Why is gaming nowadays so garbage?

Why is gaming nowadays so garbage?

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Is he still in debt?

Seems a little vague. What makes it garbage? What do you want to play that isn't out there?

Because you got into it.


>still calling you bruce
what a madman

last time i saw him. he was hanging out in disneyland

>Emphasis 2 Spherical Edition
>Emphasis 3

Why do they do this?

Because people keep making shitty games and consoles and we keep buying them.


Because it's for you____

You mean living in Disneyland. That's why he's been sighted there so often now.

Because you lack the same sense of wonder as when you were a little kid.

Because you're jaded


Gaming is still good.
But the difference now is that there are those awful, incredibly overpriced games that takes all the media attention, making the good games basically invisible.

If you want to play something fun, you have to dig (or download DS roms).

Is Justin Bieber in debt?

It went mainstream.

It's a terrible industry

People in charge of making games have never played them in their life then they work a team to death to pump out some shit for a meager 60 bucks and whatever else they can nickel and dime you for

Basically if you want good video games moving forward the market needs to crash so all these big companies back out and video games are again primarily made by people who actually like video games

You grew up.

Justin Bieber is way in the black. He has too much money to fuck up like Drake.

Because of people like

nice troll but this is dead wrong
>played bully for the first time in 2014 from psn; game was nostalgic and fun as fuck, and it felt like I was back in the ps2/xbox days
so you're wrong
why do you idiots keep buying new games that suck?


Honestly Bieber deserves crippling debt way more then Drake does



Well - I mean, no, he doesn't. Debt doesn't just happen out of nowhere. He very well earned himself the spot he's in.

Drake is a kike, how did he fuck his finances up? He has literally the best financial management support in world history.

Everything would seem like garbage if I was that deep in debt.

Drakeposting is a banable offense OP.

>kill me
they did

How was this movie anyway

Because femenazis reditards and tmbelniggers where born.

To fix gaming all the feme nazis have to be raped and the rest burnd alive.

Only this way you fix gaming. And as a side mission you fix the world.

The first one was "dude all the cartoon jokes but with live action people lmao"
The second one was """okay"'"
the third one was a disaster to the degree where it feels like butch was actively trying to sabotage it

Shit, not even Daniella could save it with her fine ass

Garbage customers with garbage tastes lead to garbage products

Not sure, all I know is he basically bought a house that was way out of his budget.

Sorry, I was thinking of the half nigger Drake.

People still hate Bieber for literally no personal reason?
Literally what the fuck did that kid do to anyone aside from make music and grow up to be a wannabe gangster?



It can't be garbage, simply because all the old games that made gaming great NEVER WENT AWAY. Go play those.

FOP is the show that refuses to die.

Games then
>i want to make a cool game
Games now
>i want to make a game that makes money

>sitting next to an annoying bieber fanatic for two years
The only thing wrong is fanbase. By association he did everything wrong but who gives a fuck.

post underrated ds games

god damn this is terrible looking


Yeah the hate for him used to be pretty unwarranted, but he's like a genuine asshole these days. Like he got thrown out of disney land and attacks reporters and shit. He's annoying and a bad person.

>toilet showdown

drake and josh edgy movie when?

>millions in debt
>broke wrist so bad he can't play guitar for money anymore (not that anyone liked his music in the first place)
>stuck doing live action Fairly Odd Parents and voice acting
>most of his former fans hate him now because of his Caitlin Jenner comments
At least he gets to fuck around in Disney Land for the rest of his life

>most of his former fans hate him now because of his Caitlin Jenner comments

What did he say?

Something TRIGGERING that released the hounds I assume

How do you even get in that big of a debt as a person

That Caitlin Jenner is a man and he will keep calling her Bruce.

>still calling you bruce

Wait so you're telling me even with his net worth he's still 600 thousand in debt? Jesus christ.


Compassion and love for video games got replaced by greed and the desire to fight for "social justice"

Most games nowadays simply aren't about having fun but either about making Tons of Money as cheap as possible or pushing liberal propaganda

How most people who have no idea how to handle money do.
Houses, Cars, etc etc

Most lottery winners are bankrupt within 2 years

How do you have NEGATIVE net worth?

Net worth basically means the amount of money you have after expenses.

what's he in debt for lmfao did he fall for the college meme?

>>stuck doing live action Fairly Odd Parents

He was killed off and replaced with CGI timmy voiced by tara strong

A mix of corporations wanting to make the most money possible and artfags infesting. Thank God the japs give us justice though. It's not all bad.

But you'd think an actor would have people to help him handle money

Because retards keep supporting anticonsumer practices

So if I kill him, I will improve the economy?

what the fuck are you talking about faggot lol

no he's in debt because like all child stars he makes a shit ton of money as a kid and doesn't know how to manage it, so when his 15 minutes of fame are up he gets fucked from every orifice and more. this happened to almost every child sweetheart

Thats if he accepts that help

how do you get into debt if you're making money lmfao, he definitely fell for the college meme, hes a fucking retard, fucking 600 thousand (multiply by ten and you get six million oy vey remember the chosen) in debt, what a goddamn idiot, lmfao

Is he "our" guy?

He bought a 2 mil house and was using half of his monthly salary (When he was making good money about 400k a year) to pay for the mortgage, taxes, etc. Once he stopped making good money (In 2013 he was making 14k a year) there was no way he could afford his mortgage and taxes.

So basically he betted his future income would pay off the house he bought and lost.

user, did...you for the college meme?

If I won the lottery I'd just buy a modest house/car and go full NEET for the rest of my life.

Why not invest some of it and make money easy?

Probably because it went too mainstream and production costs have increased so now they have to cut corners wherever possible, focus on graphical fidelity at the expense of gameplay, put half the budget towards marketing to ensure an adequate financial return, and incorporate jewy practices like day one DLC and horse armor to stay financially viable.

Basic rule of economy under full capitalism.
Industry grows until a certain point where it no longer can sustain itself.

Uhh buddy

This thread is Drake Bell discussion
Maybe read the thread to avoid embarrassing yourself in the future.

lmfaooo what a fucking retard, you NEVER buy a high priced home no matter how fucking rich you are, lmfao, did he not look at real estate or did he just buy what looked pretty lmfao, he's going to get evited soon what a fucking retard

only two years, and i got both years paid for by the state, i dont care, i was valedictorian give me that money, the moment the free cash stops flowing im not going to school, its afucken meme for retards and drones, only a very select few people in college should actually be in it. and i mean the truly smart people. im not smart, i can read a book and memorize shit, but what good is that if i cant piece NEW information together or even create new information? it isnt any good, its good for an office job, to be a drone, lmfao 40k in debt, 80k in debt to go read a book and take notes and take a fucken test, lmfao

Please elaborate.

Why is Sup Forums nowadays so garbage?

Fuck you.


It's always been like this, don't enter threads like this if you want actual video game discussion, just hide and/or report and move on.

A showdown on who can flush their career down the toilet faster.

Yeah, and those people cost a lot of money.
Hollywood is one big scam with everyone ripping off everyone.

Companies start out small so they are less stressed with legal stuff as well as income. When companies start to grow they need to find ways to appeal to more people and to get more money, to pay off all the hired workforce, as well as all the additional stuff. They will start making videogames into a product to sell, instead of making a product that's fun. Safer business deals with guaranteed money.

>i can read
Bulshit. No one on Sup Forums can read.
Sup Forums.org/rules

Jesus Christ, how old is that kid in the green shirt?

He has a face of a 30 year old. Is it actually a midget?

He had around a million dollars so he decided to live like he had two million.

refusal to read certain things does not mean i cant read, use you're brain you fucken retard lmao, im in ochem1 this shits easy as fuck, read the book memorize do the practice problems go to tutoring, make easy As, but what does it mean, what the fuck are you gonna do with ochem 1? nothen, its juts to make you a drone lmao


I guess you weren't around for sc2 generals, the tripfagmania and everything pre-/vg/.

>Bieber is a shit person, makes shit music, and created a shitty fanbase
>"Why do people hate Bieber for no raisin?"

Gee, I don't know user.


because games are shit

>shit person
He was a kid thrown into fame, anyone would've acted how he did. Even (You)
>makes shit music, and created a shitty fanbase
Not an argument


aging like a dead animal holy fuck

You'd run out of money in 6 months due to food expenses alone you fat fuck.

isn't Josh semi-successful though? Last time I checked he still does work and not in debt