Mario Maker is coming to 3DS

>Mario Maker is coming to 3DS
>You can't search for and share tracks online
What the fuck is the point then?

Well it comes with 100 handpicked stages by default so even without the random ones you get online it's already a much bigger platformer than NSMB2 was.

It also has extensive tutorials when it never needed them. Guess who the target audience is.

whorra a shit
a shit

Do any of you still play Mario?

Also why does Tumblr and SJW like this dyke so much?

Sure, but the appeal of Mario Maker isn't to play Nintendo's hand picked stages. Otherwise why not just make a real Mario game?

I want to make and share levels, and play ones I find online. Not be limited to only the top 10 flavour of the month levels and being unable to share mine with anyone.

They will literally patch it in one or two months later. Not everyone lives in fucking Tokyo and commutes on public transportation to work/school and gets a ton of streetpasses.
Fucking japs.

>they get rid of swapnote
>no way to interact with friends outside games

They want to put Mario Maker on a platform where it'll actually sell but don't want Wii U owners to feel more gypped then they already are.

Pretty sure you only can't upload stages. Everything else is still there.

You can't search for stages, you only have access to some top 10 most popular shit.

You mean Mario Maker or the series in general?

>playing a shitty 3DS version of a console game
what's the point?

That's not the correct terminology. They're called maps or boards.

Because Mario Maker on the 3DS is a good idea, it's not like this is a super intensive game we're talking about. It'll translate fine to the 3DS.

But Nintendo is deliberately gimping the entire point of the product so the 3DS version is just like a trial for the real game.

They could just do a full port of Mario Maker with all the same online stage sharing and searching capabilities, make it so all the current Mario Maker levels are compatible and you can share between platforms.

But nope, Nintendo fucked up again.

What if the player has fun?

I actually have no idea how the word tracks ended up in my post, I didn't even notice it until now.

Maybe I've just been playing too much Trackmania.

I meant to say stages, is stages okay?

>what's the point?
The point is that their retarded fanbase will buy an inferior version of a game they already have just to pretend their shitty platforms still get regular releases and weren't a complete waste.

That and you can do 100 Mario Challenge, but there are no costumes and all costume courses can't be played on 3DS. And any course that makes your Wii U chug probably won't work on 3DS.

In hindsight I only enjoyed season one but otherwise I'm pissed Sokka,Suki,Ty Lee,and myriad of side characters were just forgotten.

I liked watching the show but it really lost what avatar was imo. Season 2 could have been the finale and been so much better. Korra being a lesbian is shoehorned in and makes Mako look like an asshole because he fucked up with both of them. I wish my boy Bolin got Korra but otherwise back on topic nah I don't care for Mario Maker at all.

Nintendo can't even be asked to port snes to 3ds and xl but can do it for n3ds.

Nintendo isn't exactly a smart company these days.

did she really quit drawing lewds after she was busted by her family?

I like white korra better

In all seriousness, the in-game term is courses, but people say stages or levels all the time and nobody really cares.

>posting korra
That show is dogshit and you should feel bad.

But to answer your question, the "point" is for Nintendo to make money. That's it.

Internet scuttlebutt always maintained so. Lousy uptight Asian parents.

>HW with new dlc
>yoshi with extra levels and movies
>smash has better modes


>Nintendo apologists in action


I think she got a real job and had to stop drawing lesbo smut.

>all at a glorious 240p with ps1 graphics and garbage controls
No thanks

Show went downhill after season one
But damn that brown bitch is delicious

Did you say... Scuttlebug?!


panties go over garters

Meh. Not really my ideal type, but I guess taste is subjective, so I can't fault you for it. Lord knows there's too many good chicks from bad cartoons as it is.

Anyway, it sucks because I would've bought that piece of shit Mario maker AGAIN if they'd let me at least transfer courses from the Wii U version through wifi or something

That kids face/teeth and that one fucked up rubberless joystick make me wonder.

reverse image search failed me i ended up with a bunch of lenscrafter links

A quick search shows a very recent Pharah lewd by her so I'd say she still makes them.

Only for sluts.

Not at the south pole.

She's got nsfw stuff up on her patreon still, so no.

Korra is a huge slut, though.

>make stage
>hand 3ds to my friend to play it

It's not that hard anons. Maybe if you had irl friends, you wouldn't have such a hard time comprehending this.

Why the HELL are you shitposting with brown girls? Del.


I'm fine with that
>no mystery mushroom or slav mario

Did people really not like the finale of A:TLA?

Did you people think Aang was gonna blow the fire lord's head off? Or was their not enough foreshadowing for the Turtle God thing?

I thought it was great.

But that's not a brown girl, idiot. That's an orange girl.

Also, I gave pretty detailed thoughts on mario maker, so I'm contributing way more than your anime-posting ass is.

I wouldn't have been angry if they were just like "yeah you gotta beat him without killing him. I dunno we'll figure it out later." or whatever. But no- they had to build up how difficult this decision to kill him or not was for three fucking seasons, how monumental Aang's choice was. They even had all his past lives going "yeah, kill that fucker!".

And then to ass-pull a new magic power out of nowhere in the second to last episode is just bullshit.

I just love posting Korra stuff on v.

Finale of Last Air Bender is awesome but lion turtles would have made more sense if Wan was brought in earlier.

I don't even remember why Korra was able to see back that far.

Turtle was a total asspull. Show would've sent a better message by forcing Aang to kill Ozai anyway.

I liked it but it had problems. Like Aang not growing up or changing and obtaining the magic answer to all of his questions.

To me, like you said, they really set up that Aang was not going to kill the Fire Lord(not that they could on Nick). There was some minor setup to the Turtle, but the "energy bending" was the last two or three episodes of the second season!

The whole series takes place in less than a year. At least Aang matured a little, and the actor's voice obviously started to change.

Season 2 would have worked better as a finale but Kuvira change from ancillary nothing body guard character in 3 to antagonist makes no sense.

Amon was just too tough an act to follow but Kuvira and Zaheer had cool ass fights.

Did they use a boy VA for Aang? Why?

>Aang was not going to kill the Fire Lord(not that they could on Nick)
You act like people didn't die in the series. Aang fucking slaughtered Fire troops and dragged Zhao into the sea in the season 1 finale.

>"energy bending" was the last two or three episodes of the second season!

You're thinking Korra, TLA was final season but yeah sure why not.

fuck off

The lionturtle was literally the second to last episode of the third and final season. I don't know what your memory is thinking of, but it's wrong.

I want to fuck brown Critical Miss