What the fuck is going on with the difficulty in this game...

What the fuck is going on with the difficulty in this game? I'm having a lot of fun roleplaying as Guts so far but I keep running into enemies that I can hardly damage - even standard zombies.

My pawn is a mage and she can deal shit tons of damage with her magic but I can hardly keep up.
Am I doing something wrong?

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The difficulty curve in this game is fucked.

>everything kills you in 1 hit and takes forever to kill
>you kill everything in one hit and are basically invincible

Enemies can be pretty damage spongy, but zombies are very weak to fire. Keep playing and you will kill everything with ease until the next difficulty spike appears.

Some undead enemies like zombies have strong physical resistance. If you're using a melee build, have one of your mages learn a weapon enchantment skill.


>weak to fire
My pawn says everything is weak to fire, I just assumed he was an arsonist.

Tis weak to Fire, Arisen.
Everything is strong against ordinary swords. Get yourself some fancy glowing magic bullshit.

Defense and damage in this game have some weird scaling. If you go against something much stronger than you, your damage will be literally zero.

If you have trouble try to upgrade your best weapon.

Fire is your safest element at the start of the game and all around good through the main game.

False, Everything is weak to throwblasts
>One-shots the super tanky shield bandits
>One-shots any and all ghosts
>Can 7-shot a fucking dragon at any level

Are you implying that zombies are not weak to fire?

>pawn is a mage and she can deal shit tons of damage with her magic but I can hardly keep up

Time to change vocations.

Don't use a magic sword though, since they deal less overall, as their damage is halved and goes through 2 defence % modifications

No, that's splits up your damage. Get yourself an ordinary sword and have your pawn enchant that shit.

Be quiet user

You usually need more than one cast of any fire spell aside from meteorite to instantly kill them.
Throwblast instantly kills a whole bunch from start to finish and they cost scraps.
>No cooldown time
>High damage
>higher rate of fire
>Literally only limited to how much you can carry
>Which is ALOT

you have to use the right kind of damage and/or hit their weak points
also warrior sucks

Either switch to a magic class or get your pawn to cast elemental buffs on you.

>warrior sucks

It still hurts Sup Forums why does the best class always suck in every game?

Yes, but user, I said
>zombies are weak to fire
and you replied with
which is just not right. They are weak to fire. Learn how to make a conversation.

so boring Gutsfags get fucked

I made my main character a joestar Chad and my loli pawn a support mage, Literally raped everything in the game.

Warrior sucks
I'm sorry, I wish it were good as much as you do, but it's absolutely terrible.

Enemies doesn't have a lot of HP, but they are often extremely damage resistant.

>Watch Bittleblack Isle speedrun
>Level 1 Stride enter
>200 throwblasts later: Daemon 1.0 and all the bosses is DEAD

Mage is worse

The way damage is calculated in DD is fucking retarded, it works on addition/subtraction rather than percentages.


> get to Bitterblack Isle
> it's the beginning all over again


I beat all the content and NG+ as warrior. The game isn't hard enough for vocation to matter.

Use your pawn to cast elemental buffs on your weapon. They should eventually learn enemy weaknesses and cast the right one.

>plays Warrior
there's your problem OP, you have 3 skills every other class has atleast 6, Warrior is suffering to play outside of good Arc moments your pretty much just spamming jump slash.

Warrior in BBI was the most fun I had in this game. It's already easy enough to just steamroll everything with bow + blast arrows or cheese with MA. Suddenly timing and positioning became important again, you had to exploit weaknesses of the enemies more than ever, use all your tools available and have to earn your victories.

>Use Arc of Obliteration
>Deal a little more damage because you breach the defence
>Would have dealt more damage if I breached monster defence and just jump attack instead

Use conquerers periapts. I hope you also attacked their weakspot while they are knocked down than just smashed it at their feet.

Fire will carry you through early game, and end game is all about Holy.

That's legitimately one of the best reviews on Dragon's Dogma around.

All we really need is a sequel to improve on a few key things and we'd have an incredible game.

It really doesn't deal more damage than just jump slashing.

I have different experiences.

Played a bit of dragons dogma a while ago
>forgot I gave my pawn like 20 of those things that summon more enemies in BBI

>it works on addition/subtraction rather than percentages.
Flat subtraction is great, if its actually thought out.
DD values isn't thought out at all.

I get that its designed for 4x Player Stat Boost skills, but there isn't really like that.
Instead its 4x Peripats.

>Get to the Necromancer and his Dragon Dildo
>Fight goes pretty smoothly for a short while
>Pawns keep standing in the bad
>Worse yet, for some reason they simply will not attack the boss
>Phase 2 or whatever and Necro fuses with Dragon
>explosions and clouds of fart gas everywhere
>Plot twist, fart gas was actually petrification shit
>All the pawns get petrified
>Cant use my softeners or C. Liquor on them for some reason, same shit happened with Gazer
>All of them die within seconds

Great game though

>All that terrible, but accurate review

Warrior is a shit class.

If you want to deal melee damage go with Assassin

They hold the advantage!

>be playing MA
>necromancer dies with dragon in under 10 seconds

is MA as O as I hear? Assassin was fantastic as long as you didn't need specific elemental damage or else you were fucked. Having every element on hand with range added sounds great.

he's right

warrior is fun for a while because of how raw it is but with only 3 skill slots it gets old real quick. Worth playing to level and get the perks when you need em but otherwise just go play another class.

Is it too late to switch from warrior to assassin/ranger if I'm already lvl 30? Pls respond

>Mattering at all besides min max

It's never too late to max all classes

Get all the good augments and then switch.

>you kill everything in one hit and are basically invincible

yeah, in the vanilla version of dragons dogma.
are you forgetting BBI?

MA is pretty boring in the main game, immolation aside, but it's great on BBI.

>am i doing something wrong?

playing a shit game

>Playing Warrior

Grapple them. When an enemy is off-balance (you stagger them, they recoil off a blocked attack, they're on the ground, etc) hold down the grab button and keep holding it to put them in a nelson. This reduces their defense by a HUGE amount.

The problem you're encountering is that your weapons aren't breaking their damage threshold, so you're only doing chip damage for every hit. Lowering their defense will make them a non-issue.

>Magic Rebalancer
>The Explosive arrow