ITT: games only you played

ITT: games only you played

I liked Second Sight, loved the scope for the sniper, was fun.

You can't change the past.




I loved Samurai Western. Fun game.

Rising zan, omega boost

I think I've heard of this game


Why is the guy on the left holding a basketball

nigger everybody on earth older than 18 played second sight



Fate of the Dragon

Came here to post this.

I remember seeing a Second Sight ad in an old Nintendo Power.

It was quite well hyped back in the day. Same with Psi-Ops. Psychic powers combined with ragdolls was a big deal.


I have a copy of this. I really enjoyed the gimming of getting back my organs.

Good manga good game.


PC wins again!


That weird ass block dueling system was hella fun


