sure they have less servers now but, you know, shut the fuck up
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is it true that they've disabled all trinket actives in pvp now or is that a meme?
its true
gear is almost meaningless in pvp, its pure skill now
Any Sup Forums guilds recruiting? I want to play again.
>It's pure my-class-is-better-tuned-than-your-class now
>Have to mute music when I'm in Suramar because of the guy constantly taking breaths.
Once you notice it, it becomes EXTREMELY annoying.
When arena came out, PvP was never anything more than having a better comp. Before that, it was bringing more people or getting lucky with procs.
Gear still boosts your stat template.
I fucking hate you
theres a difference of 10% health/damage going from the worst possible gear to the best possible gear
10% is pretty fucking huge though. Thats an extra 100-something thousand health
which is what? a WHOLE hit?
i did random bgs during leveling and noticed that they scale your level now
i know some things like weapon enchants (which do not exist at endgame pvp) can still do a lot
but overall i guess gear doesnt do much anymore
>gear is almost meaningless in pvp, its pure skill now
>pure skill now
We're playing an MMO user.
If I wanted an even playing field I'd play a fucking MOBA or FPS.
I want the cool trinket abilities I get from raiding to actually count for something when I kill other people.
Has there ever been more to do at max level than in Legion? I almost feel overwhelmed.
You can still do world PVP, gear scaling and item disabling only occurs in instanced PVP
pvp is bad as it's ever been
For those of us taking there time and still leveling where you at boys?
>lvl 105 Tauren arms warrior, near 106 about 4 bars to go
>halfway through the Stormheim questline and have finished High Mountain completely
>Ran Eye of Ashara and Nelfarion's Lair
So far this leveling experience has been terrific, the only quam I have is all the NELF DHs. Everywhere I go there seems to be a group of 2-3 of them leveling together and they go out of their way to gang rape me.
Sup, reddit!
Afro haircut for female draenei when
just started this game again after being away for 5 years
currently level 80 enhance shaman is my highest
wish me luck lads
>the only quam I have is all the NELF DHs. Everywhere
theyre limited to 1 per server
it couldve been worse
my server pop is still low and if i bother trying to address this in /2, i'm met with a barrage of "bro game not dead, is best expansion so far wod a shit ;)))"
He doesn't care he is just a shitposter that wants to complain over meaningless shit.
>Run Darkheart Thicket as Resto Druid
>Get to druid boss
>As his Dialogue is going on he stops
>"Wait, I sense a powerful Druid among you"
>He then spends the rest of the battle talking down and threatening me
fuck that's pretty neat. Does stuff like this happen for other classes?
I want to breath the same air as you if i get that messed up.
PvP has always been "glorious battle against gladiators", at least to me. It has been kinda balanced since wotlk and now it's more balanced then ever and i like it. If you want to go and "stomp newbies" go find a fucking survival game or something.
I think your lost. reddit ain't here.
new haircuts for literally everything in general when
>worgen, tauren and pandas still have literally nothing
>gnome hair looks like its from 2004, they literally just didn't update any of it
>orc and undead hair are poorly modeled trash
I could really go on but I don't remember every hairstyle off hand
You have been put into a fake queue to make it look like that loads of people are still playing this game
>tfw no one ever shows up to help with Warden world quests
>Can't decide between Assassin and Sublety
>Fuck it, I'll go Sublety, that elven ass man
>Go through the questline
Can we all agree Rogues won the comfy award? The Sewers are actually dope as fuck and the characters are not Literally Who?s like the other class halls.
probably for your eyes only
i never seen that happen when there was a druid on my run
i reckon ill have interactions with my warrior when i do that halls of valor dungeon thing
>helheim on a pvp server
That was something.
>mfw have 100kbps/d and like 200kbps/up, tethering shitty giffgaff 4g
I'm going to spend like 5 hours at the library tomorrow sitting in the corner trying to download legion
not going to activate sub until the fucking server overloads are over though because I'll lag out and sub time will be WASTE.
If i were to play this game, mostly solo, and leveling up by doing quests and exploring, and talking with every npc, would i have fun?
I've been trying to do this on and off since Cata launched. It works until a certain point but the grind was just too much
>stormheim at 104
>110 Mage follows me around ganking me
>get to helheim a couple minutes after him
>find his course, laugh at him, and proceed to counter gank him as he's defenseless against more than one person
He found me later but I managed to get away at low health.
I'm having a blast. Each zone is amazing, I still cannot pick a favorite.
>Free Heroic ring for doing Black Rook Hold
>Queue is forty minutes
Nah the whole group sees it too. Happened to our druid too while I was a rogue. Pretty sure he only does it if there's a druid but I don't know for sure.
maybe its for resto druids only
the druid i randomed with was feral
and the healer was paladin
I haven't played since WotLK, same guy you replied to, but I just used the pre-order boost on my lvl 100. I almost wish I didn't so I could see the Cata, MoP, and WoD leveling content but I could always just make an alt.
Best of luck bro. I haven't tanked since Magister's Terrace and its fucking fun as hell now.
Why would you want more than one character of the same class per server anyways?
Also to all DH players, stop playing Vengeance when you are set as DPS in a dungeon. If you wanna tank, fine let me play arms or fury, but stop playing vengeance in dungeons. This has happened twice now.
So should I do as many world quests as I can per day? Or just do the ones that are less than 24 hours?
Well i don't mind grinding as long i got new places to explore, but ye if i have to stop and grind those same quests over and over, then it stops being fun
Legion easily has the best leveling and questing experience I've played in WoW.
High quality content and actually overwhelming amount of stuff to do. WoD was already lackluster but this really puts into perspective just how much. There's already more and better content now than WoD did by the end of it's fucking life cycle.
I'm happy with my class hall as a warrior, though I am don't like all the literally whos. I'm waiting for King Ymiron to show up.
>Why would you want more than one character of the same class per server anyways?
good point
though the class is restricted to 1 race per faction
i think theres a reason but i dont know what it is exactly
theres a 800 ilvl ring in dalaran for 20k gold available from the start
So other than the elementals that appear on the map do Shaman's get shit?
>leveling a priest
>main spec is holy
>quest spec is shadow
>either I pcik shadow artifact for smooth leveling
>or the holy artifiact for end game
>either way one of them is gonna lag behind
>pick shadow
>at 102 pick the holy artifact
>pump the holy with artifcat power
>keep the shadow one only to level
You clearly don't know how leveling artifacts works
Which professions give the most gold? I'm looking to farm for tokens.
The long queues are because of hackers
That's nice, but the ring I'll get from this is ilvl 825+
>Rolled on a dead server
>Never have any queues ever
hello t. metzen
I want to try prot warrior, but I never played tank in my entire life and I'm scared shitless.
wat do
it's not meaningless shit user.
This is an MMO that has just decided all the gear you've worked hard to get is completely meaningless in one part of the game just because they're too shit at balancing to deal with it.
prot warrior is
>go in first
>hit everything at least once in the first two global cd
>generate rage and spend it on shield block and self absorbs
>use long cooldowns for double pulls / boss abilities
i've tanked for quite a while and it takes getting used to
it can be very stressful in the beginning
>with no sieges / sov warfare
lol no its a multiplayer online dragonslaying simulator game
tanking isn't too bad these days so long as you don't have overly large pulls.
>taunt (if needed)
>devastate spam
>spend rage on shield block and ignore pain
>rinse and repeat
The only real trouble comes if your group becomes disorganized and begins pulling adds that are out of your thunderclap range, but just switch targets and taunt or intervene.
You're a fuckin pussy don't even bother
>Healing a normal leveling dungeon for the first time
>3 DH as DPS and a druid tank
>tank starts the dungeon before people even have time to load
>after we kill the first group of trash he runs in and aggros basically everything
>We wipe, I politely ask him not to play like an idiot
>he does it again, this time before anyone else even respawned
>we kick him
>the rest of the dungeon had me constantly using all my big AoE heals because all 3 DHs were taking as much damage as humanly possible
Does anybody actually know how to play this game?
>PvP has always been "glorious battle against gladiators", at least to me
>it's always been what I say it's been, because it's been that to me
That's an opinion, one that could be argued. The idea of PvP being anything other than 'Heroic soldiers nuking it out in the world or in BG's' didn't come around until BC, and there was a strange balance between the two.
> and now it's more balanced then ever
No. No it's not. It hasn't ever been balanced. It isn't any closer now than ever. Also World PvP is meaningless now and has been for some time, which is a pisser because it turns PvP into that Gladiator Idea only. Which works for you, but it leaves people like me out in the dust, which is a shame. I think they're not doing enough to try to balance the two anymore.
Raid content was best it's ever been in a while though. So Legion looking promising on that front if WoD is any indication. As long as there is more on a more consistent schedule.
>it's a healer faggot qqing about some dumb shit episode
Didn't even read past the second line but I know it is
>the current WoW audience
He's right, fun shouldn't be allowed
>faggots still DDoSing servers
Jesus fucking Christ I hate these niggers
>Try to play for a few days
> The game is great
> But after 10 years it is just more of the same
>Refund legion
> Uninstall WoW
> Get over it
Turns out I only needed a good expansion to leave WoW.
There's also an 850 ring for 250k gold
>second disconnect in 5 minutes
I don't like this
>Kel'Thuzad falling apart AGAIN
Why did my friends have to roll on this shit server?
>Finally get to play Legion after a full week of work
>Get home relax for the 3 hours of my life before I have to go to bed to do shit Saturday
>Your connection to Battlenet has been lost
This isn't meant to be an insult, but I don't really understand this thought process. It's like getting upset that a sequel to an FPS has more shooting in it.
>sit in the queue for 70 minutes
>now keep getting error blz1900094 on entering character select
fuck off
I won't doubt that you didn't hear something like that. I had a similar experience while questing in Stormheim and I could have sworn I heard one of the brass taking a breath during a rest.
Poodlecrop or Lizard dicks seriously need to fuck off
Jesus, what a bunch of losers
I feel for you DPS only classes. I really do. Going through to 110 on Frost DK only to realized I'm going to have to dump AP into blood just to do dungeons (because my guild is shit) without waiting indefinitely sucks. It feels a lot worse this time around than when WoD or MoP released. Then again I'm probably misremembering.
>tfw pubbing Warden emissaries
When is peak time for Sargeras?
Highmountain and those fucking totem poles you get to wear on your back makes me wish I was playing a tauren this expansion. That whole zone fellates tauren so much.
Same problem but here's what you do.
First off start collecting gear from heroics, which will take time because someone else might need a piece that you greed on.
Second, once your decked out from heroics and AH, start pugging low level dungeons from the expansion that way you can get a feel for what you need to do and can handle more damage from the decent gear
I fucking love demon hunters.
Well it is somewhat worse because you are tied into your artifact somewhat, and not strictly traits, getting the relics for ilvl is probably worse
Gear isn't much of an issue anymore because there are no healer or tank specific stats, which they did to make it easier to swap specs but artifacts have if anything made it worse.
Maw of Souls is the best dungeon.
You cannot refute this.
How's their starting quests and shit? Is it like DK's? I might roll one sometime just to see how it is.
>pick enha shaman
>no iron or fire relics anywhere
I just finished Stormheim and I'm nearly at 105. I'm heading to High Mountain next. I've actually been reading quests and exploring rather than bumrushing everything.
honestly I was bare worried at 100 that they wud be simple as fuck but by 110 they have really interesting rotations in addition to movement options
>error BLZ51900094
What did she mean by that?
he's the first boss in maw of souls senpai, he's all evil and dead and shit
Just switch specs before choosing a quest reward, dingdong
you guys are alright, don't log onto kael'thas tonight at 7:00pm
>Open up a bag of peanut rins and energy drink for a good time on my Friday
>WoW goes down shortly after and won't launch
Typical, I just knew it that some higher force in the Universe had to ruin it for me just as things were getting good.
Internet architecture is so fucking shit why the fuck can some fucking losers rent some fucking botnet and just push a button and bring DOWN THE WHOLE GOD DAMN GAME FOR A MULTI BILLION COMPANY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU