Remove one letter from the game title and tell us a synopsis of what its about

Remove one letter from the game title and tell us a synopsis of what its about.

I'll start:

>A game about paying respects

Other urls found in this thread:


>A game about interacting with stuff

>Steins Ate

You play as a very hungry German who's food addiction gets so bad he causes a shift in timelines.

>Alf life
just a game about the Alfs day to day

>Odins Phere

A game about odins fear.

>Dark Sous

You play the subordinate of an ancient evil.

>The Binding of Sacc

I think you can figure this one out.



>Ed Orchestra
Ed's orchestra

>Ssassin's Creed
You are a strong young independent black woman that don't need no Templar men

>Demon Souls
a game about a demon getting souls
>Demon's Soul
a game about the soul of a demon

A game about grilling meats and veggies.

>Super Sash Bros
Two flaming gay brothers open a boutique together. Equal parts VN and business sim.


an indie puzzle mobile game with a "rotating pieces" theme

>Dad space
You play as Isaac Clarke, dad and engineer who has decided to take his son onboard USG Ishimura in hopes that he decides to one day take over the family business

>Des Ex
The director's cut edition of Demon's Souls

>Shove Knight
A story of a knight with no weapons, and can only push his foes around with his hands

>Dragon Quest V
The entire life of a man and his link to a legend
>Dragon Quest I
Go kill Dragonlord

>Person 4

The fourth installment in the series where you play as a regular person and do normal person things

>Amored Core
Waifu sim with mechs

So it's just like Persona? I'd buy

>metal ear solid

after an accident left a certain military specialist deaf, he gets an operation and a new artificial ear that let's him hear enemies across the battlefield and uses his newfound powers to become the best secret agent ever.

>Kins Field
You are a minor noble in medieval Europe and your cousin has died. Squabble with other nobles in your family over who gets the land.

>Ay of he samurai
A game about a samurai that finds a alien and takes care of it.

>Host Trick
In this spiritual (heh) successor of Neighbors from Hell, you are invited to a dinner and have to play as many pranks as possible on the man who called you. Blaze through varied levels, such as wedding, birthday party, and business negotiation, prank such people as world-renowned cook, drill sergeant and President, but don't let the host discover your tricks, or you'll get kicked out with shame.

You play a beta Jamaican man who can't say no to the people in his life.

>Amen rider generation
A game about religious bikers, young and old, putting their differences behind and joining forces to fight evil.

>Tar Ocean

A game exploring the vast, murky, sticky depths of tar.

I'd play it. Bonus if the old mentor biker is voiced by Hulk Hogan.


>Meh Commander

A game where the MC is a mediocre commander.


A game about my dad.

>Evil May Cry
Dark forces finally prevail, beat the hero of prophecies, and take over the world, only to find out that they still feel empty inside

>Football Manager 206

You can choose any of the football teams in the World and try and take them into things like the Champions league where you might play against other great teams like Constantinople FC, Londinium United and The Huns

>Cock Tower

Mr. Wongburger tries his hand at architecture.

I choked

>Jagge Alliance
A bunch of Jaggis get together to take down Monster Hunters. Fails miserably, gameplay is somewhere between Nanosaur and Pikmin.

So, this?


>Killer is Dad

An adventure game where you have to discover who killed your mom...

Sounds comfy


Pretty much. You fight off monsters with nudity.

>The Itcher


Go to hell to fight turds

Dio Crisis

you're stuck on an island, Ronnie James Dio is hunting you down, Holy Diver plays on repeat

>Monster Unter
There is a monster under a scared German boy's bed. Plan during the day so that you can survive the night without so much as hanging a toe off the edge of the bed.

This is literally the dumbest post in this thread. Why am I laughing so hard

Left Or Dead

yet another Nascar game

>Ass Effect

A sci-fi action RPG following the adventures of a hun with buns tackling alien anacondas.

>Chrono Tigger

Tigger and Pooh watch as Piglet gets teleported away at the Millenial fair and have to go on an epic time travel journey

>Super Eat Boy
Bootleg Kirby

Trips related.

>Re Dead Redemption
Zelda spinoff about a monster who's not as monstrous as people would have you believe
he just wants a hug

I would play a game where you run a boutique and a bunch of Nintendo characters are your clients


Literally no better ass in gaming, and even they ruined it.

This made me laugh more than it should have.

The ending theme when you win:

>Medal O Honor

>You play as an irish volunteer in ww2

>AE Combat
Someone decided to make a game out of Titan AE.

Guilty Ear
A courtroom rhythm game


So the 32X version of Doom?

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy Wa

The amazing advantures of Wario and Waluigi in the world of Jugdral.
Love, betrayal, tragedy, heroism and WA all in one package.

>Star Ox
You're an ox this time.

>Sta Fox
You've got a British accent.

>Sar Fox
Fox has SARS

>Star FX
Tech demo using the Star Fox engine and the Super FX card. Basically just a screensaver.

>Red Dad Redemption
A game set in the 1950s, you take the role of Arthur Marston, a highschool student that finds out his dad is a communist, you have to make a choice between saving your dad, or your nation from a communist takeover

10/10 i would play

ero blaster

>guitar her
Beat women with instrument of choice

you craft various things from common household items, eat cats, piss off natives with your smug attitude and avoid XCOM operatives

You're a Frenchman in WWI. Do your best to actually make a bayonet charge work.

Dad Island

You're stuck on an island full of middle aged men telling bad pun jokes, you must fight for your survival.

>"Help me, I'm dying."
>"Hello Dying, I'm dad."


It's a S.t.a.l.k.e.r. themed dating sim.

>Get out of here talker! I-I'm not done changing!

Kekd and checked


Wait a second

>Teaching Eeling
It's a game about a perverted guy who just got a job at the local aquarium as the local eel trainer.

So the early Ys games?

Fight ducks in space

>Dagon Age: Origins

The oceans turn blood red and monstrous fish abominations emerge from the deep, forcing humanity into a race against time to prevent the Old One of the Depths from ending existence as we know it...

>Super Mario 6
A Dendy classic

>Super Mari Bros
Incestuous gay French brother-husbands

An FPS where you play as a blind soldier, and have to rely only on your hearing.

Super Mario Bro

same as original, but fuck Luigi

10/10 would buy

Play as a baby bathed in blood from birth who uses Deadman Wonderland styles of combat

>Rap Lay 2
You play as Terrel Martin, a young african american that's an amateur rapper in the NYC subway scene

>Dark Loud
A game where you have to fight against loud black guys

>Red Dad Redemption
You're a dad who were a bad egg in the past, but is now trying to atone for your past crimes in order to protect your son.

Wait a minute...

Mega Ma
The story of a robot mother who must save her 8 robot children from evil Doctor Wil

>Daw of War
40k, but chibi.

Grand Heft Auto

A narrative experience told from the perspective of an aspiring engineer from Europe who is faced with the task of redesigning cars to accommodate Americans.

>Space Maine
It's a mystery story taking place in Maine, only the entire town has been transported to an alien planet 50 light years from earth, and it's your job to get it back to where it belongs.

>Ala Wake
a game where you blow stuff up

>Gears of Wa

You play as buff gruff armed soldiers that wa throughout the game.

You play a mage/warrior/warlock who must fight his way through hostile dimensions of enemies while being old as fuck and hard of hearing

written by stephen kings


you manage a hospital

>Duke Nukem D
It's a porn game.

Its Gears of War with all the characters replaced by Orcs from Warhammer.