Metroid Other M comes out in 2010

>Metroid Other M comes out in 2010
>is almost universally panned
>fans clamour for a new Metroid game
>we finally get one 6 years later
>Federation Force is a sub par spin off nobody asked for
>nobody buys FF both because it's not what they wanted and a bad game
>FF flops
>Nintendo assumes the entire Metroid brand is totally unprofitable
>Nintendo assumes its fans are unreliable and don't know what they want
>Metroid as a series is retired
>AM2R is highly popular, proves there's still a demand for traditional Metroid side scrollers
>issue a DMCA and take it down
>refuse to create a new 2D Metroid
>then, create a 2D 3DS platformer spin off Pikmin title nobody asked for
>the Pikmin side scroller will also sell badly because it's mediocre and not what the fans want
>it selling badly will convince Nintendo its fans don't like Pikmin anymore

What the hell is going on? How hard is it to make a single good decision?

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They're cheap and quick. Almost all of Nintendo's staff is developing for the NX and they need SOMETHING for the next year before it comes out, especially on the 3DS which is actually still popular.

Nintendo is full of retards these days. They make some of the worst decisions I've ever seen.

Yakuzas don't know shit about video games.

I would take a full-priced Prime Hunters re-release on the 3DS over Federation Force, even if it had all the bugs and shit

>AM2R is highly popular, proves there's still a demand for traditional Metroid side scrollers
It's popular because it was free.

Go fuck yourself. In this day and age, people. especially Sup Forums, will outright refuse to buy a 40 dollar game that only lasts for 3 hours.

>Other M is almost universally panned
Not quite true. While the existing fans despised the game it got excellent review scores and varying user ratings. Not arguing with the "generally agreed" consensus on this place's opinion of it but it certainly wasn't universally panned.

Fans clamor for a new Metroid game, not another damn Prime game.

>tfw the majority of Sup Forums would actually do better at running the company than they do

i mean how hard could it be

>release metroid
>release F-zero
>release zelda
>release mario
>release new ip
>get third party games on console
>wait for next gen


When we said we wanted a Prime game, we meant Metroid Prime 4, not a fucking 4 player co-op spin-off.

More or less this. They keep mixing up their not-Mario game's genres for no reason in addition to fucking Mario senseless.
>Mario Party down the drain on anything that isn't a handheld and maybe even on handhelds
>3D Mario don't exist for modern systems 3D Land and 3D World don't qualify as a 3D Mario game in the traditional sense of it, give us M64/Sunshine/Galaxy, not 2D in 3D
>Paper Mario is totally raped
>Mario RPGs are disappointing now
>Even the sports games are mediocre, only thing done right in Mario Kart

>Go fuck yourself. In this day and age, people. especially Sup Forums, will outright refuse to buy a 40 dollar game that only lasts for 3 hours.
Shovel Knight.

I agree with everything here but I still think 3D World is a great game. It's just not what I wanted.

Remind me of when Shovel Knight was ever $40.

Shovel Knight isn't a $40 game. It also lasts longer than three hours with all the extra content added with the Plague Knight mode.

Wow, I must have missed when Shovel Knight was 40 dollars.

There's a reason I didn't say they were bad. But yeah.

>only thing done right is Mario Kart
they removed battle stages

Everything in this post is what I came here to say

I knew I forgot something.

Why are people so buttmad about the prime games?

Good thing AM2R doesn't last 3 hours and won't be sold for 40$.

Even fucking Axiom Verge was under 20$.

>that OoT Link
holy fuck give me fucking that, I WANT IT, give it here, i can't wait to get it, GIV EME THAT

You're the reason we will never play a good Metroid game again.

>What the hell is going on?
Late capitalism.

>Splatoon was Nintendo's most recent major success
>Innovative new IP
>follows recent gaming trends, being an arena based TPS
>adequate online
>highly marketed

Why don't Nintendo seem to understand WHY Splatoon succeeded and then instead proceed to release $60 2D side scrollers with zero marketing that are released without anyone knowing?

I've been a Nintendo fanboy my whole life but I've hit the point where I just want to let go and watch them crash and burn. You can only get punched in the face so many times before it stops surprising you and you just want to leave.

how is my desire for OoT apparel even remotely affecting fucken metroid, metroid is shit and always has been, there isnt a good metroid out there, its followed by manchildren and autists, get over yourself, the series is ass and its creators have recognized it! grow the fuck up losers and go play a real game instead of ASStroid lmfao fucken losers

Ff is way better than that shitty hunters game

I hope you're right.

Some fags wanted Super Metroid 2 but instead got 3D metroid 3 (4 w/ Hunters) times.

Other than outright not enjoying the gameplay, I can't think of anything else.

Reminder this is the future you autist choose when you kept buying these faggy pieces of plastic.

>Wanting a toy
>Not autistic
wew laddie

>How is my desire for literal trash that will look nice for maybe a few months on a shelf proving I will buy whatever someone shits out, irrelevant of quality, a bad thing?

Nintendo needs to hire me.
I solely will make Nintendo great again.

If you did that, that's pretty good, but still.

Also, post good game Ideas Nintendo will never do.

>tfw the last good metroid game was almost 10 years ago

I'd kill for a Zelda game that has nothing to do with Link or Zelda at all. Maybe like an Agitha game where you go from area to area rescuing insect oracles with magical parasols & insect abilities to save the insect kingdom from an evil dickhead Gohma wizard. And then do it in the style of Zelda II/Metroidvania to really hit it home as a breath of fresh air to the usual Zelda style.

Sonic series went through tough times, but Sega learned eventually. Nintendo can do the same.

Why not a LoZ dating sim?

Why would Nintendo hire a loser like you with a small white dick?

I'm butt mad not because of the Prime series itself but because Nintendo and Sakamoto keeps pushing Fusion's sequel back. Nintendo wanted a Hollywood blockbuster and Sakamoto wanted his passion to become a reality and Metroid fans are left with a piece of shit that doesn't know what it wants to be and more Prine games put on top to make up for the fact that Sakamoto ran out of ideas. I hope EPD has an idea for a traditional style Metroid game because I can't wait on Sakamoto anymore.

Regardless of whether FF is good or bad, it failing so badly does prove that the brand is unprofitable.

Imagine it was a Mario shooter. Hell, imagine it was the same game reskinned as squids and called Splatoon 2. Do you think it would have sold so abysmally?

The point here is that the game sells and, seperately, the name also sells. FF didn't sell on its own, sure. But Metroid name wasn't even able to help it somewhat, which literally means that the brand is dead.

Now, imagine Nintendo is making a truly good game, pours talent and money and stuff. Suppose the game is so good that it can sell 1m on its own. Now, if you slap Matroid on it, it'll still sell that same 1m. But if you slap Zelda on it, it'll sell, say, 2,5m just like that.

Which is why we are not going to see another Metroid. Not because FF flopped, but because the franchise was already dead, FF was a cheap game testing waters, Metroid was indeed proven to be totally dead (of course, infrequent releases and Other M contributed to that greatly, but that's not important anymore at this point), and there you have it. Nintendo will make good games, but they will never brand those games Metroid. The next time they have a stellar futuristic action/adventure on their hands, they'd rather sell it as Mario & Luigi: The Action Adventure than Metroid.

I want to hotglue that OOT LINK

Mexicant pls go

>Nintendo is never going to make another Metroid again, guys!
>Feds comes out. Is great all around in spite of all the changes
>The ending to Federation Force clearly hints at a Metroid Prime 4.
>"Nintendo... NIntendo will never make a 2D Metroid, guys!"

You'll keep backpedaling to try and make Nintendo look like the bad guy.

>Nintendo refuses to make another F-Zero title
>Shin'en make Fast Racing Neo

>Nintendo refuses to make a proper Metroid
>Thomas Happ makes Axiom Verge

Nintendo won't make what you want anymore. Just look for indie devs that grew up with Nintendo to keep creating those games.

where were you when nintendo fell from grace?

If you don't know what you're talking about then there is no need to post.

Watching E3 2015.

Only Primebabbies wanted another Prime, you little underagefag shill :^)

>stop making fun of my small penis
maybe if you spray more of that orange goop it might prevent the girls from laughing at it

I don't give a shit. Just give me another one of those transforming pinball metroid games. That one was fun.

You wetbacks sure are testy

Is this really the best comeback you could think of?

I think the hard part is finding teams who are willing and able to make metroid and f zero at this point. I'm assuming most of the old devs are long gone.

When was Prime a 2D Metroid? Sakamoto already stated that while Prime is canon and sits between Metroid and Metroid 2 in the timeline, it will never be integrated with the main series stories, in other words nothing from the Prime series story or characters will ever show up in a mainline game.

We got Fusion around the same time as Prime 1 and Zero Mission around the same time as Prime 2 though

at least 80% of posts on this site are phoneposts.

>I'd kill for a Zelda game that has nothing to do with Link or Zelda at all.
Would you though

But user, it's been almost 14 years since Prime 1 came out.

>underagefag shill
what. which one is it? underage or shill? you just shitposted so hard you had a stroke.

nah you white boys sure are testy over having a small dick
sometimes the truth is better than a comeback, it hurts huh baby

Nintendo makes bad decision. This is well known.

I said "good," not "best." Prime 3 was the weakest of the trilogy but it was still decent. It was perhaps a bit too ambitious for a system as underpowered as the Wii and a Nintendo-sized budget.

>not the tighetest motherfucker in tights
I'm still mad US never got the game. I'd have traded Triforce Heroes for a new Tingle game any day.

I think he's talking about the physical edition that came with the amiibo?

>Prime 3

"Not what I asked for" is the shittiest excuse for why you think a game is bad. Pikmin 4 is coming next year, and you think Pikmin 3DS is bad because "it's not what I asked for". Do you think anyone asked for Chrono Trigger, or Xenogears, or Banjo-Kazooie? No, people asked for another Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Super Mario in place of those. This is some real entitlement I'm seeing lately. "If I didn't ask for it, it shouldn't exist!". Man, I can't imagine what it's gonna be like for Zelda after Breath of the Wild comes out. All the internet outrage for every Zelda announcement that isn't 3D Zelda 7. Everything else will be considered "mobile tier garbage" or something.

>Pikmin 4 is coming next year, and you think Pikmin 3DS is bad because "it's not what I asked for".
How do you know the 3DS game ISN'T Pikmin 4?

>the Pikmin side scroller will also sell badly because it's mediocre and not what the fans want
>it selling badly will convince Nintendo its fans don't like Pikmin anymore
At least pikmin fans should be safe because Miyamoto love pikmin so much he would still continue to make them even if the spin off sell poorly

Because Miyamoto called Pikmin 4 "Pikmin 4" when it was announced, and the tentative title for this game is "Pikmin 3DS". This is clearly not Pikmin 4. That's like calling Metroid Prime "Metroid 5"

Why is it mediocre? Hard mode: You're not allowed to say "It's different to normal Pikmin" or "muh resolution".

Only because the games that came afterwards are so much worse.

Considering the state of Metroid since 2002, you have no right to complain about other people buying whatever Nintendo shits out.

>literal remake
>people who never played metroid 2 will continue praising it as a new game when nintendo literally released it 15 years ago
>fans will further ruin the series making nintendo believe they all actually want literal rehashes

New IPs are fine because they're new ideas. Look how popular Splatoon was. The issue is Metroid (along with other titles) have been ignored for years and instead of a new mainline game, they released a spin-off that no one asked for or expressed interest in.

>zero mission
>literal remake
>people who never played metroid will continue praising it as a new game when nintendo literally released it 18 years prior

You're argument would hold water if not for the fact those games you listed were original ips at the time and no one knew what they was getting into.

Case in point everyone was asking for a new banjo kazooie game and got nuts and bolts and alot of people hated it.

you make a franchise built on it's original and thats it, if you make a spin off you also include a mainline game for it.

simple, done, and everyones happy.

>Nintendo announces that there will be more spinoffs after Hyrule Warriors was well received
>everyone's happy and dreams up cool ideas for spinoffs
>Nintendo starts to reveal those spinoffs
>everyone spergs out because "they're not what the series are supposed to be about / not what I asked for"
This coupled with the increase mockery of gimmicks and "innovation" proves that people don't actually want new experiences in old franchises. They just want the same shit with new levels and a fresh coat of paint (unless that coat of paint is "the wrong artstyle for the series")
Just look at any Metroid thread where people say that a new game should just be Super Metroid with a different map and excuse plot, completely ignoring the glaring holes in the idea.

Corruption has the best OST of the trilogy.

if fedora force were as good as hyrule warriors I don't think many people would be complaining

What happens if the spinoff is ready to be revealed or released before the mainline game is? Do you have to intentionally keep it holed up in the vault for possibly years just to not risk pissing fanboys off?

Pikmin has not been ignored for years. Pikmin 3 was in 2013, and there's been merchandise, DLC, and representation in other games since then, along with Pikmin 4 and Pikmin 3DS slated for 2017. So what the fuck is wrong? People didn't shit their diapers with Link's Crossbow Training, Tri Force Heroes, Metroid Prime Pinball, Mario Sports 58, etc. So what the fuck is wrong with a spin-off now? Is this gaming post-Federation Force? The "I didn't ask for this so I hate it" crowd? This is basically like two E3s ago where kids kept spamming Twitch chats with angry "Where's Pokémon?" whenever something that wasn't Pokémon was shown.

Show me where anyone asked for a Metroid game focusing on the Galactic Fuccbois

thanks for proving my point

Banjo-Kazooie is my favorite game of all time, and Nuts & Bolts pissed me off because it was supposed to be Banjo-Threeie, and the original trailer made it seem that way. I didn't get mad at Banjo-Pilot or Grunty's Revenge because they were spin-offs, just like Federation Force and Pikmin 3DS. That is what I'm not understanding here.

Their is nothing wrong with experimenting with an ip.

Alot of people were on the fence when metroid changed with prime, but it managed to change enough to be a new experience while still retaining everything else that makes metroid what is.

Tell me how FF is a new metroid game?

Crossbow Training, Triforce Heroes, and Prime Pinball are spin-offs released alongside mainline titles. The last Metroid game was released 6 years ago.

Because it's in the Metroid universe ;^)

>Create a successful product
>Okay, lets change the successful formula and make a new one
>No one likes it
>Okay, lets continue using shitty formula until they like it!

So? They're still spin-offs. I didn't see anyone punching their TV when there was an F-Zero mini game in Nintendo Land, or whenever Captain Falcon appears in Smash. Just because you didn't ask for it, doesn't mean it will be bad. Federation Force had a thousand guns to its head the moment its logo popped up. Nobody was getting mad when it was just Blast Ball.

You keep thinking the issue is it being a spin-off when it's the timing of the spin-off that's the issue.

If they said "hey, we're working on Prime 4 but here's something in the meantime", people wouldn't be bitching as much if at all.

>Nobody was getting mad when it was just Blast Ball.

Because at that time, nobody realized it was metroids corpse they were raping.

You know why everyone didn't lose their shit over fallout shelter? Imagine if fallout shelter was the only game bethesda released and we didn't get fallout 4

I remember Fusion being the game everyone shitposted about before the unspeakable. Wasn't it too linear?

And that's what I'm not understanding. Why does dropping a name suddenly change the overall quality of the product? It's the same thing, just with a logo

Hell, nobody fucking CARED about Blast Ball when it was revealed. It was hilarious how awful it went over

>It's the Nintendo World Championships! MAXIMUM HYPE
>and here's a brand new
>game being shown EXCLUSIVELY here!

>that complete fucking SILENCE as all hype dies

Not them, but when you put a big name on something, you add a shitton of expectations along with it.

fusion had a shitload of problems outside of just "being linear"