Is there any downside to this service for someone who doesn't replay games?
Is there any downside to this service for someone who doesn't replay games?
Half the games are scratched to hell, and the other half aren't in stock.
Just invest in modding your consoles.
I'm only asking because my apartment got broken into a few months ago, and my whole 200+ game collection was stolen.
I don't have the heart to or motivation to try re-collecting
I wanted to try No Man's Sky without buying it, so I signed up for the 30-day free trial. Cancelled it 20 days in when they hadn't even sent the game, with no indication that it was coming any time soon.
The only reason I could think of to use it would be playing new AAA games with little replay value, but it seems like new games are rarely in stock.
Even better reason to mod your consoles.
Niggers can't steal your games if you pirate them all.
Even though its a meme, gamestops actually not that bad with their stupid rewards program. You usually can get a used copy of something for 15 bucks and trade it back in anywhere between 5 to 10 bucks. Or just play it for a week used then return it full price. I personally keep anything I really like and just do a rotating return and trade in going at all times. I've spent hundreds of dollars less this year cause of it.
I like how you knew it was niggers.
The good:
>if you finish games quickly, you could play a lot
>their online store has a lot of cheap stuff, they send coupons often
>if you rent a shit game like Bioshock Infinite, you can be glad you didn't spend 60 on it
The bad:
>depending on where you're from, it could take a while for games to come. This can be softened with the 2 game plan but that's more money
>If a game is scratched or some shit and doesn't work, you have to send it back and tell them for them to send you another. This happened twice with me for one game and a month after I quit.
>new games are often not able to be sent out
I had a good run with it but I find myself buying my games more often now, because I didn't like the feeling of being rushed to play a game to save money. I like playing things at my own pace. Also if you know what you're doing.
The only real downside is that if you want to play an upcoming game, it requires a bit of planning on your part to insure that you get the game when it comes out instead of getting a different game from your queue. If that doesn't matter to you, though, then it's just a matter of being patient while you wait for your game to get back and a new game to be sent (which can vary based on where you're located).
You will sometimes get a game that won't play properly if it's disk based, but then it's just a matter of letting them know and they'll either send another copy (if available) or send the next game in the queue.
That said, this can happen, so really you have to ask yourself if your getting the service for only a couple specific games, or if there are a bunch of games out there you want to try and never did, and you aren't too concerned with which you get to play first. The latter makes it more likely that there will be something available for you to play, though newer games are more likely to have low availability due to the fact they're new.
So if you want to give it a shot, start a 30-day trial and see what games they have you want to try, and see what happens. You'll get an understanding of the turnaround and which games you'll be able to play right away
Not really. I used it off and on for a couple years. I only had one disc that didn't work and they replaced it. Just hope you live near a distribution center for fast service. Always get the 2 games out at once plan so you have something to play when you wait for the next.
I get a lot of mileage out of it usually, but the last couple months ive been really busy so I find myself renting a game, playing it, but holding onto it for months, kind of defeating the money saving purpose.
Its not great for getting specific games unless you "game" the system by making sure they need to send you a game right when it releases. Its good if you have a list of games you want to rent though. You are sure to get something if you want to rent 10 different games, for example.
>not girlfriend
Almost always.
In my neighborhood there are white trash jjnkies and niggers, a true hell.
It's always niggers
So what part of the South are you at?
Louisiana here.
i had it for years, dont understand why anyone would do something else for consoles. I quit because console gaming sucks nowadays.
if you had it on your que a few months ago you would get it second or third day after street
Never used GameFly, so say I rent a game and I'm really enjoying it, since you pay for it month by month, can you just keep the said game for your next month or do you have to send it back and then re-rent it?
Nw Florida
no stock
takes for fucking ever
Wew lad
I liked having it. I paid like $15 a month for. A 2day play for a year. I played all the games that i was never going to play full price for from the last 5 years. Afteri got through the majority of my backlog i unsubbed and didnt feel bad about tbe service.
Not worth it for new games. You can put more emphasis to get new releases quicker. But that means clearing everything else ou of your queue and re adding them after and IF its in stock.
But if you got a dozen or so games from the last yearyou want to play i recommend doing it
Keep forever.
If you have patience and have new games in your que for a while you will get them for 5 days after street date. Gamefly is great to get for like 2-3 months once a year to beat all the single player games you would never buy.