So how do you find Vlad?
Didn't get the new DLC yet, but gonna get it soon.
So how do you find Vlad?
Didn't get the new DLC yet, but gonna get it soon.
Vlad was already best VC, but he borders on broken here. Starting with Blood Knights and Vargheists makes his army damn strong from the get go, and then there's the vanguard formation.
But bright side is, I never have to play as Mannfred or any of those fuckboy Necromancers again.
he's pretty amazing with all the regen he got in his pocket.
basicly only way to kill him is to break his leadership or put him up against some dedicated hero killers
Don't forget that he also gets a nifty trait that allows his non-hero units to gradually get experience every turn.
They get 230 exp, but this also affects other VC armies, but they only get 150 exp.
AKA: The undead get stronger with every turn.
Indeed. He's one hell of a beatstick. As he should be.
And the best thing about that trait is he gets it very early on. IIRC it's available from rank 3, so I managed to get it just on turn 2. That shit will stack up extremely high by end-game.
I want to say Vlad's OP, but he kind of deserves to be since it's Vlad. I might finally pay for some DLC just so I can use him more.
He's free though, but I'd love to have him tear those upcoming Wood Elves. And the latter will be after Bretonnia.
Also I'll be going to repeat the VC campaign because I got the ring, but not Blood Drinker. Should've selected the first option instead of the second.
Yeah, I just mean buying DLC for extra maps to use him on. Grim & Grave for example, or Call of the Beastmen.
I burned out playing it when it came out and now I canĀ“t be arsed to pick it up again, even though the released stuff sounds pretty cool.
If CA also makes other Lords that are also cool like this, then it would be worth the money.
Hoping they'll make based Settra as based as Vlad, though TK are going to be 8th DLC.
Is he "our" guy?
No. Nobody wants to associate with someone who is so ridiculously rotten on the inside.
I thought it was Wood Elves then Bretonnia
I hope all the Freemium Legendary Lords are as nice as Vlad. So far all the Lords included in the DLCs, besides the two Beastmen, have been pretty dull.
Hmmm. Actually I dunno who will be released first.
The not!Knights of The Round Table, or the Murder Hippies.
Either way they'll get screwed by Vlad.
Hoping they'll add Morghul for Beastmen. Also hoping for Marius Leitdorf for Empire.
Wurrzag and Skarnik are heavily implied to be in the game.
Hoping for more Chaos Lords for Chaos Warriors (Horstmann, Valkia, Festus).
Hoping that the Bretons will also get the Green Knight.
Dwarfs should get Thorek and J. Bugman.
Pretty sure it's Wood Elves first then Brets so that corner of the map has things happening when Brets get released
Chaos Divided is on the table, it's one the Expansions IIRC. That will bring in the various Chaos God alignings, more lords and heroes, probably Doombulls for Beastie Boyz too
Even better. Hoping also that they'll add Chaos Daemons too, but not as a faction, but additional units for the Chaos Warriors.
Wood Elves soon
just give me brettonia already CA
Vlad's pretty cool tho
Want to see what I'll get. I should go back to finishing up my Grimgor playthrough but I hit that point where savage orcs invading from the south, and war with the dwarfs in the north. Too much of a pain to deal with.
Crack fucking when?
Hoping for a new lord
I'd like it if they gave Abhorash so that Vlad would bash-bro with.
Wait for two decades.