerd to make us thing he's working on that though?

If you could it would have made so much more sense.

Mc x teddie x yosuke.

honestly im not one for shipping or even gay shit but Goddamn if I didn't think Yosuke was gonna come on to you at some point. Persona has already had gay characters so it wouldn't be that surprising to me. I forgot the terms but isn't there a dom and sub thing in gayship? These 2 fit it perfectly

>At least Yosuke and Chie have some basic chemistry
Barely. Their only chemistry is bickering, it's not even sexual tension or whatever, just bickering. Shit, the game kind of points out that Kanji and Naoto is more likely to happen. At least there you can actually comment on whether they should get together or not, but when Rise suggests that Chie and Yosuke should go out she just automatically shuts it down without a second thought.

Kanji x Naoto is best ship.

>kanji x MC
this is the only option I wanted honestly, kanji a cute.

Chie and Yukiko
Yuu and Rise
Naoto and Kanjia
Yusuke and the Nurse
Teddie can fuck off straight to hell that annoying cunt

honestly the only people that seem to have any chemistry in this game are Narukami with Rise, Marie, or Yumi. Every thing else seems kinda forced.

Marie can't exactly have non-forced chemistry since her character alone is completely shoehorned.

Also I felt that, in the anime at least, he and Chie had some chemistry going during the Tatsumi POrt Island episode

Teddie is too candid to have a lover.

to be fair, Marie was literally made to be that way

>teddie and rise
I understand if you don't like Rise, but you don't have to hurt her like that