Jus blayed bf1 beta and omg guise its terribad! The shooting is soooo bad like wtf dice ha ha fucking and people say cod is shit ?
Jus blayed bf1 beta and omg guise its terribad! The shooting is soooo bad like wtf dice ha ha fucking and people say...
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Jus cancelled my preorder eww games hawt garbo
ROFL omg
WTF I hate Battlefield now
I'm a #CoDMissile
Wtf i hate DICE now
memespeak aside you are not wrong my dude
Wtf battlefield is still shit hah
>using machine guns like that
what the fuck is wrong with DICE? Are kids really so fucking gay that they can only play a game if its about just running around the map spraying and praying?
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
The machine guns are really shitty too. Too many bullets and to kill people and horrible accuracy.
Too many bullets to kill people*
Both dumb
Its ww1, full auto weapons are barely relevant so its good they're weak as shit, use a bolt action you parkinsons riddled cunt
I don't have a problem with the ttk.
Honestly. Best class is cavalery. Jump of the Horse and start doing war on foot.
I think the Cavalery man resists more hits and has ammo and medic pack on him.
Shit's overpowered.
of course when you hold it like that jesus christ DICE haven't you ever played call of duty the original?????
If I do that I'm at a disadvantage, shill harder faggot.
From last thread
Back to CoD or OW or NMS or CSGO then faggot
Are you filtering your results by Ping?
I had no problems last night.
Is ro2 32v32?
Are you retarded?
I disagree
You need to understand the map and base your play style on where you can spawn. If you want some good infantry gameplay then spawn and hang around C,B,D area. If you are lucky enough to have a squad communicating (none of my friends like BF and OW update just came out) then jump in a bomber or a heavy tank and win the game. Dust storm or just solo? Horse. Want to rank up your class? Armored car around from flag to flag and get easy points. If you can't spawn in the town, it's pointless to be on foot, period. Unless you are a coward sniper I guess.
Until the casual shitters are gone or git gud it will be like that, just like every other BF game at first.
Congrats on being just like all my friends who would mindlessly sprint around until they run into an enemy and either die or kill them based on luck. I don't know why it's so hard for people to slow down and treat the game like its real war. At least be a bit careful while learning the map. People with ADD want constant action, but that will quickly lead to you burning out on the game. In BF your fun is earned by your playstyle and CoD mentality has ruined most of us as gamers.
wtf battlefield 1 isn't shit anymore because of this memespeak post
DIDF pls go
>Being this triggered by characters not being your preferred race
yeah, so what?
Is french cia
I preordered from within the beta so dice know that because of the beta i preordered the big boy edition.
The thing that irritates me the most are the piece of shit snipers. There are other classes to try out you dumb fucks
you mean species
>le go back to CoD
this isn't the youtube comment section, please refer to rule # 2
>question with an obviosu answer
>i didn't have any issues so noone did
>is ro2 32v32
yes, and it actually does it well, basically what battlefield wishes it was
>are you retarded?
yes he is, one of the worst things in battlefield was jumping in and out of shit without animation
>i disagree
the map was awful, everything was too spread out so if you didn't wait for a vehicle, or be a sniper, you would have to walk 5 minutes through a sniper hell to get to the obj
>until the casual shitters are gone
battlefield is like candy to casual shitters
they will never leave their game
No, the French aren't even in the fucking game and they had one of the most important roles in ww1.
>Jus blayed bf1 beta and omg guise its terribad! The shooting is soooo bad like wtf dice ha ha fucking and people say cod is shit ?
You must be at least 18 years old to post here.
heh...wow.....guess now i am redpilled.....
The problem is niggers
>british guy is white
Fix that please
Disadvantage? The only time ive ever been killed by a full auto in the beta was from behind
Aim for the head you cuck
Complain about the horses or the armored train instead of the out of place useless auto pea shooters that capture the hearts of cod kiddies that go 0 - 23 the whole match
no there aren't, everything in the game is trash except snipers, get bent, you're a fucken loser who can't play the game lmao
that's hardly the issue with the game
before playing it i thought that was a minor cosmetic issue i would get over
after playing it i realized the gameplay was abysmal
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right
I am more triggered by the amount of automatic weapons in this fucking game
i didn't even say one thing about the obvious altering of history because we wuz
but is the meme response you come up with instead of proving me wrong
you are wrong
your game is bad
battlebabies are too predictable
it's a fucking videogame, who cares about history
i'm more mad about the fact that the game is shit
The bolt actions fucking suck, there's no reason to pick them over full auto. You're full of shit.
>hurrr just aim for the head, as if doing that with a full auto isn't better
I'm dying
>tfw getting flamethrower
SMGs are pointless in this game, at least on gamemodes with vehicles. Maps are way too big and you'll get outgunned by everything else. SMGs were viable in BF4, but I don't feel they are in this.
My nigger, not going to buy bf1 cause of it shitting all over ww1 history and acting like they arent, but cavalryman is boss, 2 hit rapid firing gun, takes heaps of hits, resupplies his own ammo and medicine, horse is a death trap but on foot hes beastly.
thats why its called jewgle
love how you can repair your horse with a spanner and literally the moment the sandstorm fog rolled in I preordered day one edish baby
>who cares about history
a large portion of this games potential buyers
>i am taking 1984 LITERALLY
>I'm this fucking retarded
lmfao you're hopeless. back to kid, kep taking fucking video games seriously! dumb fuck, lmfao
>buying a video game for history
>not buying a book
lmfao, stay cucked, youre all fucken retarded, waaah NIGGERS IN WW1, fucken idiots, lmao
this game is the biggest insult to history and the dead fathers of men who are still alive and their memorys of them i have ever seen
>not going on 7 kill spree + landship kill on horse
even if they were going to put blacks in why are they all african americans. Jesus, that is clearly just Akon in a incredibly innacurate german uniform.
>Congrats on being just like all my friends who would mindlessly sprint around until they run into an enemy and either die or kill them based on luck
Are you me? I bought BF4 on sale for 4 bucks in preparation for BF1 and convinced a few friends to try it out with me. None of us had ever played a BF game before (all my friends who had refused to buy BF4), and everyone but me seems to get no enjoyment out of it.
I'm constantly trying to coordinate the squad to work together but no one seems to think that's fun. We spawn in and all go to different flags even when I'm saying "everyone meet up at C and we'll go from there." I got a guy in a tank going to E by himself, a couple in a bomber who get shot down by 2 fighters in less than a minute and then refuse to respawn on me afterwards. When I ask why they just ignore me. I was thinking that maybe they didn't know how to deploy on their squad mates so I explain how to do it and they still ignore me.
I'm the only one of my friends who cares about WWI at all and apparently the only one who gets tired of mindless run and gun in every game. We can work as a squad pretty well in OW, but that's apparently much easier to do on tiny maps that only have 1 objective at a time.
TLDR; my friends are casual shitters too
dont get angry because your game is shit on all levels and no one likes it
> le waving white flag nation
> Important
frog pls
Im level 12, ask me anything
nigger what
it is incredibly easy to hip fire someone on the other side of the point down with one of those trench autos, its fucking retarded how good they are especially since assault is the most played class anyways
you need to fix that brit, their teams are 50% negro, and the rest is muslims and one white support
stop doing impressive feats of science and engineering white people
Trust me, the only people I've actually seen talking about this are the people I always see playing CoD or FIFA.
It's the casual CoD audience, they mostly care about quick, active, short shoot-on-sight games. Most people only give a fuck about shooting and killing things with or without bloom in their face.
>french are pussies meme
dumb amerifat confirmed
hahaha over a million have already preordered this game retard, stay assblasted, its gonna release to critical acclaim. ill lay out the problems its gonna have retard, oka stay with me, i know your handler is gone but this is going to be simple i promise:
>buggy netcode
this is natural as all 6 million+ are going to be playing, they have to test stress for their servers, this always happens with battlefield
>premium costs too much money
this means you have to take more money from your bank account, remedied by GETTING A FUCKEN JOB LMFAO poor retard.
this isn't even an issue, grow up, black people exist too retard lmfao
Niggers were ALL in non combat roles in ww1 they werent even allowed to carry the wounded and they numbered less than 2 thousand
Im not reading your whining post shilling for some shitty game
>i'll just point to a book i havent read and laugh rather than offering discourse
congratulations on being everything they want you to be
>the map was awful, everything was too spread out so if you didn't wait for a vehicle, or be a sniper, you would have to walk 5 minutes through a sniper hell to get to the obj
Sounds like you need to emphasize staying alive above all else. I personally like that, though I realize 90% of "gamers" need constant action or they contemplate suicide.
>battlefield is like candy to casual shitters
they will never leave their game
True, but after enough time even monkeys start to adapt and overcome complex problems.
Also, I may have to check out RO2 even though it's a dead game I like singleplayer war stories when they are realistic.
>what are the harlem hellfighters
>what are german colonial reserves
lmfao, stay mad retard, waaah FUCKEN NIGGERS RUIN MUH GAEM WAAAH lmfao what a fucken baby
>niggers are not an issue
mhm sure thing Jerome
>discource meme
you dont know shit about discourse, your a fucken retard as usual, you need to drink a good dab of fucken HClO fucken idiot hahaha
crying and whining and using the amazing slippery slope falacy =/= discourse, youre a fucken retard as usual who takes a video game for history. where'd you get that history degree at retard? university? hahaha dumb fuck. NO HISTORIAN looks at battlefield 1, fulll stop, they dont even lookat it. because it isnt a primary source, it isnt asource at all, its a FUCKEN VIDEO GAME hahahaah youre so fucken hopeless retard
What level are you?
this is not a new problem, other developers have solved it, and dice could do better. 32v32 isnt even that big a match.
you are seriously going to defend this?
yes, they do exist. it doesnt mean we should pretend that whites dont.
millenials please, just kill yourselves
>every country in the game is represented by an american
>Pretending to be a retarded child as reverse psychology
Oh come on EA this is low level psyops at best.
>>what are the harlem hellfighters
an irrelevant meme group that was hyped up during the time for propaganda reasons and who are now hyped up for SJW propaganda reasons
>>what are german colonial reserves
africans that fought for germany in africa and literally never set foot in Europe
calm down
i know its not a new problem retard, re read my post lmfao
>defending premium
no im not defending it, it sucks we gotta pay more for less, but in the end u got two choices:
1) get a fucken job poor retard lmfao
2) wait til it goes on sale so u get the full experienc for less
those ur two options dumb fuck, if u dont want to buy the game be my gest, i dont care what u like stop bitchen about it lmao
>pretend whites dont
literally who is pretending that whites dont exist? whites r everywhere, they are at lest 12% of the world population give or take a percenta, stop fucken cryin over a goddamn game retard, u just want 2 be center of attention as usual lmfao. u got daddy issues or sum shit, mommy didnt give u a silver spoon? pathetic bitch lmfao
Who /gasgod/ here?
Just chilling at C and D throwing endless supplies of gas as support
>Caring about some Swedish far-left types funded by Jews blackwashing history makes him retarded
Wew how subverted can you get?
they aren't americans they're african americans
>who cares about history
Only those not doomed to repeat it.
The thing that is bothering me the most is the retarded meleeing, why would i need a shovel or a baton if i have fucking bayonet on the end of my gun. and then when i bayonet charge I literally run straight past them
>a fucken video game is history
lmfao stay mad retard, while REAL history is being WRITTEN ur cryin bout a fucken video game, fucken retard lmfao
>mfw I become physicall ill every time I look at that dude holding the rifle, especially when he goes iron sights
I don't understand how anyone at DICE tought, "Yeah, this dude is aiming his rifle like a camera, that sure looks good". His fucking wrists are bending so hard he probably has to get surgery after the war.
This game will sell but I doubt it will do much better than Hardline or BattlEAfront in terms of Population
>The inevitable server issues that will plague the game for its first month
>The 5 (FIVE) maps, one game mode specific according to their website
>DLC Jewery worse than 3 and 4 with the "Stuff Packs" like the Hellfighter Pack and others to come
>The unique setting will not be used any more than just reskinning weapons
>The game being more BattlEAfront with a coat of paint than Battlefield 4+, with Hero pickups and the shitty unlock system
>Retarded Weapon balancing leaning towards Automatic Superiority in 1914-1918
wtf i hate marxsim
canceling preorder
you cant really make the argument that its based in historical truth, and then bitch about history not mattering user
it's supposed to be based on WW1.. why not just make a generic war game and not reference what particular war it was about if it's going to be highly inaccurate and subversive?
dumbfuck lmfao
That's true for every fps. Your vision is always positioned in the chest, not the eyes.
>use a bolt action
>the only class with bolt action weapons is sniper
>games are 50% snipers anyway
Its a video game
have you played them before
its not fucken based on world war 1 you retard, those are marketin buzzwords to get retards like you talken bout it, which gets the less informed ppl talken bout it, which generates fucken sales. are you a fucken retard or do u not understand BASIC marketin skills? LMFAO you fucken retards all need to fucken die, idiots lmao
Good think Sinai Desert isn't in Europe then, maybe that explains all of the black troops?!
Feels like i have sand in my mouth and eyes when the sandstorm rolls in, love decreased visability for no reason on an already shit map