Never again.
Buying stuff on origin.
Never again
Other urls found in this thread:
One incompetent pajeet is enough to turn you off a company?
Where the fuck are you going to buy from that doesn't have shit support?
why did you buy 100 euro of bullshit anyway, sounds like you're not that much more competent
What did you expect from EA?
Nothing they have done after Spore has been worth even close to full price.
If this post appears, sage has been disabled. What the fuck Hiroshimoot?
based pajeet
Serves you right for spending that much on EA shit
Wow.. that's just... man his replies.. jeans i mean, who the fuck buy jeans, right?!
>he has uplay installed
>Purchase Battlefront
>it's shit
>get my refund without speaking to a single brown person
They can be pretty hit or miss.
>being even slightly interested in any Mass Effect game
You deserve literally everything bad that ever has or ever will happen to you for having such bad taste. That's probably the exact reason Pajeet wouldn't help you out.
Doesn't origin have "Great game guarantee"?
"You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) and participating third party titles purchased on Origin for a full refund. Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game’s release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first 30 days of its release date and can’t play it due to technical reasons within EA’s control, you can request a refund within 72 hours after you first launch the game instead of 24."
You will surely get the karkland
>it was just an example to make the situation simple for you to understand
kek, calling the customer an idiot, very good
>having Origin at all
>even considering playing an EA game
The example doesn't make sense on two levels.
1. Digital and physical products are apples and oranges, were these theoretical jeans a costless virtual copy of already produced jeans?
2. I've never had any issues returning a piece of clothing with a receipt for either a refund or at least store credit.
I know anons, I feel so shit about this. I have even contacted my bank about this and told them it is a fraud.
Lucky me, I live in eastern Europe
I thought sage stopped working years ago
Top KEK. Do you really think they will refund you your money and you get to keep all your dlc trinkets? Next time be Mord responsible with your payments, it appears you're either underageb8n or not the brightest tool in the shed. Your whole OP seems like an asspull aswell, where is the receipt?
Wat do anons. I feel like a stupid retard I am after spending so much money. I did not see the pricing while purchasing it... That is like a 5th of my salary.
>If this post appears, sage has been disabled. What the fuck Hiroshimoot?
The fuck are you talking about?
Sage prevents a post from bumping a thread, it doesn't make posts not appear.
It works, it only doesn't show whether a post has saged or not.
Kill yourself you fucking idiot
is just not visible because sage was an equivalent to downvotes.
Why do companies hire all those smelly indians as call support? Dont they understand it makes them look cheap? Every time I use support and a fucking Indian answers I disconnect.
I worked as an employee and manager of a clothing store for 8 years. We almost always accepted returns because it made more sense to lose ten dollars on a pair of denim than to lose a customer over something that was possibly our fault.
The fact that he goes on to tell you that you're stupid for taking his example and using it against him obviously shows he's reading from a script and trying not to fold. Just contact them again or send an email containing the screenshot to customer service.
I did, and it was another indian saying WE DO NOT REFUND DLCs, IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THE ISSUE IS. Who do I contact other than a shit in street amigo?
every time that happens to me i usually say "oh god dammit, another indian? come on!" and then hang up.
dont buy from EA ever again
Never buy a single thing from them.
Psst dont tell them
I tried posting sage in all fields, but it kept coming up with an error. The moment I removed it, I could post.
its a dice roll but being diligent might pay off.
With our customer service it was essentially guidelines that we could bend based on situations. Phone calls generally work much better than the computer customer support, people empathize better and there's a bit more pressure for them.
Keep pestering. Find numbers and emails. Keep pestering. Post on Reddit. Keep pestering.
It was. Moot killed it. Everyone complaining is a retard who doesn't lurk.
>buying games
>buying ass effect
Why not post the rest user so we can see who is really unreasonable here. You posted a small exempt and his words don't seem to match yours.
just do a chargeback retard
It works like nokosage now.
you're the retard here
doing a chargeback from origin/steam/uplay/psn/xbox live or whatever else results in termination of your account
>blaming the customer instead of the nonfunctioning product and the retard pajeet
Do you work for fucking EA yourself or just some shitty retail job?
he also said he wouldnt buy anything again from them, he doesnt need his account anymore, whatever game he has purchased can be pirated
desu, the people at origin do this constantly.
I used to shitpost them during the BF3 era, before they discontinued all worldwide support operations and outsourced them to literally india.
Pre-outsourcing = good support
post-outsourcing = HOW MAY I HELP YOU? OKAY WAIT I SEND YOU TO MANAGER - Manager here, can't help
they literally
tell you to wait a minute, then they just type "Manager here"
>stupid analogies to cover up theft
this is literally their programmed response
No. Moot said sage didn't work how he wanted it to so he killed it.
Contact bank
Money refunded
there, done.
Most banks should allow for doing this up to 3 months after the transaction was made.
just explain the situation to them.
It works exactly the same way as nokosage did.
You can literally test it for yourself and view the result.
for obviously
note that we are on page 6 now
If you do this on steam or origin they will ban your account so that may not be an option if you have a lot of games on there.
Although it's origin so if you have any games on there you're retarded anyway
>get a coupon from a Pajeet
>get the game for half off for no other reason than I contacted support and asked
I'm okay with Origin for right now
It just doesn't show up anymore because retards thought it was insulting.
I just did. They blocked my card at the moment and are making a new one for some reason. They also said since I have entered my credit card details myself, it is my responsibility, and also if the company replies with ''yes, we have provided the service'' it will result in a negative reply+ waste of time.
Don't worry anons, I am even more retarded than you think, I did this while living in a country with a 570 euro average salary.
Tell them politely you'll just go to another bank/credit card company if that's the kind of service you will receive in the future.
who the fuck cares, from what it sounds like, 100€ charged without context (without consent) and refusal/dismissal to refund it is considered fraud.
Assuming you didn't voluntarily accept the transaction, you're good to go.
If you went full retard and accepted the transaction, then you also agreed to the terms and conditions of the transaction.
If the value of the transaction beforehand was lower than the current transaction, then they are obligated to give you a refund.
i.e. 10€ price tag, 100€ charge
too little context to this thread / OP related to if consent was given, other than that it is bioware + dlc related worth 100€
>refusal/dismissal to refund it is considered fraud
Yes it is. But this industry can get away with the craziest shit you can imagine.
Good luck keeping your account while still getting that refund.
With your broken English I can't even tell what your problem was.
Well, it was like this- I sometime ago purchased battlefield 4, so my credit card details were there. In any other online store, if you are buying something, you are asked to enter you card details again/CVV code/ sms confirmation code. In here, it was just this button that said BUY NOW. Today I found out I was charged 90 euros
>sage was an equivalent to downvotes.
Nobody except for moot ever thought this.
Tbh, if the monetary amount is higher than 100€, you can win a lawsuit at profit in EU, considering the laws are very strict in that matter.
Consumer rights > ToS/EULA in EU
in OP's case it's more sounding like he bought something for mass effect 3 and that he traded real currency for an in-game mock-currency and spent the mock-currency.
Was unsatisfied with what he bought with the mock-currency and want a refund because "he didn't understand that he was spending real money".
Fact of the matter is, there was no place in which it told me how much I was spending.
Are you absolutely sure of that? You didn't just miss it?
And why would you go through with that transaction if you don't know how much you're spending?
Because they were giving away dlc for battlefield and such, so I thought this is free as well, since it's a game that is 6 years old.
So you hit buy now thinking you were clever, and assumed you didn't actually buy anything because you didn't enter any details?
Eh, those 100€ are lost m8.
You messed up, you won't get a refund because you thought you were smart.
Just because it didn't say anywhere it cost you 90€ does not entitle you to spend the points in-game you *TOUGHT* you were getting for free.
Reality here is that you paid 90€, but thought you got everything for free.
yes, but shouldn't there be a cancellation or a refund for impulsive retards like me?
Every retardlord who spouted SAGE or SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELDS sure did.
I have no pity for you. You bought from EA and you deserve every pain and punishment that comes with it.
>since it's a game that is 6 years old.
So you're saying i.e if you buy CoD: Modern Warfare 2, all the dlc should be free?
They charge full price even still, because that is activision's policy.
Just because a game is old, does not mean DLC becomes free.
Hell, some companies still charge full price on 10+ year old games.
No, you'll learn from this mistake.
Next time you hit something that says "Buy Now", you should check your bank account / related receipts on your i.e. origin account.
Just to make sure you're good to go.
Mock currency purchases ("""Bioware Points""") is one of the few commodities you can't get a refund of unless it's the total amount and reverse it fast.
EA is clever like that, they made sure you're not buying the game, you buy bioware points that you exchange for the game.
Posting a classic.
I tried to fix BF Hardline problem with free dlcs i got since my copy of a game was not english, and dlc were english. I tired to contact them and change my hardline to english copy but they didn't fucking care.
Fuck those retarded underpaid untrusted pajeets. In the end i fixed it by myself just by removing EA access games from my ea acc, but i still have retarded non-polish voices... so fuck ea next time i will use vpn to buy mexican copies and you can go fuck yourself
seems very familiar to my first chat with them.
funny, i bought BF4 with season pass with mexican vpn and my copy was still in english
The trick is disconnecting the vpn once you're in the payout screen
A fucking wagon wheel!
and polish copy (which i own) only contain fucking polish and russian. EA treat Polish customers worse than dirty mexicans.
Only one answer: credit card charge back. Then pirate every EA games. You should never buy games from that shit company.
In Europe you can refund digital items. Fucking americunt.
Ok, this nicer indian is asking me to provide my phone number for a call back. I hope this is the signal in the right direction...
Retards in Sup Forums can shittalk as much a they want about Steam, but Origin and Uplay is far worse.
I actually have no idea what is wrong with steam for those people. I mean you can refund games, there are constant sales, there is literally everything you need there. Unlike origin or PSN/xbox stores.
Not him, but what it seems he is saying is that, since dlc for other games were free, and he didn't see a price for mass effect's dlc, and that mass effect is 6 years old, he thought that mass effect's dlc would also be free
That's a retarded assumption.
yes, that is exactly what I was trying to say
Did he get Karkland?
>You: Hello, I have problems with my account.
>You: I don't have a daughter.
>Assiv: MOTHER?
>You: Well, yeah.
>You: Oh... okay.
>You: S-sure. I'll be there in 20 minutes.
Because they can get away with it.
Lol, gave him my phone number, he said that their ''specialist team'' will contact me as soon as the chat ends. Chat ended 20 minutes ago. No call yet.
>Giving Pajeet your personal phone number
>inb4 pajeet sells your number to add agencies for poo tokens
Because it IS cheap. It's ridiculous how much cheaper it is.
And it's not like it is a hard job. They give these monkeys some standard answers to copy paste in chat. No training required, dirt cheap.
>its literally a pajeet
cant make this shit up
>paying for EA
That's pretty funny.
haha fucking indians
Based Pajeet BTFO Eurofags. He's probably movin- I mean I migrating to your country next week to rape your mother and sisters
>Buying DLC
Where did you go to school to get fooled tis hard?
Here are some Origin keys for my friendly Anonymous friends.