How many people bought a vita to hack it?

how many people bought a vita to hack it?

I was going to but 64gb memory cards cost $130 here

The only reason I bought a vita near launch was so I could hack it in the future. I've only bought like 3 games in all the years I've had it.

Are there any updates for snes and gba emulators because they're kind of choppy

what con you do with this hack?

So I found out my vita is still under the 3.60 firmware so how do I hack it ?

What do now ?

sony discontinued them where I live and I've seen the price range up to €500~

Download the games on your PC and play one game at a time?

I've had mine for years and have enjoyed it to its fullest.

I will not be hacking because I want to insure devs continue to bring games over here to the west. I hope all those that do hack get their psn's banned and vitas broken/stolen.

You are killing an already dying system that is surviving on third party support. kys

I read you could manually update to 3.60, start there

M8, it's already dead, you've been giving money to a dead man, only the worms will be feasting on those bucks. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony released this hack themselves to try and sell off the few left bundles.

You don't even need to be exactly on 3.60, only if a certain game needs it. Just don't go 3.61

We bought $20 PSTVs on clearance

I've had mine for years. Currently enjoying GE2RB.

I live in PajeetLand and It costs around 100$. That's on Ebay by some whoknows seller.

While Sony on Amazon sell it for around 225$

If I pirate it's not to play all the game but to have all of them available sitting on my system

plenty of devs are still releasing games for the system. it's far from dead

Weebshit don't count

So can i pirate on it yet?


nintenshit don't count.

Now how many games does the 3ds have?







I did.

And it arrived with 3.61 firmware.

Only in Japan, so you either need to pay out the ass to import or you just have to pirate them, which is now possible. The system is dead in the west don't expect any "games getting brought over" only recent ones weren't vita exclusives, but were released along other systems, because if you're gonna translate the game for PS4 might as well put the patch on the vita game and put it in a package.

And indies too, but I guess they don't count too.
Playing Shovel Knight or Risk of Rain on the Vita is better than playing it on PC.

Well I already had three vitas before the Henkaku was even released
I'm not gonna update them but I'm not gonna stop buying games either.
Digital games aren't physical after all nor do they bring all those extra goodies like my JP games

Nothing wrong with having multiplat games. Plenty of devs bringing games over. Vita has more games than 3ds.

I bought it for gravity rush but I can hack it now so it's a win. I tried keeping it on old firmware but all that used to be possible was PSP mode shit. So lucky the last game I bought was Odin Sphere and that put me on 3.60, exactly where I need to be.

piracy nigga

Also fucking mods. People have been porting BoI: Rebirth mods and making undubs of Persona.

Bought it day 1 just for wipeout.
Loved the fuck out of it.

Broke the screen and it was fucked, no reason to buy another one.

Welp, now it's dead. Sorry, weeb bro. Those games probably had mediocre niche sales anyway. Now with piracy sicking into them, it's over. Good news though, Japan is never big on piracy so those games will still continue to come out in Japaan, but better bust out dem Japanese text books.

Had to hack my PSTV, otherwise I couldn't play gravity rush.

I bought it to have a cute doorstop that occasionally plays games

Are there better emulators yet?

Just get the retroarch cores

I bought mine for Migu. Then again I bought my PS4 for Migu, and my 3DS for Pokémon, but ended up only playing Migu on it anyway because Pokémon was shit.

I'll buy it when there are decent emulators.

full piracy? like in 3ds, play any rom?

I might get one to pirate all the Migu. Second hand of course.

Bought it for P4G and Zero Escape and some classics. Don't know how to hack but probably gonna learn and hack it to shit on Labor Day. So are there legit piracy capabilities yet? I heard it was mainly emulating.

I bought one just yesterday for the sole purpose of hacking it. Came refurb with a bit of a bothersome screen scratch, but it's a 1000 on 3.51 so I ain't complaining.

Gonna hack it whenever I get the motivation. Something tells me (mostly 3DS hacking experience) that Vita hacking is gonna change/get better in a huge way in the coming months, so since I'm in no hurry to play anything I'll just wait and see if shit gets better.

Dump game tool got leaked 2 days ago.
Now we just need to format them to .vpk (i think) and install the games

Already have a 1000 on 3.6, but bought a TV for like thirty bucks yesterday to use for hacks. Don't know what I'm going to do with the 1000 yet.

All you need to do is update to 3.6 and go to a website.
It never comes close to 3DS-levels of difficulty.

Gonna be honest. Don't expect anything better than what's possible on the original PSP. The vita isn't that strong in the processing department, which emulators need the most. At best it'll run with SNES and GBA games better. People thinking it's going to be a portable N64 or PS2 are going to be disappointed.

The current dumping app isn't too great It only properly dumps less than half the games currently. The author has been working on though, and plans to have an updated version released this weekend.

I'm thinking of hacking the one I got for free, but honestly I don't see any games I'd even bother pirating

psvita already runs some ps2 games

I updated two days ago, of my own free will. I regret nothing.

Enjoy your no games

So what kind of emulation can you do? I assume it can do all of the emulators the PSP can do, but can it run N64 well? Also, is there any chance it can emulate PS2? I doubt it but I'd like to see if I should look into this.

ps2 ports dont count.
is the vita playing Shadow Of The Colossus now? yeah, though so

Y-you too

>ps2 ports dont count.

It's a ps2 game you dunce. It counts

nothing can run N64 well, besides a Wii using wad injection. The Vita probably won't be much different, due to the continued apparent lack of interest.

>nothing can run N64 well


>Wii using wad injection
Even that doesn't work for a few games. When Nintendo themselves can't make a universal N64 emulator you know it's fucked.

well you have to remember that Nintendo never, at any point, set out to do a Nintendo 64 universal emulator.

The sole point of every VC game was to make a game-specific emulator that would run that one game as best as it could. Nintendo never even dreamed of making a 'universal' emulator and they definitely never planned on people injecting their own wads into the games.

Any team with the right technical knowhow could, with the money and time required, create an excellent N64 emulator (or even a perfect one if given byuu levels of dedication). The fact of the matter is, nobody seems to give enough of a shit to make it happen.

>implying there's any other way to get the good models

>hack Vita
>do absolutely nothing with it in the aftermath

Well, that was fun.

>sold two on ebay this week
>both on 3.60, shown in picture but not mentioned in the description
>both sold within an hour at my BiN price
>updated the firmware before shipping cause I'm a nice guy

>they send it back and you get cucked out of the shipping fee and bad feeback

They have no right to do so

So now that I have a vita

Is the Ridge Racer any good? I'm a fan of Type4 (who isn't) and the DS game from 10 years ago. The last RR game I played though was Unbounded and it was totally different, like a cheap gimmick hog.

>henkaku site is down
Hope you guys installed the backup launcher

Whats your ebay so I know not to buy from you :)

Ebay 99% of the time sides with buyer. Good luck.

>Oh, you can hack it now?
>I'm gonna buy one to play all its games for free now, suck it losers!

Okay Sup Forums.


Explain please

No. Memory cards are still too fucking expensive.

I don't even care about pirating.

suck it loser

>things that never happened

I'm thinking of getting one, I see offers ranging from 65 to 100 bucks, but I will ever only play 4 games.

I already have two vitas, but now I will finally get some use out of them.
Piracy makes it much easier to actually manage files. Its a godsent.

Fuck Sony for punishing legit customers.

as of sometime last week, yep

>new Vita's are still around £170

This shit is dead

Also no chance in hell that sony make another portable system.

Even with that, this greedy fucks don't want to lose a single penny and updated this system only to prevent the hack.

If they aren't interested in making another portable, then what is the Vita Trinity?

>There's a Trails of Cold Steel undub

Will I be missing anything big/get spoiled if I play it now before finishing TiTS SC?

Separate stories so no

Fucker of mothers I just want to play MK9 at work why do I have to drop over $80 to do so

Play it on a real console then

i bought one the day they announced henkaku and have not been disappointed

not killing shit, i never would have bought a vita to begin with if it wasn't for piracy, kys

Xperia division electric boogaloo

ok big boy

>i didn't read what he was replying to

>I live in PajeetLand
I'm sorry for your loss.

It's funny because I still can't think of any games I would pirate

k, I didn't know desu wanted to see

I want to get a Vita, but no stores sell them here. My only options are getting a used one or buying a new one from Amazon and shipping it here, in which case I'm not sure if the firmware will be 3.60 or below. Hardly anyone is selling their Vita here and the few that do have already confirmed that they've updated theirs when I got in touch with them.

I never got myself a PS3 and missed out on quite a few "weeb" games. The criticism that Vita got from having a bunch of enhanced ports are actually appealing to me.

I dunno what to tell you m8, I bought a refurbished vita off amazon just 2 days ago and got a system on 3.51. I say it's worth a shot, and if you go amazon and have prime you can basically get away with any return ever and they'll let you do it. I've literally returned game systems that I fucked up myself and claimed that it came that way, and have gotten full refunds for those.

A new vita will be bellow 3.60.

Used ones are very likely to be 3.61, since unlinking your PSN from it on the device itself will force a firmware update. There are ways around this, but most sellers probably won't bother since they're more work.

*raises paw*

Thanks m8

I bought a Vita to play Golden Abyss.

I did that.

Now I don't know what to do.

I have some games on it so I haven't gotten rid of it but this is easily the worst game system I ever bought.

3.61 is still very new so it's guaranteed that a new Vita will be 3.60 or below.