WoW is actually good again

>WoW is actually good again


Gul'Dan is FF14 fans

Hasn't been good since vanilla, stop lying to yourselves

>shamans are fun again

Did blizzard seriously use an entire expansion in order to bring back one character to set up for the Legion?

wod was part of a plan for yearly expansions, which was scrapped
i like to believe holinka came up with the plan while having sex with metzen

>burning crusade wasnt good


No it isn't, get out blizzshill

Honestly it was filler. They could have just had Kil'jaeden resurrect Gul'dan. He has the guy's soul on hand.


That's literally every first few weeks of an expansion then you faggots all start hating it again

Vanilla wasn't exactly good. You fags never played a MMORPG before.

>shill thread on page 10
>new thread is made
We have a board for this, shill.

why would we care about wow?


Good question, why do they care?

>Don't worry, I'll just turn down my resolution so I can watch my GCD go at 60 fps.

>Vanilla wasn't exactly good
What? It was awesome back in 2004. Sure, if you played it now, it would be shit, but for it's time it was pretty incredible.

WoW is fun because it's an accessible MMORPG that doesn't demand every hour of your life to enjoy
the mmorpg genre was trash before WoW came along
you just remember it fondly because you had more time to play as a kid
all of your favorite mmorpgs you couldn't play today

> t. started playing WoW in 2011


I used to play RO and WoW was shit in comparison. I only played it because my normie friends played it, like every game, is fun with friends.

Hey, isn't our fault if WoW was your first MMO, son.

>The average player can level to 110 within a day

>Class quests take you back to old zones, something I've wanted since WotLK since the game is called WORLD of Warcraft
>Quests are very story driven, something I really liked about WoD but this time it's far less linear in the fact that you can choose which story to pursue first
>Class halls are a little better than Garrisons, some are boring while others are great
>Death Knights are fucking god tier
>All kinds of crazy shit happening, story is much more interesting this expansion
>Leveling is nice and slow, actually have to sit down and eat because mobs are actual threats
>Can finally wear back totems

This expansion is really good so far. I really wish the gear was more diverse though with questing and dungeons. Literally just the same sets with different colors.

>Be me, average player
>Play a bit after work, got to 103

Sure kid. Keep going.

>tfw retardins will be flowing into your floating fortress of "fuck you" for their corrupted ashbringer quest

>I play supr cazual guyz, if you play any.ore then 2 hrs a day yer a turbonerd XD


Oh shit did someone find out how to get it yet?

>Play a bit after work, got to 103

Glad i didnt buy it then

Level scaling enemies is the best shit ever. I hope they implement this in all zones on request, vanilla and otherwise.

Imagine being able to level to 100 doing quests in Tirisfal or Loch Modan. Zones you wouldn't even touch now, suddenly made relevant and fun.

And imagine if the quest rewards scaled to the ones level, too.

>this 20 hours single player experience is neat
>you add some co-op dungeons with deaf-mute robots
Sounds like a terrible MMORPG design.

>Played five hours straight, literally ate ramen while leveling with friends, still only got to 103

Fuck off.

Are you expecting a 50 hour grind for 100 - 110?

Wow was never good.

Enjoy your male themed grindan character dress-up game.

>Male themed


>fun quests

Yo man, go kill some 10 kobolds and take their 5 candles for reasons. This will be the last time we speak.

If you're power leveling, I'd guess it'd take around 10 hours. I'm guessing playing "normally" by doing quests and not rushing to the cap would take around 20 to 30 hours

>Silithus becomes relevant again
I like level scaling very much. I hope timewalker raids become a thing.

I liked the quest in Pandaria where I kicked a panda down a hill.

>kill 10 boars
>kill 10 plains boars
>kill 10 forest boars
>kill 10 desert boars
>kill 10 jungle boars
>kill 10 wasteland boars
>kill 10 snow boars
>kill 10 fel boars
>kill 10 demon boars
>kill 10 tundra boars
>kill 10 glacial boars
Etc etc.

its fun expansion but weapon leveling is tedious and doing that for alts is super time consuming progress. otherwise solid 9 expansion.

The Deceiver indeed...

Visuals are still terrible. Any sense of style disappears the moment you see more than 3 players on screen with their distracting ugly ass mounts and armor. It's like looking at a fucking Gaia online screen.

what game has fun quests?

because of all the quest-oriented MMOs I've played WoW was the only one to get consistently better as time went on. everyone else is still stuck in 2004 having you kill 10 boars.

Witcher 3 quests are awesome.

They will start adding in AP multipliers each week.

>Find my pan!

>playing quest-oriented themepark MMOs
That's your first mistake.


too bad the gameplay is shit

you don't even look for clues, you press a button and the clues start glowing red

and don't get me started on the "combat"

I imagine that will improve with the coming months. People are still leveling their mains, there's no real point in adding AP boosts yet.

Just buy level boosts.
It's a very good deal in the long run.

>expect some casual fetch quest
>can't get in a house, use witcher stuff
>there is a murder scene a
>find an evidence
>which actually belongs to a very important character you'll meet later

Even side quests of side quests have some kind of interesting twist in it.

How is that different from WoW?
Oh right, you don't have to press a button.

I hit 110 today and quested a bit in Suramar, is there any reason on why I should keep doing it?

I pretty much rushed through the 4 zones with my main and I was planning on reading the quests on my alt after I'm done with my main.

Too bad elemental is still a joke to everyone at blizzard. Nothing I love more than shitting out lightning and lava everywhere as a sort of primal mage, but there's NO FUCKING DAMAGE

Hey user you know you can just buy level 90 right? Who grinds anymore?

F2P when?

The only thing that made people like you butthurt was that all those quests had shit drop rates intended to make you play longer. That doesn't happen any more.

If you're sent to collect 16 deer hoofs, you get 4 hoofs from each deer. All they need to do is make sure the drop rates are 99% and you won't be fucked up the ass genociding a species for that last hoof.

A fuck ton of games have good quests.

>nu-Sup Forums

from someone who bought expansions at launch every year, and finally had it after WoD:

why should i give legion a chance? what is good about it that makes it compelling for someone who enjoyed wotlk the most to buy?

regardless prolly gonna wait till price drops to $10

People will defend the sub even when they have F2P systems in

Of course they glow, you're witcher and it's not some point'n'click game.

All the other specs get some cool gimmick with their artifact and all I get is a wet floor when I go AFK so I don't even see it.
What the fuck?


>timewalker raids
Oh fuck yes, thinking about going back and poking out C'Thun's eye makes me hard as rock

>The meth addict bro turned into a monster and died
Poor guy. Why didn't those fucking jew dragons just share some magic with him? He was a top lad.

>why should i give legion a chance?
You get an ashbringer!

>what is good about it that makes it compelling for someone who enjoyed wotlk the most to buy?
You get an ashbringer!

Please come back.
t. drone

>That doesn't happen any more.

Yeah, worst things happened. Like 2016 and rise in quality standarts. Among other solid Blizzard games WoW looks like a retarded grandpa.

>Paying 60 bucks to not play a game

Anyone else bought Legion because they had no choice whatsoever?

Not buying DLC in a SP game is liveable, but fuck, if you don't buy the DLC in a multiplayer game then it will feel dead as fuck.

>inb4 shill

you get a lvl 100 char boost when you buy legion

don't listen to these

>samefagging this hard

nope, but eventually, and I hope it will lead them up to your fort basing it on the description it has.

I blood DK and I don't get even this, while frost recieve Arthas ghost constantly trolling them.

>current year
>being a newfag

My biggest worry right now is that I play a DK and of course I'm Unholy because Frost is fucking trash. Now knowing Blizzard they have no idea how to balance the game so I'm sure they're going to overbuff Frost at some point and it will be a shitload better than Unholy. Now when that point comes I'm going to have a barely leveled up Frost Artifact and like a level 20 something Unholy Artifact so I'll be fucking stuck with a shit spec.

he didn't die though.

I really hope there's a quest for a cure in the future.

He was trying to beat his addiction by going cold turkey.

Problem is that with being as addicted as he was that was an awful idea

Don't worry, they'll add an artifact booster to the cashshop.

Considering that there are that many classes. Along with each spec. Thinking that balance will come to a game is a logistics nightmare and will never happen.

I meant MMORPGs

we're talking about quest-oriented themepark MMOs user, don't move the goalposts

That moment when you realize your character model is better than some important lore NPC's.

Frost never was OP. Unholy always was. I used to crit as a bitch on twin Valkyres in LK. Good ol' times, we did have to change our stance and no 4 buttons, no sir, you even could tank in frost and unholy and no one would say a word.

y r u black

Do I have to get the other artifact weapons in order to progress in the class order questline?

Anyone knows when they gonna allow 10 day trial ?

just get them and bank them if you don't want them

remember, you can do artifact quests with any spec you want, you don't have to do the Frost quest as Frost for example

Don't think so. It's just a quest you can take. You get an Achievement for getting all of them though.


y not tho?

>on the class quest to finish five 8 hour missions
>start fourth mission last night, hyped that I can start my fifth and have it done when I get home from work today
>98% success chance

Oh, okay.

>Still better content than Fag Fantasy Fourteen.

There's literally nothing wrong with being black.

What professions should I pair with Enchanting in Legion?

>you can do artifact quests with any spec you want, you don't have to do the Frost quest as Frost for example

I know, I tried to do the prot warrior artifact quest while I had the fury artifact weapon and I was always on the brink of getting my ass raped by regular mobs, thinking I was ment to do the artifact quest while using that spec, but I'll try again, thanks.

Came back a hair before WoD. As a mage, there was no fun to be had in my rotation anymore. There was no strategy in how I sequenced my spells or CC. It's too simplified to the point of boredom. I know they didn't fix it and I don't think they ever will.

They really should include punishment system for class halls.

>current year
>being autistic
Man we may as well be lynching nignogs and burning jews, dude

>failing at 98%
And all you fucking had to do was send one more valajar unit along.

>Good content