What place does SCP have in games?

What place does SCP have in games?

There are plenty of games already out. How could you do a proper SCP game?
What SCP game would you make?

Other urls found in this thread:


SCP waifu porn hentai game.

>You will never calm SCP-682 chan's dark heart and be rewarded with a load of his crocodile cum

>Don't stop noticing me senpai.

>the symbols have been compromised.

Make a game where you are a SCP-Team trying to capture a unregistered or new scp and you use those signals through out the level

Well the thing is there are so many stories already there that could be made into small portions of a game, a game about the organisation should be totally about everything the organisation does and deals with.

>Being the survivor of the team that captured 096
>Or the D class that had to draw his picture.
>Being a test subject for 093, going into the mirror world
>Finding the stairwell for 087-b for the firs time.

There should be a game where you play as one of the agents and the missions are all about having to contain escaped SCPs with your team, having to make strategies to contain each SCP in different ways.

>symbols have been compromised
>stay in the light
>stay in the darkness
What do

Do not be taken alive

Who/what is the most Mary sue scp?

All the newer Keter ones

I stopped reading the site when they killed the man-of-war. He was a good guy you fucking dipshits god I hope the foundation gets stomped by an SCP riot so the world can be a bit more exciting.

>The SCP is presumed to have been neutralized by D-14134, who was posthumously awarded the Foundation Star (one of only two awarded to Class-D Personnel). Due to information contained in Document 1983-15, it is believed that the anomaly was not localized, as previously believed, and renewed resources have gone into attempting to locate similar incidents.

Like video game pottery

>How could you do a proper SCP game?
A strategy game sort of like Dungeon Keeper. You approve and oversee trials and manage your researchers, test subjects, and security team.

>you'll never be a dead row inmate that manages to save the world

There are many ways you could do a SCP game.

>You are an agent sent find a new possible SCP located in REDACTED. Find out it's abilities and figure out a way to capture or neutralize it.
>Containment breach at Site 17
>SCP is loose in a major populated area and you don't have time to evacuate. You are part of a strike force sent in to contain the situation.
>Dire Bees
> and they get organized

the possibilities are endless

So, a slightly different Evil Genius?

Last time I checked the site, there was a rival faction stated.

682 the answer is always 682

Maybe a game like prison architect moreso.

SCP - 10101

Sounds more like a mix of Evil Genius and Prison Architect

I am completely fine with this


Why does anyone still care about this shit
at omn epoint it was neat and I decided to join and make my own article but from there I learned that it really is just a wiki mess. ANYONE can just go on there and redo any article they feel like and the creator can only attempt to return the article to normal, can't lock it, BUT if it's returned to normal then the one who changed it gets notified and can go back and do the changes again and it turns into a cock squabble. It's not a place where you can control what you enter into the archives, it's a "group" thing that devolves into a hairy mess

I think SCP entries and new monsters should be written by selected people, I'm fucking tired of faggots writing shitty stories and adding crappy monsters, also literally children showing they new kewl monster they did in school lunchtime.

>pray while shooting
that has to be some fucked up shit if you need a holy power to save ur ass

>furry loli

>There are at least three SCPs that have containment procedures that are literally just there to stop everyone shitting themselves.
>people keep using the fucking doughnut
>SCP 93 (I think, the one that gets fucking mad if you see it) could photobomb someone 20 years ago looking at a pixel he's never looked at before and kill everyone.
>Half the foundation is convinced Samothrace isn't a real place.
>Nobody knew about Yellowstone.
>That guy who shifts universes is going to eventually shift to an universe that kills him, or brings something back that kills all of us.
>The fucking transdimensional hole is going to spit out 10,000 nukes or something any day now.
>Everyone worries about the fucking sculpture and the hungry hungry crocodile and captain old man creepy more than the immediate death from about 200 other SCPs.

What in the name of whatever godlike being will listen?

This is fucking stupid. OMG it is a KITSUNE, it needs a FUTON. It MUST be contained by a HERMETIC SEAL, or otherwise will do stuff. It can THEORETICALLY be stopped by bullets, but it has MIND POWERS.

Considering that the SCP group only contains what is potentially world altering and destroys whatever doesn't have a good cost to potential use ratio, wouldn't this be dead by a robot by now?


You need to ignore the self inserts and fetish entries, the guys in charge are trying to remove them

Can't people leave their fetishes on porn or semiporn sites? Its disgraceful that a site with so many short stories that have potential should have to suffer such crap.

You don't happen to have the mirror transport stones link on hand do you? I can never seem to find it when I try to look

Where did we go so wrong?

Not him, but that's SCP 93


Honestly? I don't get it, it's not bad but I think there are far better ones that get less attention.

Sorry mislink, this is for you:

>We will never get an SCP game that isn't jumpscare shit

>SCP-10101does, in fact, shower every day and is not a "no-life virgin"
Top jej

Furrys will push their fetish anywhere possible
They have more than enough money and no responsibility when using it

There are literally no jumpscares in SCP containment breach

Isn't that the one that is just 100% jumpscares with a vague SCP theme?

I like it because it contains the idea of multiple realities corrupted by something that is undefinable within the already corrupted realities. It also allows for a greater concept that each reality has its own rules and SCPs because the world visited doesn't seem to have any.

huh, hadn't considered it that way. I've always had the more simple assessment of: weird alternate universe where bad shit mutates people into husk monsters and pollutes areas to inhability, and they failed to fucking stop it.

I mean its not a bad story, but the SCPs that really get me are the ones with subtle implications for our own universe. The doughnut that fucks up our reality and we kept fucking using it, the time travelling department that basically doesn't exist. That thing down in Samothrace.

Its a matter of subjective taste though, and judging by rankings loads of people love 93.

No that's 087-B

which ones are those?

I like 682

Oh, okay then.

Can't find it, basic summary: Gold doughnut-shaped thing found in the ground, every time someone touches it it subtly alters the entire universe except for the person who touched it.

They touch it countless times before discovering this, and don't believe it, and touch it EVEN FUCKING MORE.

>that SCP that's a portal to an alternate Earth but it got hit by a "kill everything" and everything is dead
>even 682

>that SCP that's a portal to multiple alternate Earths with different versions of SCP foundations
>one of which is a church cult and classifies each SCP as a "demon/demonic artefact"

>that SCP that's a portal to an alternate Earth ruled by a big church and it's holy army fights against corrupted creatures

Notes left by alter reality SCP agent
The "doughnut"

Alters history and makes people go insane
People say they go insane because it rewrites history and their memories don't line up right.

Post favorite scp


Has anyone written an encounter between "God" and this thing?

It seems like a no-brainer as far as interactions between reality altering items are concerned.

It just means "guys, someone knows our secret language".
It being in a image meant to teach you about this does not imply anything.
Were you to read a list of Japanese pictograms, reading the word/symbol "Shi" does not mean "u gonna die, drop this book and pray to your god".

Please keep making this thread every week.

Those three are popular because of the game.


tl;dr recording of NBA playoff game where the people in the recording gradually become self-aware that they are experiencing the same thing every time it is played back.

What was it? A boat? Or the medusa-like thing?

are you a fucking moron?

the first thing to take from "the symbols have been compromised" is that someone (likely an SCP) is writing down false symbols where they don't belong

like if you're not supposed to look at an SCP and some fuckhead writes the symbol to "maintain eye contact" and then you're just fucked

And? Would you rather have more overwatch threads, more webm threads containing the same 100 rally/stalker/overwatch/fallout webms? More no mans sky threads?

At least this thread is infrequent.

read the text not the image senpai

>>That guy who shifts universes is going to eventually shift to an universe that kills him, or brings something back that kills all of us.
there's already one universe that has everyone in it killed from a "death wave" from their agent going through a portal. The agents sent into that dead universe realized it and figured out that returning to their home universe would mean bringing the "death wave" along with them so they just killed themselves

The image makes the text sound like he's taking the piss.

A man so lucky he never dies.

>An scp which is literally DEUS VULT
You can't say that without giving me a number user.

scp 093

An actual Portuguese man-o-war
The "man o'war"

>The Ghost of 2Pac forces the Foundation to solve crimes.

it's like that Franken Fran chapter

Did that d class still get killed after a month

Some sort of dark souls like message system in a game like stalker could be cool. Not for the memes, but for leaving symbols for others to find. Especially if the game is more like Roadside Picnic, where the stalkers are superstitious as shit, but with reason.
You can be crawling through a field, dodging a military patrol, wheb you find a crudely carved symbol indicatung the presence of moving gravitational anomalies and whatnot.

>more webm threads containing the same 100 rally/stalker/overwatch/fallout webms
That sounds kinda like a thread with nothing but "symbols compromised xd" that isn't even videogames

He died while killing the SCP.

He was awarded the medal when he was dead.

What? No they never found him.
>awarded posthumously

>The only time the SCP has directly lost to an SCP is a CD with the crime-solving ghost of Tupac on it.

Looks like some nigger got him out of that wack crystal prison.

Actually is videogames if you'd pay attention.

There are 10 scp games to date.

SCP 999

this one is fucking gold

I nearly mentioned that one, I fucking love it.

Especially the dawning realisation that going back might cause it to happen to us.

for some reason I find this one amusing just simply because someone took the time to make it

>no one post the SCP with the absolute best joke in the entire site

I think an interesting take while sticking to the more lovecraftian roots would be being on an investigation team trying to find these things and trying to figure out their true nature so you can capture them.

That or instead of being in the field you do an xcom style thing where you build new bases and research applications of the supernatural to better equip your people to secure and contain increasingly destructive things.

>The SCP that is SOMETHING REALLY FUCKING BAD that's playing some kind of fucking stupid game of hopscotch on the way to dunk our universe in some shit, that was fucking losing to some archbishop before the SCP foundation came along and started fucking up.
>The SCP you can sell your soul to for a sandwich.
>The SCP that is some eldritch horror with only one of seven leashes still working, and the method to contain it is made up to stop people panicking.
>The SCP that is a really fun party unless someone says the secret word "plurality"
>Tim Fucking Duncan.

Pokemon Go+No Man's Sky
walk around the streets to capture procedurally generated SCPs!



Long live /prog/

I would LOVE an SCP world building game.

Gotta mine / buy certain resources to build defences to block telepathic entities.
Build walls based on dimensions given to you by a scientist or director. If you fuck it up, an incident occurs. (which can cost you the whole game if you fuck up major)

Equally, you could do exploration games on the location-based SCPs.
One that comes to mind is that alleyway where you got teleported to some weird fucked up dimension if you walk in to it one direction only.
Could have a story where someone went in and you were sent to find them. (maybe even other SCPs were placed there in an SCP foundation building for safety because the laws of physics were fucked up enough that it prevented certain SCPs from causing havoc)

I wish I could report you for shitposting, I really do.

Oh, I didn't read it carefully.

I want to fuck him



2521 is the coolest recent one posted, per

They tried that. didn't work.


>The exact variety dispensed to a given player is often the one that the player has the lowest preference for.
that is a pretty good one

>that scp that's a huge flesh pile or whatever and it describes someone being caught in it


what a bro