Massive HP Pool

>Massive HP Pool
>Literally healing herself
>massive range
>highly aggressive
>long runback to the boss
>3rd fucking boss in the game

Why does this game have so much fucking artificial difficulty? Easily the most overrated PS4 game.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Friend who has never played the series
>Decided to play all of them, with the exception of DeS and DS2
>Who doesn't level grind
>Does a minimal amount of exploring
>And doesn't cheese enemies
>Was able to beat Amelia in one go

git gud

Just change your loadout and play style.

>literally healing herself
never noticed that

Seriously, git gud. She's a pushover. Either get better at playing video games, enjoy the challenge, or puss out and summon 'friends'.

she doesn't even have the biggest Hp pool in the game though
the ENTIRE game is forcing you to be aggressive as fuck back, of course you dark souls weenies are going to struggle playing defensively

>cant beat the easiest boss

user you need to remember bloodborne is dark souls for people with ADHD
No thinking and planning and tactics allowed, just charge in and beat on it, then dodge when it attacks you, that's all there is to it.

Have you played any dark souls before?

That's what we call a damagecheck boss, user
it means you need to upgrade your shit and get better mate

Just play The Witcher 3, it's better than Bloodborne.

Use fire retard

>Souls bosses
>planning and tactics
you're adorable

>bonemarrow ash

woow so hard

Killed her on first try with my first character hardly taking any damage.

Seriously are you people that bad at video games?

Ha, I watched my friend play this, and when he got to this boss it managed to jump out of the level and kill itself.

>you're adorable
>Read it in his voice

Fuck you user

>Massive HP Pool
That actually melts with some fire paper and serrated weapon or a flamesprayer (all that is easily available to player and presented as good way to get rid of BEASTS, assuming you can actually read)
>Literally healing herself
You get a throwable item to prevent that not far from her boss fog.
>long runback to the boss
Wrong. If you call that 'long' how do you describe run to Sif, Seath or 4monarchs? A marathon?
>massive range
Yes and?
>highly aggressive
Exaggerate less and don't try to pad your list with something that's not even negative.
>3rd fucking boss in the game
Looks like scrub filter works as intended. Maybe summon a few phantoms.

>don't lock on
>suddenly the boss becomes easy as fuck

Cleric beast does that. Never heard of Amelia doing it.

I had this issue with the O&S fight in DaS, camera kept clipping into the walls.
How is it 4 games later they still haven't fixed the god damn camera.

>hit up Hemwick first
>+5 saw weapon
>fire paper

There's not much to fix unless you want shit like 'top down bird's eye view' when you get sandwitched between mountain of fur and nearest wall. Just don't lock on as user suggested and be done with it. Works for other big bosses like Loran Camerabeast too.

>turn the game off
>boss literally vanishes
wooooooooooooooooow sooooooooooooooooooooo hard

I know right why doesn't it just beat itself for you if you die 3 times in a row or something, or like why doesn't it automatically do cool combos for you if you just mash the button

Why don't Souls games have an easy mode?

>Why don't Souls games have an easy mode?
They do. It's called 'summoning'.
I destroy Papa-G with my super twinkie in 5 seconds if some shitter dares to ring a bell near his fog gate.

>Why don't Souls games have an easy mode?
They do, it's called summoning people.

What is fire paper , hit each one of her limbs enough times and she staggers giving you a chance to critical her ass to death , can be beaten to a pulp while trying to heal.


beast pellet, firepaper + r1 and a +3 weapon, it wont be able to fight back.

I know OP is a failed baity cunt but seriously, people who only play slow ass Dark Souls get absolutely fucking destroyed in Bloodborne.


I just beat my first playthru of BB and I still don't get it, who/what exactly qualifies as a 'beast'? Were all of the villagers attacking me beasts themselves? Why do they always call me a 'foul beast'? Beasthood is a thing, I just don't get it , was Father Gascoigne always a beast or was he only one when he transformed into a 'beastly' form?

Uh excuse you, the fan base agreed the term for beating something in one attempt is actually 'oneshot'
Educate yourself

>artificial difficulty

Come back at Rom and cry more fgt

cute! CUTE!

>3rd fucking boss in the game
its actually the 5th, so why don't you go kill the other two first


I kek'd

4th-5th boss, actually if you played the game and didn't beeline to the finish.

Also she's the high point before the bosses decline

>who/what exactly qualifies as a 'beast'?
Is there fur, claws and does it shriek somewhat fierce when you throw a molotov on it or poke it with a torch? It's beast.
>Were all of the villagers attacking me beasts themselves?
Not all of them. Only those in Old Yharnam. In starting Yharnam area they are only partially transformed, still human for the most part.
>Why do they always call me a 'foul beast'?
I think it's an insult, not to be taken literally. Beasts are bad, beasts kill people.
>Beasthood is a thing, I just don't get it,
Max beashood = pure instinct / animal / stupid
Min beasthood and max insight = enlightened / holder of universal knowledge / able to ascend to higher planes of existence - this is what most groups were trying to achieve in between murdering beasts that were kind of a byproduct
>was Father Gascoigne always a beast or was he only one when he transformed into a 'beastly' form?
Only after transformation.

None of those things seem like artificial difficulty.

In fact, I have never understood what "artificial difficulty" means. I've always read it as simply "too hard for me." High HP? Artificial difficulty! Strong attacks? Artificial difficulty! Lots of moves in quick succession? You know the rest. I don't know what "natural difficulty" is supposed to be if high stats and mean gimmicks aren't legitimate attributes of an enemy that is designed to kill you until you best it with skill.

>No one is truly good in this world, it's basically a big free for all to see who can ascend to higher planes of existence faster

its easy as fuck
not sure how you even fail at it
get 20 blood vials
charge in
mash r1
outtank the boss

O&S taught me to avoid the fucking walls. It's a good practice to not get backed into a corner or a wall.

You could also not lockon, but I always do and as long as I don't do anything stupid (i.e. back into a corner or wall) it works just fine.