How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

this is the worst thread I've seen in here this week

did a sniper slap your titties last night?

Not even a little.
Consider suicide.

>unironically using the word tryhard
This list is shit. Most of it is "US GAMERS HUH XD" and the rest is trying way too hard to fit in.

every character aside from Zarya, Simetra, Chimpston and Zenyatta require absolutely zero skill.

dubs confirm

how can i play winston well?

Tracer main. Accurate except for the forum posting.

How's your first week on Sup Forums been?

>minimized effort
>maximized trigger
well done I guess

Complete garbage

>claims he enjoys classic vidya. In reality he played Galaga like twice, many, many years ago
I like some classic vidya (as in classic like Parasite Even and Final Fantasy VI) but generally speaking I think games have gotten better over time. So its not accurate at all.

Is there any game that I can be as good as Roland?

>anything but zero skill
How is your complete lack of aim treating you?

I'am mcREEtard and i approuve this list

Jump to the backline where the healers like to hang out, left click them until they die, put your dome down if you start to get attacked and dance between the dome and the enemy, jump out when you're at low health.

He's also great for bullying lone Snipers or that retard Genji that tries to infiltrate your base by himself.

I main D.Va and I pretty much only enjoy older games, with newer ones becoming less and less fun. I have very fond memories of my youth in the 80's, so I continue playing those games for nostalgia and the fact they were fun.

I know a few people that the Mercy one is absolute truth though.

>exerting excess effort to accomplish a given objective such that it actually harms your ability to succeed
If there's a better term for it, I'm open.

>does not exist

but I always say sorry when I do bad with mercy.

Only things that aren't completely off the mark for me are pushing people off the map with Lucio and spending time on Sup Forums.
Funny, since half of the time the person complaining about our team is a Rein.

D.Va and tracer main. I play Galaga frequently :/

>thinks the road warrior is better than fury road
so he DOESN'T have shit taste and realizes that mel gibson is more important to a movie than feminism

My friend mains lucio and is a pleb who has never heard of JSRF. Gg

The description of Ana players applys to me but I mostly play Pharah and Mercy

>playing genji or mccree
>two top tier characters
>harming your ability to succeed
Yeah, nah, you're retarded.
Tryhard is a word people use when they're getting their shit kicked in because they're "not even trying".
It's one thing to get angry over nothing and proceed to suck ass at the game and another thing entirely to not want to have a team of six Torbs. What's fun to you isn't always fun for everyone.
Everyone who is shit at a game is a shitter, for me at least.