Inafune gets Chinese company to fund Red Ash while he's doing the kickstarter

>Inafune gets Chinese company to fund Red Ash while he's doing the kickstarter
>Called a ConMan
>Iga gets a Publisher to fund Bloodstained while doing a kickstarter
>called a hero of gaming

I don't get it.

i think it's the "creator of megaman" thing

i think it's the "creator of megaman" thing

i think it's the "creator of megaman" thing

i think it's the "creator of megaman" thing

delusional castlevania faggots, Bloodstained is already looking like shit but people will eat it up I guess


i think it's the "creator of megaman" thing

Iga was straight from the beginning about wanting to raise money to show the publishers that people were willing to buy the game
Inafune's was a shady bailout

He didn't create Mega Man

He had 10 other projects while he was still working on M#9

He was waaaaaay behind schedule

The end game looked absolutely nothing like what was advertised

Backers paid for HIM to make the game, but he ended up hiring clueless shitstains like this and let them have creative control over the project. A project that people paid MILLIONS of dollars for and were expecting HIM to make, not some west coast hipster fuckwit who has NEVER FUCKING PLAYED A MEGA MAN GAME BEFORE.

He irreparably damaged the whole concept of crowdfunding and the only way to fix it and redeem himself is if he starts a new one titled "Pay Me $1,000,000 and I'll Commit Seppuku"

>Backers paid for HIM to make the game,

Inafune's never made a game in his life though. He's just an artist and producer. Producers hire people to make games, oversee the projects.

Dina is so fucking ugly, Jesus Christ, why are all feminists ugly as hell?

>He irreparably damaged the whole concept of crowdfunding

idk man i think it would happen even without inafunes help. just look at all the other high profile KS disasters.

inafune prob just speeded it up a little bit

>Inafune couldn't even wear a Mighty Numbers shirt

>just look at all the other high profile KS disasters.

Which is the source of Ben Judd's "It's better than nothing" comment. He's comparing MN9, whcih at least came out, to all the cancelled games.

But Inafune is supposed to be some industry veteran, not some buffoon with more money than they know what to do with and no plan. The comparison is crap.

bloodstain good

because the smart ones are too busy actually going out and getting what they want as opposed to complaining that life isn't served up to them on a silver platter, and the pretty ones generally don't need to worry about such things.

>Bloodstained is already looking like shit

What makes you say that?

Backed Bloodstained. Played the demo.

So far, so good.

>created mega man
>created zero
>created x series
>created zero series
>makes one screw up
>hated forever

>created zero

The only accurate thing you listed

His screw up was trying to cover more consoles that he could handle. This robs a dev team from the resources and time it needs to fully develop a game.

If he was open about this issue people would not have been mad at him. Simply release the game in X, Y and Z systems first, then release the game in A, B and C after a time.

IGA was upfront about it the entire time

Conman was not

IGA actually makes games

Conman does not

He really is the father of zero.

Just like I said.

It doesnt if the game looks like absolute garbage

Yooka Laylee and many other indie games will look/have looked the same across all platforms

>MN9 3ds backers havent played the game yet


They used UE3, which is a bulky home console engine. Not a light easy to port engine.

The 3DS and Vita versions are never, ever coming out.


Doesn't Soul Sscrifice use Unreal

Igarashi was open from the get go that he had publishers to help fund the game. The kickstarter was to help show said publishers there was interest in the project.
Inafune on the other hand brought up the publisher at the very end to try and get money out of a failing kickstarter, especially considering mn9 hadn't even released yet.

Playtonic were smart about YL though. Dev started on Xbone (Because MS were the first to give them kits) then they switched to Wii U and PC because they were the most popular backer options while two internal teams at Team 17 are doing the PS4 and Xbone versions.

Conman should have outsourced MN9 instead of trying to push the dev team with so many versions

>Implying having a publisher post Kickstarter is an issue.

The issue was transparency.
Iga was being completely honest with his Publisher ties, even going so far as to outright state that part of the reason for the kickstarter is to affirm consumer interest right in the video.

Inafune on the other hand was being a shifty fuck the whole way through.

>Inafune reveals that he already has backing after several days of trying to take people's money for a SECOND Kickstarter before his first game is out

>Iga is up front with his backing in the very first pitch, puts out a demo that is both on time and hugely promising

That's just my view

Vita can do Unreal 3. The Mortal Kombat and Injustice ports used it. It would more than likely be below the native resolution like Soul Sacrifice though.

Bloodstained plays well but looks like shit 2bh

People think that's a problem?

The reason for doing the KS in both cases were to ensure funding by proving there is a lot of people that want it or at least help partly fund it basically.

The big problem with MN9 is that people didn't do proper research and reading up. Inafune is a business man, not a game maker and they only had sketches to show pretty much.

Meanwhile, Iga and his team have been communicating a lot with their backers and made sure to show stuff and ask for approval before going ahead with a lot of things. It also helps that their game actually looks a lot better than MN9 already.

Mega Man fans didn't know the difference between a producer adn director, and thought Inafune created the series.