>no France and Russia
What the fuck.
That's like having a WWII game with the USSR and Britain.
>no France and Russia
What the fuck.
That's like having a WWII game with the USSR and Britain.
Other urls found in this thread:
they couldnt add niggers on russian teams
The USSR did more than america
And at least britain had the balls to jump in right away to protect poland instead of right at the end
They're DLC packs in premium.
They're in the game but DLC
Welcome to EA
If a game doesn't have America in it Americans won't buy it.
>no Serbs
What is this shit?
>And at least britain had the balls to jump in right away to protect poland instead of right at the end
yeah, right
You're thinking of WW2 you fucking mongoloid
that's what he said
it was literally because of an agreement to protect them
well done for showing your non exitstant knowledge on the subject
That's the next war.
They should have included the americans as a DLC.
That way it would have been realistic. All they would have sold a shit tons of DLC to the americans.
>There are actually people that think Britain entered the 2nd world war to protect Poland
Nice samefag
So I'm the samefag, but the 3 people before me aren't? You really thought this through, my man.
Except the two people saying the same thing, and both don't give an argument
that's the second world war my hombre
and the US isn't a country of warmongers, we observed millions your millions of casualties and avoided war, until we were attacked
the USSR and britain would have taken years to actually invade germany, the war would have gotten a lot worse without the US
Okay I haven't played the beta. So tell me. Is this shit like battlefront with the powerups/vehicles/heroes scattered throughout the map? Or is it like normal battlefield games? Also does the beta have rush, and if so is it shit? I haven't enjoyed rush since bad company 2.
>US aren't warmongers
>it was literally because of an agreement to protect them
yes, an agreement to protect them against any aggressors, not just germany. helping one aggressor kind of negates attacking the other.
You mean when the soviet union declared war on them and annexed their eastern regions permanently?
>soviet union muh greatest ally what could possibly go wrong
not in WW1
Is this post a joke?
>with the powerups/vehicles/heroes scattered throughout the map?
Vehicles have always been scattered around the map you retard.
That was literally agreed with all the leaders at potsdam
How the fuck were Poland agressors
Your post was about WW2.
I really wish they would put love and care into their maps again.
Why can't we just go back to the map design of BC1? I thought it was the best in the franchise. I really enjoy Rush the most so I guess I'm a bit biased but the maps felt so well designed, they were linear to keep you on track and to make a front line but had enough variety to make flanking and sneaking around a thing. It had a good flow.
Rush and Conquest both just haven't had a good flow since the BC series. Most maps are too large with not enough to them. Even Bad Company had a problem with too many recons/snipers, all they're doing is making more and more people play sniper and making the problem worse.
It may be an unpopular opinion and many will disregard my entire rant for this but I liked the Bad Company series even more than BF2 and 2142. I thought those games for the most part had the same problems as the newer games in the series. They were good starting points and BC took a step forward, now we just keep taking steps back. I was hooked on BC1 and BC2 but no other game in the franchise has ever kept me occupied for long.
I feel it's the same issue most open world games have now days, lots of land with nothing to do. Linear or linear with a bit of exploration is king.
>Americans aren't educated the post
>the USSR and britain would have taken years to actually invade germany,
So? Germany was spent after Operation Barbarossa and Soviet industry was booming. The USA sped up the European theatre by about 6 months.
Stick to the Pacific theatre for your internet-penis size.
Russia left because they were getting btfo and France is omitted because of two reasons
2. their primary audience is burgers and people who do not care to do a quick google search so they chose to uphold the cheese eating surrender monkey stereotype rather than to display historical facts
Your autism detective skills need some work, boss.
>like in battlefront
You fucking retard I obviously mean the vehicles are a powerup LIKE IN BATTLEFRONT
Poles are degenerate so they had to be removed for more lebensraum
Even tho Russia had alot of causalties in ww1. They didn't get btfo. They were doing pretty good but had a civil war going on in their own country which is why they left the war before it stopped
you're not very smart, are you? the uk gave money and equipement to the soviets, the soviets attacked poland.
Then no, there aren't any powerups. Dickhead.
There are a few weapons lying around though, like bf4 had.
>Even Bad Company had a problem with too many recons/snipers
To be fair this is a problem in most FPS games with a sniper class/loadout.
>And at least britain had the balls to jump in right away to protect poland
>Didn't do shit while Poland was being invaded except write a sternly-worded declaration of war to Germany
There are six factions in the game by default so fuck off.
>That's like having a WWII game with the USSR and Britain.
Like War Thunder?
Daily everyone's a historian: the thread.
Britain didn't enter the war till they started pushing into France, they betrayed poland twice by not helping them at the start and not letting them be independent at the end of war and letting become a soviet slave.
Fuck you guys talking about
Giving them larger more barren maps just makes the problem worse. From a teamwork aspect it was awful in Bad Company but at least you could more easily go toe to toe with them as well since they weren't 500 miles away with no cover between you two.
No one gave a fuck about Poland, in fact most of Europe disliked them because of their actions since the aftermath of WW1.
The UK triggered the war as early as possible because every month that passed only gave Germany an additional advantage. Hitler was the retard who gave them the excuse when he should have waited until 1945 at the earliest. And then he compounded that by attacking the USSR when he should have gone straight for the UK.
>snipers are a problem
I LOVE snipers though. There's little greater satisfaction in these games than to sneak up behind them and crucify them without them even being aware I was there until the last moment.
Thank you for the answer. I just read somewhere that said something about heroes in the game
We need more people from Sup Forums on Sup Forums
I know what you mean but at this point there's not much you can do besides limiting how many recons can be on a team. Even in Rainbow Six Siege a game with smaller more enclosed maps there's almost always a guy playing the sniper character.
post YFW Battlefield One has a higher proportion of automatic and semi automatic weapons compared to bolt action than Battlefield 1942
>disliked them after their actions in ww1
They fucking stopped Russia from spreading communist into Europe you monogoloid, look up the Soviet polish war of 1918-1920. If anything they were heroes for being so stubborn and persistent.
I bet your a smelly brit too
this argument makes little sense to me
I'm positive even less americans know about the ottoman empire's involvement in the war yet there they are
it just seems stupid why they went with italy instead of france, but you're right there's no way EA won't try to foist some sort of france DLC with one map or something
>Saw video of a German taking a fucking sniper round to the face and it get ricocheted off his sniper mask and he walked off like a boss.
Bretty cash.
Why are the names BLACKED?
I'm sorry, why did you deliberately misquote me?
You could have just pasted exactly what I typed but instead you wrote out something different.
Care to explain?
This picture makes me want to be buried alive.
I mean I agree it's ridiculous that it seems that most characters are black, but it might just be the beta due to lack of customization
You said people disliked poland after ww1, which was false based off of what they did.
What a retard, that's ww2
Can you fucking read? Or are you just retarded?
>western front with no France
>eastern front without Russia
>Token white guy from a country of NOTHING but white guys.
Pleas Allah, let this game bomb and get bad press until they're FORCED by the CEO to put white guys back in to appease the shareholders.
The many colonies of Germany.
Jesus christ you Dice drones are fucking retarded
Well, it's not, but you obviously know that.
I'm wondering why would quote me as saying,
>disliked them after their actions in ww1
When I said,
>disliked them because of their actions since the aftermath of WW1
There's a pretty fucking big difference there.
Look up The Danzig Massacres, Poles murdering ethnic germans just for being in Poland.
>matchmaking is literally if you manage to scrape together a win you're guaranteed to be stuck with retards for the next 3 games
Fucking Metal.
The... I guess it's called seafoam? Portions were German after the Scramble for Africa
Don't be fucking retarded about one of the biggest events of the 19th century.
In any was I haven't even played the game and probably won't because rooty tooty run and shooty wasn't how the war worked and all the automatic weapons trigger me, so I have no horse in this race
Shit I forgot my picture goddammit
Anyway yeah seafoam = german
You russiaboos are so fucking retarded, you literally only think in terms of casualties.
Why are eurocucks such denying faggots? If it wasnt for us Europe would be speaking german right. You're lucky our ancestors would benevolent enough to save your shit countries you fucking muslim
Sounds like payback
>Germany didn't have colonies
If you don't know shit about something, don't post
Leave ww1 to the real game.
>by about 6 months
Lend lease saved the western European theater. Britain would have been lost without it.
The Pacific theater arguably saved the eastern European theater, as it prevented Russia from fighting a war on two fronts.
And American soldiers sped up the entire European theater by years, don't kid yourself.
This didn't happen in WWI you idiot
The USSR didn't even fucking exist in WWI
Can anyone confirm that you can change your character model/skin? I want this game but don't want to play as a fucking nigger in a WW1 game.
Joke's on you, I spoke German less than a week ago
Why do the """"colonial troops"""" have British accents?
I would call it mint green.
Not sure if seafoam is actually the correct name though.
>what is the scramble for Africa
Yeah you're a retard, don't talk about history like you know shit about it
Germans never used colonial troops outside the colonies.
>epic """realistic""" shooter with clunky animations
We need more of these am i rite?
Yes, you can. They will also have seperate voices for each character.
*Mumbled ebonics and gunfire*
In game they'll be speaking German with flawless German accents though.
Probably because EA is lazy as fuck
Thank god
I saw a screencap yesterday that had a 'customize my soldier' option
Not sure if that's clothing/weapons or a way to de-nigger your characters
>he doesn't know they're coming as dlc because they know you would shill for them
No, we need more "world war 1" shooters with more automatic guns than shooters set in modern days and tanks that drive like a 2000's MBT
I sincerely hope that the theory that Germany is going to start the 4th Reich soon is true, Muslims are literally going to take over at this point.
Suck my dick nigger
That's in that's incorrect actually Americans were neutral selling munitions to both sides. As soon as the tide turned and the triple entente had the advantage in the war the Americans waited for an excuse to join their side. They got it when Germany accidentally sank one of their supply boats. They entered with one year left in the war and lost over 100,000 men.
Oh no
EA'd probably get accused of racism if all the black characters spoke with African accents by retarded normies who don't know anything about history
I don't blame them for not wanting to deal with that inevitable shitstorm
Also as said they probably were too cheap to bother with additional voice actors
>german """""""""""empire"""""""""""
Holy fuck, Brazil is larger than that. kek
>Niggers on the west and east fronts
>But no France
Just let that sink in.
You're blowing this way out of proportion. If you've played any BF1 so far you'll notice half the server plays scout since bolt actions are the best weapons.
Also, I don't know where you get this "Tanks are fast" stuff from. They're slow as fuck.