What a fucking joke.
Final fantasy on mobile hate thread, go.
What a fucking joke.
Final fantasy on mobile hate thread, go.
FFIII is fine on mobile
Square is on a personal contest to see how badly they can make an old game perform on recent hardware.
Could you imagine playing Final Fantasy 7 from start to finish with touch controls on a 6-inch phone?
>hate thread, go
You think that shit's bad?
Square paid people to make 5 and 6 look WORSE.
That's a real popular game! Who wants to see it ported fifty times more?
I recently replayed FF7 emulated on a 5 inch screen
It's pretty great since the screen is small enough that you don't see the low resolution
The DS game ports were fine.
Why the hate? Is it a shoddy port?
Its not like this is the only thing SE is doing with the IP. Their fucking remastering it and all.
We do, we do!!!
Cringe what? We can do Nintendo hate threads but not hate threads about other companies?
>but Nintendo!
>not posting a screenshot
C'mon OP.
the point is both are bad threads, genius
What are the requirements? And, are there crcked versions out there?
It's a turn based game. Completely fine for mobile.
Looks great
this is literally the
>am i fitting in yet guys? i hate everything for no reason, just like most of Sup Forums!!!
kill yourself retard
I'm thinking about buying it after seeing this image.
>redefined the genre
>Blue/black sides immersed with battle
Literally perfect.
Who gives a shit. Its stupid but apparently people still buy it. Do you think this cost any resources? They just paid some outside studio to make a lazy port.
Granted the older FF remakes are pretty decent on phone, and if you hate playing on phones out of principal you either have a shitty phone or are a buttmad shitter
>swordsman running at a gun man
Is he an idiot?
That's debatable, actually.
>older FF remakes are pretty decent on phone
Apparently the option to disable encounters is always on screen in the field. But one of the first results for "FF7 mobile" is an article on Wired talking about how much it "improves the experience". lel
talking about the 3D ones. I still mix them up, but there are 2 3D ports that are decent. The Cecil one and one with a job system.
A big screen and a controller won't make a shit game any better.
To be fair. It doesn't seem like such a bad thing.
Sometimes you just want to go somewhere quick without having to stop for tedious fights all the time.
Most old school jrpg's have a "I don't want to fight" items. This just makes it simpler.
Granted as long as you are still being punished for not fighting. It shouldn't be a replacement for grinding.
Oh yeah man, the Cecil one that came out 10 fucking years ago on the DS first.
Holy fuck.
Yes? It's one of the few games I could imagine being pretty nice to play on a phone.
More so than something like fucking Vice City.
It was a godsend back then but now it isn't.
I've been playing it on iPad and I'm having a blast. Stop being autistic OP
You got the screens of the fucked up tiling job they did on like boulders and shit?
Could you imagine if they ported a good game to phones instead?
Didn't think you could go back in time and ruin all my favorite games!
Well I used to not be able to think like that, until Nintendo showed me.
vidya is dead
well that's at least better than the instant cheat buttons in FF9 PC port
Why does FF7 being on a phone ruin it for you?
>what is dragon quest VIII
I love my Nexus 5X, but phone games are for fags. This thing is only useful for saving porn and calling.
a bad game?
Is it a carbon copy?
I don't know. But why would that matter?
Well now that I think about it, if theres something new in it that would be pretty nice please no angeal shit
A shitty turn based game?
And the problem is?
Literally no-one has provided good critique ob why it's bad
It's not a bad port. Everyone here shitting on it is just being contrarian because it's on mobile.
Square's mobile output has been rising in quality actually, and they made Dragon Quest I~III work on Android again. Those DQ ports are tits-awesome.
And that makes the port bad... How?
>doesn't have that shit-ass font
Well alright.
Still would probably be better putting it on my PSP.
I wish Homsarposting was a thing.
It's Final Fantasy, that should explain enough on why it's bad.
>all this shitty opinion in a ff thread
noice b8
it's generous to call this an ff thread
Op here. Why the hate?
Try it and see for yourselves, fags. PS1 lvl graphics, pixelated pre-rendered backgrounds and fucking poor performance, I'd say under 20fps.
I can deal with ps1 graphics just fine, but the input lag and low fps is just lazy. Even a toaster can emulate ff7 nowadays.
I don't mind, if they're good ports. Not this kind of crap they're trying to sell on smartphones.
Well besides 8.
That is actually the better option.
>>hate thread, go
Screenshots don't look that bad. Gameplay though, fucking sucks.
Not at all. I was thrilled to be able to play this on my phone. The port just fucking sucks, gameplay is 100x worse than the ps1 original.
>not just emulating the ps1 version
I played all the way through it on mobile.
Ask me anything.
does it run well? Cloud saves? (pun pun pun)
Controller support?
It lags every now and then, usually on the world map. Battles are always smooth. The controls took some getting used to by its FF7, the controls were always kind of weird.
Cloud saves yes. I redone loaded on grabbed my cloud save to tale this screenshot.
No controller support, but at that level you might as well just emulate it. I played this in 30 minute stretches while I waiting around on my phone.
>controller support?
Just play emulator with controller instead of in public.
I am also drunk and on my phone right now. I apologize for retarded autocorrect mistakes.
>It's 15 dollars
Yeah, fuck off. I'll run an emulator. I still refuse to buy 9 on mobile because its 20 fucking dollars.
I know anything about this port but I have to assume it can't be any worse than the SNES FF mobile ports were.
Man those were fucking garbo.
They were, at least, playable.
Shh, Square has become a place of business now.
No time for flights of fancy.