Which video games let me fulfill the weeaboo dream of living in japan?

which video games let me fulfill the weeaboo dream of living in japan?

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a shotgun to the head

Persona 4

But one of those looks like a boy, that's the opposite of shoujo

keep it vidya you fucking nerds

Reminder that the author is actually an ugly landwhale that barely understands basic Japanese

That's fine but you can't be female.

>weighs over 168 pounds
>draws herself thin

Is she saying she looks older than her age?


P3P then

>tfw teaching english in Japan but not making a shitty webcomic about it
Fuck this fat slut

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon provides you with the most realistic experience of living in Japan.

Can you actually fuck guys?

P4 only implied it

Shoujo is girl-boy romance retard

Yes. FeMC is a canon slut.



This was legitimately good.
Like something straight out of Yotsuba&.

It's filled with real restaurants and brands.

You have disrespected EVERYONE IN THE WORLD by comparing this shit to yotsubato

You have disrespected your family tree by existing.
Neck yourself.

Say that shit to my face next time dude


Yakuza is Japan simulator.


Give me your address and full name and I'll be right over.

The author


Looks like an old Oblivion character.

Doesn't look that fat, in comparison to what the anons were saying.
I'd invite her a cup of coffee
