>Very high skill ceiling
>Consistently good developer support by frequent updates
>Massive esport scene
>Very deep gameplay
There's no reasonable argument why DOTA2 isn't the best multiplayer game.
>Very high skill ceiling
>Consistently good developer support by frequent updates
>Massive esport scene
>Very deep gameplay
There's no reasonable argument why DOTA2 isn't the best multiplayer game.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's fucking boring
t. 1k cucks
It's not fun and I don't like the gameplay. If you like it, that's fine. You have no reason to try and validate yourself playing a shitty game.
>frequent updates
>massive esport scene
you sure about that?
>very high skill ceiling
Stopped reading there
>massive esport scene
Yeah, except in my country: d2t.com.au
>Very high skill ceiling
Game's certainly complex but the skill ceiling varies per hero. I rarely see anyone play meepo. Invokers I see always max wex, very boring build.
>Consistently good developer support by frequent updates
Valve has been incredibly inconsistant for years now. The updates for Dota 2 have changed dramatically since TI4. We no longer get events like Diretide or the Greevil winter thing, not to mention the previous year of the beast was a P2W nightmare. Heroes have taken longer to be implemented since the beta officially ended, basically if it isn't cosmetics to buy it isn't Valve's priority. Don't even fucking get me started on Reborn at release, all that fucking time in beta for nothing.
It definatelty feels like a F2P game. All the focus is on microtransactions and letting third worlders ruin your fun.
>Massive esport scene
I think this is the bane of the game, since the shift to supporting the e-sports scene has left the more casual, less devoted players high and dry in terms of content. Stuff we could have gotten for free was locked behind the compendium. It's bullshit.
>Very deep gameplay
It varies from hero to hero. Game has deep mechanics but only because it's all shit taken from WC3. As deep as it may be that doesn't stop Icefrog from changing it up once in awhile with map or hero reworks.
Thats like the most objectively true thing OP stated.
I stopped playing dota2 at 200 hours. I stopped because I hated the feeling when I was losing and there was nothing that I could do about it.
That said, I agree that dota2 is one of the best multiplayer games. Right along side Quake 3, Rocket League, Age of Empires 2 and Virtual Fighter 5 as the very best vidya multiplayer experiences that vidya has to offer.
>Valve has been incredibly inconsistant for years now. The updates for Dota 2 have changed dramatically since TI4. We no longer get events like Diretide or the Greevil winter thing, not to mention the previous year of the beast was a P2W nightmare. Heroes have taken longer to be implemented since the beta officially ended, basically if it isn't cosmetics to buy it isn't Valve's priority. Don't even fucking get me started on Reborn at release, all that fucking time in beta for nothing.
True dat.
I got burned out of DOTA2 after sinking about 2800 hours into it. It's a great game but I find it's not fun anymore. I've moved on.
It's better than league, that's for sure.
t. 5637 hours
>pick axe
>go offlane
>don't even stomp, just farm where allowed after buying iron talon
>have tranquil boots, blink, blade mail, and agh by 25:00
>collect victory
Fun game.
What balances him?
there actually is a reasonable argument, namely that the community is shit, i mean they keep shilling their game on Sup Forums and refuse to accept critique
What critique is there to accept that hasn't already been taken 1000 times over?
What power do you think the funposters on Sup Forums have in the grand scale of Nonwhite Stomping Simulator 2015?
It's universally understood that Valve is a shit company, but at least they're not Riot tbqh.
>his game, that he's paid for, can actually permanently ban him from playing if he says nigger one too many times
Leagueniggers smH
>25min aghs
aghs on axe is a stomping-gimmick, not a midgame item
It's not like that's the only item this theoretical axe has.
Aghanim's is also great for pushing, even more so now in a meta where everything viable boosts your mana pool.
>180 mana for a FREE betterDrums to push with along with dem stats and a raised dunk cap
Reconsider, my dude.
If its so easy why aren't you competing for that 21 million mate? You can surely do good if its this easy right?
>g-g-game can't be good unless i pay money for it!
you know every game you pay for makes you think it's good because you want to believe it was worth the buy
Normies should just stop playing this. This game is not supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be played to earn money. If you want fun go play fighting games. Dota2 is a containment game for people who plays nothing but dota.
>It's universally understood that Valve is a shit company
i wish
>Consistently good developer support by frequent tiny updates
fixed that for you. Based 6.88 isn't going to end until we've gone through the entire alphabet for it.
>based 6.88
Did farming kill your parents, user?
I want new shit, not minor tweaks to existing shit. I don't give a fuck about the overall meta whether it's illusion rat dota to 5 man rushdown to fountain hook memes to anything inbetween.
Confirmed for
>Custom games made the same mistakes the SC2 Arcade did
I've never played a MOBA. Is it too late to start with dota 2 or have I missed the boat?
meant to linkinstead
SC2 editor was shit, and from what i've heard Dota 2 can't compare to WC3 in that regard either.
Missed the boat, you might as well play LoL now because icefraud is stealing shit left and right for dota 2.
Which would you recommend most out of them all? There's also stuff like Smite.
Some people just don't like ASSFAGGOTS
As bad as the SC2 editor is, the people who know how to work it make some cool games.
This. There are lots of things in a game people may or may not like.
>>Very high skill ceiling
>Very deep gameplay
just as your posts, if anything dota 2 is to stressful, especially rankeds
Dota is the only MOBA that doesn't have stupid skins and overly skimpy women. Looking at you LoL and Smite.
That is pretty respectable.
it's just not worth it though, might as well use unity or whatever. Or mod a game that's a lot more mod-friendly for that matter
t. sub 800 MMR shitter
so? i play as support/cc invoker quas + wex, he has 4 skills with very long CC/debuff like mana drain - cold snap + tornado + emp + deafening blast, i can dodge ganks early with ghost walk
this tbqh
all of our waifus are quality, grade-a not sluts.
>I enjoy losing games by picking a hero whom is only good on paper and is essentially badLion with invisibility that isn't even available half the time
Gas yourself, my man.
>I don't care how balanced patch is, I want a new one just to change the meta
Blizzard is more up your valley
Don;t even have it installed.
game is really not that great. Took me way too long to realize it
This game was never balanced anyway so yeah, gimme my aghs for every character.
What's Sup Forums's average mmr?
They prioritize hats over the actual development of the game.
The game get maybe 1 or 2 actual updates per year. But it gets like 5 or 6 compendiums/battle passes.
Events? Gone.
We have custom games now, but they are all hot garbage and Valve is going to try to monetize it.
W3 was intuitive i guess. I mean, it was pretty much plug&play. Soon as you start it for the first time you already can do simple things and fuck around while learning more in the process, was a pretty fun process too yet it still had complexity in mind.
Didn't mess around with D2 editor that much but it did seem more complex for the first time than W3 one did.
>only 2000 hours
It was just getting good, user.
>sep 2
Exactly 4011 here, not playing ranked again until the meta allows me to carry myself 1v9 again like in 6.83.
Platinum V
Don't play lol, it's literal cancer and is dying.
>Very low bait ceiling
>Consistently bad shill support by frequent upbaits
>Tiny bait scene
>Very shallow bait
There's no reasonable argument why OP's post isn't the worst bait
Icefrog genuinely doesn't get enough credit for being the best developer in charge of balancing for any video game ever.
Legends don't need active recognition, as they are recognized by definition.
I mean, he's recognized in the sense that literally every other competitive community seems to have a "we need an Icefrog" discussion.
But honestly, the Dota community just seems to give him shit whenever a character has like a >55% competitive and pub winrate.
3.7k hours
When should I start playing ranked?