Can anyone get Zenyatta to carry a bad team in solo que? I just can't do it

Can anyone get Zenyatta to carry a bad team in solo que? I just can't do it.

Do I need to get gud? Or is this the curse of playing support?

if you can't carry with Zenyatta then you shouldn't be playing ranked

If you're not consistently headshotting with Zen, you need to change heroes.

If you're not getting women wet just by telling them you main zenyatta you should probably uninstall the game

>Gold damage
>Gold Objective Kills
>Gold Eliminations
>Silver Healing
>Silver Objective Time
I should not be doing this good at any point of the match.
Granted, Elims was knocked down to Bronze by the end, but that's still pretty pathetic.

I'm not playing ranked.

I've been playing for two days.

I'm level 29.

Zen's the best support for carrying, but he's not really capable of carrying by himself unless both your team AND your opponent's team suck shit.
McCree is the best solo carry hero, since his elimination potential is through the roof with his headshots.

try drawing agro from torb turrets with him while ulting. make sure you tell your team or else you're gonna waste a golden opportunity to carry a shit team.

>team game
>why cant i win this alone omg!

All of you trashcans who still get mad at shitters in teamgames
No shit you will get bad players here and there if you play with random people and dont have a fixed team.

Either get full team of premades or go and play a competitive 1on1 game.
But bitching about it is the dumbest shit ever.
Most of those people who bitch about it are just too shitty to actually go competitive and fear environments where they cant blame others for their own failures.

That would make sense if games were perfectly balanced.

Which they're not.

This is actually complete bullshit. McCree is the best DPS sure, but he desperately needs a team to support him. He's too slow and doesn't have the self-sustain abilities to properly carry if you have a useless team.

Unless you are absolutely next-level godlike with headshots, Soldier 76 will carry a team better and just generally out-perform McCree in solo queue.

in b4 >b... but my meta

>team based shooter
'why cant I solo carry'

I everyone on Sup Forums shitters or something?

If you want to stick with support, Zenyatta is easily the best to make plays with.

Use discord orb to focus your team on specific targets, while throwing out good damage yourself and okay heals.
If you can branch out I would suggest not support role to carry teams.

only character that can carry in overwatch is lucio.

Support never carries, that's why its called support. Your job is to create openings and opportunities for your team.
If they can't take them. that's on them.

I'm a slut I'll use any class.

Who's the best carry solo que?

tracer, but you actually have to aim


lol some 8 year old kid logic here


>nerfed his orb of discord
>cant spam it on roadhog and burst him down fast enough anymore

Fuck, i mean its not a horrible nerf but shit was dope seeing tanks get fucked faat once an orb hits em in ranked mode.

Zarya is amazing if your team is decent enough to stay together

tracer is a god-awful for carrying at anything other than the shittiest of shit-tiers.

150 HP evaporates once you get to a rank where people can actually aim

>solo que

>>That would make sense if games were perfectly balanced.
>>Which they're not.

Which literally doesnt matter if the game lets you pick the same options than the other team/guy.

No one forces you to choose a weaker tool out of the shed.
Picking proper tools is one sign of skill.

>Unless you are absolutely next-level godlike with headshots
That's kinda required if you want to carry a team. If you're just "above average", you'll still lose if the enemy team decides to just 2v1 you at all times and have the rest of their team deal with your teammates trickling in for free kills.

If you want to "carry" a team of shitters, you either have to be fucking amazing, or you can find one or two other above-average players that will help you carry.
Reinhardt + Ana + Zenyatta is a great composition for carrying.

you probably never seen a good tracer then .in koth shes nearly unstoppable.

the strong russian lesbian

This shouldn't matter since Zen got a damage buff.

Healers tier
Lucio > Mercy > Zenyatta > Ana

End your life If you disagree

Anyone with some form of sustain.

Litterally the only change to Discord orb, is what your teammates do.

So yes, your team cant do as much damage to the discorded target, but YOU still do the exact same damage as before

You don't actually believe this do you?

Best heroes for team carrying in my opinion:
Zarya > Reinhardt > Any offense hero > Widowmaker. Support heroes are at the bottom of the list, except for Zen which is with the offense heroes.

The best way to neutralize a strong team is to kill them. Always have the most average players on support or something easy like Junkrat or S76 and take care of killing shit yourself.


Ana player i bet

Ana is still better than Mercy. Seriously Reinhardt and Ana are a ridiculously powerful combo.

Ana is shit as a healer, her nano boost do nothing but mark teammates as priority kills for the other team and her damage output is average at best. Not to mention no aoe buffs.

She has unmatched single-target healing and potentially critical utility. Her ult is great on any character with beefy health or already slippery targets like Tracer and Genji, plus it charges so ridiculously fast that it can smash through a team that still has no ults ready before they can pop 'em.


so boyos what rank did you get placed into this season?

gonna be fun trying to climb up from plat

new player here (level 21, third day)- is there any point at all to winston? i really want to like him, but he seems plain useless.

i can't carry but i can do this

He's good against squishes and his shield+mobility are good utilities

winston is more for distracting people than solo kills


Nice you pressed Q

>Finish the match with gold in elims and objective time, silver in damage and objective kills
>Played Reinhardt the whole time

>borderless window
>windows 10
>google chrome
>quick play

I think you mean
Lucio = Zenyatta > Ana = Mercy

Reinhardt is a powerhouse. If there's an Ana on my team I'm surprised if I don't get golds in dmg and elims by the end of the match.

>and still somehow doing better than you

alright you get 12 commendations as zen for just pressing q

Carrying in an interdependent team game like OW is pretty damn hard no matter what class you are. If your team constantly feeds ults to the other team and can't capitalize with theirs, then you need a much higher skill level than anyone else or some serious luck to carry five mediocre players.

Not that user, but what's wrong with borderless window?

that's a bordered window senpai

>Playing Symmetra
>Ana boosts me, probably an accident
>Run around at snoic speeds doing 180 DPS just for holding left click
Only got three kills during the boost but god damn it was hilarious

First of all that's a bordered window, second of all borderless windowed mode is objectively the best, gives you the view of fullscreen while ensuring there are no problems with alt tabbing in and out, not sure how you could dislike that

>3 kills
that's half the enemy team

boosted Symmetra is actually extremely powerful and not an overall bad candidate for it

Sorry but the buffs didnt do a whole lot for mercy, you're only seeing a lot of her because normies haven't realized she's still shit yet.

Ana has a higher HPS than Mercy, and then healing grenade can double ana's HPS.

But in general Zenyatta Lucio is still better than all of this shit.

Thats only true if you get a symmetra who knows what they're doing and not a sym who just picked her to mess around.

I wish they had a way to increase certain character's skill ceilings.

Me and another guy played as her last night as defense on Volskaya. At first he seemed mad that there were two of us but we actually did really really well. Every teammate having 50 shields is pretty nice, too

Is there a limit to how much you can stack shields and armor?
If not, 6x75=350HP from Toblerone honestly seems extremely overpowered, even though I know it isn't.

>Jumping around like a fuckface as Mei
>Jump behind Rein, in front of Ana's boost
>Barely a second later, I'm in the opposing team's front line. Everyone is frozen and my team removed them from existence.

I can usually manage to tip the scales if the team isn't completely fucking hopeless but sometimes there's just nothing you can do, regardless of the character.

Zenyatta is an excellent example of "Be the change you want to see in your team" but there are limits.

>the ice girl!
>shes the sheriff!

Only one instance from each. But armor goes under shields, not being consumed before the shields are completely down and causing the shields to act as armor(damage mitigation).

Which makes a torb armored Zarya or Zenny fucking murder machines. Especially Zarya, with 275 armor and considering her hardest counters are shotguns she gets fucking crazy.

>Do I need to get gud?
Yes, you can literally shut everyone down with your E and holding down LMB.


>Not knowing when to heal a Roadhog because you're not sure whether he's trying to build ult meter or just incompetent

Lucio and Zenyatta are the only choices, and your team is just better off having both instead of choosing between them.

Two really good forms of support that can both heal a ton for the entire team very easily and offer side benefits beside that.