Consolefags will defend this.
Consolefags will defend this
>buying Activision garbage
no, YOU defend this.
>aim assist
Why do consoles do this? Goldeneye never had it and it's tooted as the pinnacle of console multiplayer. If you turn it off then both parties are still evenly matched and the more skilled wins more often.
This shit makes me miss more than anything else. Had to reduce to 0 on most characters because it's complete crap. The slow af sensitivity is the real issue tho
I think its because its hard to aim with sticks, FPS are made for mouse and keyboard
>Goldeneye never had it
are you fucking serious? it practically invented it.
This. Killzone series is great for this
Not defending aim assist but you can definitely completely disable it in OW
almost every console shooter does something like this. It's to compensate for the fact that thumbsticks are akin to dragging the camera around slowly rather than moving it with 1:1 movement via mouse input. Console Max Payne, for example, didn't aim for you, but bullets would automatically fly to the enemy you were trying to aim at if you were off by a bit.
this isn't call of duty m8
>Goldeneye never had it
are you stupid
Only a retard would play a FPS in console
of course they defend this how else will they hit each other?
>Goldeneye never had it
>I'll call the company by the other half of their parent holding's name, that will show them!
You must be 18 or older to post here.
>Use aim assist on PC
>Get banned
>Use aim assist on console
Oh wait, it's always on on consoles
I remember going back to play Halo 4 at a friends after being a PC user for years and I couldn't deal with the autoaim. CoD was literally Left Trigger to snap to enemy, Right Trigger to kill
My m/b adapter will definitely come in handy.
>Use aim assist on PC
>Get banned
i'm calling fucking bullshit on that unless you got a source
There's no aim assist, idiot. He's joking about using a literal aimbot
>i never played goldeneye but i will name drop it to fit in
My office after class kid.
The only console FPS I played that doesn't have aim assist at all is TF2
It had auto aim but it was pretty much entirely disabled on higher difficulties