Enjoy the game so far

>enjoy the game so far
>get to Father Gascoigne
>fail miserably the first time
>get him down to 10% on second
>"wait, where are my Vials?"
>I've actually ran out of them
>only way to get more is to grind
>hate grinding with passion no matter what game
>decide to give BB a chance
>grind for a stack of Vials
>try the boss
>realize I need to do all that grinding again
>drop the game
No. Just fucking no. Grinding should never be a mandatory in a game. Why did they move away from Estus Flasks? How is this fun? I want to challenge the boss but I need to do boring repetitive actions before that. Fuck that shit.

I was seriously enjoying the game too but grinding just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that I can't stand it.

Please tell me Dark Souls 3 has Estus Flasks again.

git gud

I'm not that good

>cant beat a parry bait boss

it was pretty hard in my first run, but in the second one i realized how stupidly easy this parry bait werewolf was

>wasting vials in Gascoigne

If you hate grinding then you might as well neck yourself because real life requires more grinding than all the videogames ever made put together.

Post gave me cancer

You're right. Grinding is a stupid mechanic. Especially when you're trying to master something as it draws you away from it. Honestly blood born isn't good though. It's just a meme

That's true and exactly the reason why grinding should be avoided in fiction.

I dislike them reintroducing a problem they already solved with DS and Estus as well, Gascoigne is not by any measure hard though.
Hell, none of the vanilla game really is.
I still haven't beaten Orphan of Kos.

Spam Molotov while he's turning

I already used them. I have none.

>Father Gascoigne

>Walk three from lamp post.
>Kill mr.genricbro
>he drops a blood vial.
>have 7,000 vials by the time I reach werewolf man.

You might be shit at videogames.

Actually the problem in Demon's Souls was too much grass. It's the exact opposite of BB's problem, if you can even call it that.

It's one of the game's few flaws, but to be fair later on you'll be able to get souls easily enough to buy fucktons of vials at once from the Dream. It also encourages taking each boss attempt seriously and trying out different methods, rather than just throwing yourself at it repeatedly like in DaS.

grind them...

just summon fucboi.

Just because it exists doesn't mean it's a shit game or anything like that by any means

But why reintroduced something that was already fixed elegantly in the series?

Don't trigger me user

the best argument i've heard is that it encourages players to keep progressing through levels because there's a chance you'll get vials along the way.

Still, I don't see why they can't have a monster that drops a set number of vials right before a boss room so that people focus on the fight rather than grinding.

It is stupid, but it's really no reason to drop the game.

>till, I don't see why they can't have a monster that drops a set number of vials right before a boss room so that people focus on the fight rather than grinding.
Maybe not specifically on Gascoigne, but there are

This. I hate it, but the game is good.
Fuck that hunter with the rifle spear though

I am pretty shit at the game and I always 50+ vials in storage, by the end of game I had around 340 vials.

>only way to get more is to grind

You can buy them in the Hunter's Dream for pennies before killing Gascoigne

Hey idiot, maybe if you actually used your souls on purchasing Blood Vials instead of leveling up then this wouldn't be an issue. Learn how to manage funding asshole, budgeting is important.

I'm the kind of guy who barely levels up or improves weapons/armor unless I'm having a hard time, so early game most of the game bar the DLC actually a lot of my souls went into blood vials.

I don't have any echoes. I grinded vials and bought rest with echoes. So I'm at 0 Vials and 0 Echoes now after losing to the boss.

Easy way to beat Gascoigne, as soon as he starts to transform into a werewolf throw molitovs at him. If he's not dead by then play the music box and throw more molitovs at him.

You might just really deserve it because he's really not that hard. Practice if you actually want to beat him. This really is the entitled generation.

If you're still running out after all of that then you seriously just need to stop sucking at the game.

you only have to grind if you're bad at the game
which is the same for all the souls games
gascoigne isnt hard

>first run
>never use parry get raped on every boss
>git gud and learn parry
>every boss is easy as fuck now

That's how I beat him on my first playthrough.

I feel like I cheated since I killed him before his transformation animation even finished.

Shoot your pistol when he overhead swings you dumb cunt, viscerals are the way to go

It's stupid and prob a bit experimental but they're not gonna change it now. But if you're grinding for vials anytime after gascoigne you're just fucking trash

> Practice if you actually want to beat him.
I would if I had Vials. I already got him down to 10% once. Only the Werewolf form gives me hard time because I've only seen it few times. But having to grind before each fight is not fun in anyway.

I'm only running out because I'm not grinding. So is grinding being good at a game?

I never grinded in DS1 and 2 but here I need to if I want Vials.

Just fight him a bunch of times on no vials until you git gud. Vials aren't explicitly necessary to complete the game.

>I'm only running out because I'm not grinding

No you're running out because you keep getting hit because you SUCK

So how I would I go about getting more now? Only way to get more is to grind. You can't deny this.

Hey guess what, maybe since you have no vials you could try no-damaging him? Maybe you're impatient and just want to beat him instead of git gud at him. Try just going into his boss room and going without getting hit for as long as you can.

This isn't about Bloodborne son, this is about you.

Fairly soon you'll reach a point where you can grind for echos easily, and then if you set aside a block of time you can max out your inventory. After that it's like playing with the estus system.

For now, when running from the lantern to the boss, always kill the ogres because they consistently drop vials, and the guys hiding in the corner behind the flame ball.

Fuck getting more. Getting more means you keep getting hit. Stop getting hit. Dodge into attacks. Shoot your fucking gun and get shitloads of viscerals because Gascoigne gives em out like they're going out of style.

Not OP, but is that something you do? I've never had trouble enough that I needed to do something like that.

See Buy them idiot

Don't fucking waste all of your vials. If you're using more than a few on any one boss, you need to git gud. Also, spend your leftover blood echoes on vials.

I'm not trying to deny it. It's your fault you need to grind now because you kept wasting your vials and spending your echoes on other things

Easily worst part of bb but I think op is being a baby

just kill the two giants and then everybody in the dark building and then the two werewolves and then the giant over by cleric beast, lantern and rinse and repeat you get like 15-20 vials every single time

>everyone in this thread mentioning echos
I genuinely forgot they weren't called souls

How the fuck do you run out of vials?
Most mobs in starting area of Yharnam drop them, bigger one even more at once.


Like I said, I tried the boss 3 times. Used 3*20 overall.

>Grinding should never be a mandatory in a game.
It isn't. Unless you're a schmuck that face tanks everything instead of dodging and heal spams afterwards.

>Not using the music box
Oh m8, I'm dying.

Also stop being a bitch. The guys in the house on the bridge are guaranteed to spawn vials, Im pretty sure and the spawn is right there.

Git gud

You can literally kill 3-4 enemies and you'll be able to buy like 4. You're an idiot.

That's grinding you know

>first playthrough
>was worried I'd have to keep grinding for vials whenever I get stuck
>sometimes came close to running out a few times in the starting areas
>find out you can buy them from the messengers
>skip levelling up once and buy like 50
>never come close to running out ever again

Just buy them. They're not that expensive. Maybe 300 a pop, which is chump change even early on

Protip: whenever you feel like levelling up, don't do that and invest your echoes in a stack of vials once in a while. Preferrably early game while they'Re still cheap.

Combined with diligently picking up enemy drops, you should always have several dozen at hand.

This is precisely why grinding in video games should be an international warcrime.

except the only place you find it in abundance is the first level, so even if you can get a lot having to return there to farm is a pain in the ass

Just because it isn't a 1/256 drop rate doesn't mean having to farm it isn't a chore

It at least rewards people who plan and manage their echoes better, like is this level of 3 extra attack and defense worth it, or do I just want 60 vials for this boss Im terrible against?

If you can't be asked to go out of your way to kill a handful of enemies then maybe you shouldnt be playing

>being so shit that you have to grind for vials

You know there's a storage right?

>I don't know what the music box is for

Ok. Here's a trick I use when there's 'hard boss'.
After the initial beatdown I won't use a vial until I get him down to 1/2 of his HP.
Forces me to actually learn how to react instead of R1 mashing, eating counter damage which is huge in BB and then spending all vials and still losing.

and you're bad at the game because you need to use vials on piss easy boss, you know

>spawn at the closest gate/ latern
>run down the stairs kill the mob, maybe get bullets or molly
>kill the mob in the house for 5 bullets
>run down the stairs and kill the brick brothers for vials
>repeat like 4 times maximum for max vials and bullets
>calling this a grind

It's not. You'll die so much when first going up against Penetrator that you'll be shitting some of the finest grass there is.

I've already beat the "handful of enemies" and I can only kill them in so many way before it becomes boring. The boss is a new one and I'm yet to beat it. Of course I want to challenge it more than bunch of regular enemies.

dont even need vials for him
>parry his lunge attack
>parry his spin attack
>use music box mid transformation and get easy 3-6 hits
>if not ded one molotov kills him

>>"wait, where are my Vials?"
>>I've actually ran out of them
>>only way to get more is to grind
Brotip, when your vials are maxed out and you pick up more they go to your storage, there's no reason why you shouldn't have few hundred vials at that point by accident alone.

That is, by the very definition, grinding. It's repetitive and not fun. Why is in the game? Does it add anything but waste your time? No.

Damn op. That casual filter hit you hard.
Go to central yarhnam, left. 2 giants. Go to grand bridge, 1 giant and 2 werewolves. Die and repeat. They should always drop vials.

>play every souls games
>beat this overrated pos
>feel no accomplishment

Wastes less time than being so shit that you use up all your vials on Gascoigne.

>casual filter
>suggests grinding
Grinding doesn't take skill

beat him the second try because I'd already learned how to fucking dodge

>reading comprehension

>there's no reason why you shouldn't have few hundred vials at that point by accident alone.
Papa G is 2nd possibly first boss if you're lucky.
Even if you're fucking god of war you won't have 'few hundred' vials when you get to him.

Because it makes people like you drop the game so that you don't further taint the community. Git gud faggot.

stop being bad, its honestly not a hard fight at all especially compared to later ones, maybe you're just not good enough to play it.

Neither does beating Gascoigne but OP was clearly incapable of that.

I can't believe the blood vial thing is such a sticking issue with people, use them more sparingly fellas. Grinding isn't fun (estus was a way better solution) but maybe limit how many you use on a boss attempt and take it slower.

It wouldn't even be that bad if I had any other places to explore but apparently that's the boss I need to beat to get into the next area.


Summon 2 Confederates and let them tear him to pieces in seconds.
Man up in NG+ when you have 600+ vials.

you can attempt it a few times without using vials, picking up some along the way each attempt, you need to break vial spamming early.

You're just a fucking moron. It's good design because by having to kill more enemies to get more blood vials, you're getting in much need practice and blood echoes that you apparently need to get past the beginning of the game like a fucking retard.

I'm with you OP. I got up to Paarl but he's just a dps check and I blew all my vials before I realised i was doing him too early. It's just stupid they'd reintroduce a problem they fixed perfectly in dark souls but trying to make a criticism to BB fanboys won't get you anything but git gud :/

I can't tell if you're just stupid or bait but I hope you can see that practicing excessively against very easy enemies doesnt improve your performance against completely different, more difficult ones and is also extremely boring.

>he fell for the BB is good may may

I feel you OP I'm good at the game now, but when I first started I had to cheese Gascoigne hard with the tombstones and spin2win.

>Didn't spend any Blood Echoes on vials at the Messenger Bath

You deserve this. Yopu should also probably learn when you've lost and give up rather than use up more vials.

>ITT: 600 hours+ souls vets making fun of noobs
>"haha, just git gud"

The real bb community does not want people like you, meme spouting babbies

You know op will be back tomorrow bitching about BSB.
Seriously op just quit, and join the rest of the shitposters complaining about nothing.

It takes the concept of Estus away because Bloodborne is not a Souls game, no matter how much people classify it as one.

Grinding for vials is your punishment for not playing well and dying a lot. If you think it's too much, please do play Dark Souls 3 and gank some poor invading soul with 3 other butt buddies and then come back here and post about how much fun that game is.

People like you is the reason FromSoft keeps making these kinds of games easier and shittier. Bloodborne was the last real game.

>problem they fixed perfectly in dark souls
I really hope you're not serious.
DS's healing might not be as fucked up as having 400 grasses but it's really far from perfect. 99 humanities and host's estus healing phantoms being the worst part. 99 Divine blessing and betty-shrooms are problem too but those are usually duped, CE-ed so I won't complain.