Well, at least the game was released.
Well, at least the game was released
I already grabbed the base game but forgot to grab the 1.1 update. Does someone have a mirror?
>I got a DMCA, but I'll continue the development no matter what
>oh no, I got a second DMCA, time to drop everything
>people are actually defending him
He never got a DMCA before this
Only some sites hosting the game did
Couldn't they have just released the game how it originally looked but wide-screen like in op image so you can actually see more than a foot in front.
The last revision was 1.1 right?
Am2r is done and 1.1 fixed most of the jank.
You can't make it go away now.
>illegally use a company's IP
>complain when they rightfully claim copyright on you
Can't make this shit up
Why doesn't he just reskin everything, change the story, and sell it as his own game?
Theres NOTHING illegal with fangaming you contrarian dolt.
Game modding and fangaming have existed since the birth of the net, if it were like that, modding wouldnt exist at all, or things like sonic mania wouldnt be made.
The only reason this is happening is because nintendos lawyers are retards or some jealous troll asshole like you sent a false claim.
Because am2r is a love letter to metroid.
A game inspired by metroid would be only another platformer more, if he were to do that, what would be the point then?
Nintendo has officialy gone full retard, as of now, i will pirate its stuff with no regret.
Hey spot the neogafer
Also did you guys know that people from neogaf bombard nintendo with emails about fan games?
Yep, they're that retard.
if its not illegal then why're they taken down?
>suck corporate cock and cheer as an excellent free game is literally ripped away from you because "muh IP rights"
Can't make this shit up
Corporate cheerleaders are a fucking cancer and I hope terrible medical conditions befall them
I just answered that.
Learn to read, dickhole.
I agree something like this should be done a la Freedom Planet. But we have the game already so I don't personally care.
On a side note/hatefuel to Nintendo, after their previous Direct when they released Rhythm Heaven Megamix I bought it to support the series in the West even though I planned on hacking my 3DS.
I remembered that I never did link My Nintendo ID to my account before I bought the game. I wrote their support basically basically saying "Hey I bought this game but didn't get reward points, if you check though I registered right after the link to my account".
They said they couldn't help me the first time. I wrote again thinking they misunderstood my question and also further explained I only wanted the points because I wanted the VC release of SMB3, a game I've purchased four times on various platforms. They never responded.
Between that and this dumb AM2R/Pokemon Uranium shit, thanks for making up mind about hacking my 3DS/Wii U and waiting until the NX gets hacked, Nintendo.
God, that pissed me off so much.
It was inevitable. The game was far too noticeable. You ask why all these romhacks still exist, and it's because they don't garner nearly as much attention. Right before AM2R, I finished Hyper Metroid. That was also basically an entirely new fucking game, and it was great. But it didn't have a flurry of news articles about it. It's not really anyone's fault because everyone was just excited and wanted to share the fun, but when more people are discussing a fan game than your game you have to try to take some action.
Did they make the right decision? Hell no. They should have endorsed it. Put it on the eShop. Hell, I'd pay to have it on my handheld, and I've finished it twice. Still, they had every right to respond this way, and no one should be surprised or even upset. The game is already out. You can get it. Nintendo will never stop it now.
If people like them would just make games with new IPs gaming wouldn't be in such a fucking rut. Nostalgia fags are literally the cancer of the industry. Nintendo's decision was scummy but it's still their property.
Stopping at a DMCA seems weird, why not keep releasing updates until he gets a C&D?
Only reason to do that would be if he plans on deleting all Metroid assets, and creating a new game with the engine, to sell.
I mean you're already made it illegally, why stop here?
>Gaming is in a rut because people still like certain games that have been around for a while
Please explain your reasoning
It's not surprising.
Nintendo has been shit since the Wii came out. What a shit company. Even capcom didn't do this with that megaman fan game
Not the person you replied to but many thanks, brother.
Guess you are right.
Still, people shouldnt be afraid of their hard work being banned like that, also the game still needs perfecting, we are talking about freedom of speech here.
Things like this and the nintendo power removal are making nintendo look like downright assholes.
No you didn't, you just called them retards.
US law requires you to defend your copyrights or lose them.
Therefore, if Nintendo chose to ignore this game, a legal argument could be made that they no longer claim exclusive rights to the Metroid IP which is obviously unacceptable to them. That's why every major company DMCAs fangames like this.
Get it through your heads.
Yes i did.
They are just banning stuff left and right, just right out of nowhere, not only fangames or porn, but things like the np archive too.
Thats actually retarded.
Theoretically nintendo cannot win an actual lawsuit on those charges,kinda like the bleem incident.
The problem is that people are afraid.
Hey is that lie again.
Hello neogafer.
How are things on auschwitz?
No, because nintendo and square are the only ones doing that.
Stop parroting bullshit.
>every major company DMCAs fangames like this.
*Citation needed*
And you can't use Sega's Streets of Rage Remake removal as an example. That was five years ago and Sega even embraces ROMhacks on Steam with their games
>US law requires you to defend your copyrights or lose them.
This AGAIN every thread.
DMCAs are the things you DON'T have to issue.
sega can potentially make money from someone buying a mega drive game on steam to download romhacks from the workship
sega can't make money from someone playing the streets of rage remake
if the streets of rage remake happened again today sega would still send takedowns because they're kikes
Simple. Rather than make a new game that doesn't involve other IP's so you could inspire other gamers as well as make money, you create fan games that either no one plays or everyone plays for a day until the big bad corporate lawyers come and take it down. Example: With all the effort the devs of Enderal and Nehrim put into it, we'd have a great adventure game and Bethesda could go fuck itself. Instead, we have to patch and mod Skyrim until it's finally a great game, forever a slave to the middleman that is Bethesda.
If SoRR happened today, they'd make into a product and sell it on Steam/consoles, and sell Virtua Fighter characters as DLC.
That's not really a good reason. Because it happened in the past doesn't make it any less of being the same scenario.
It's a perfectly valid reason. Companies change as time goes on with changes in staff and management structure
People are giving shit to Nintendo for what they're doing right now, and there are no current large examples of other companies doing the same
considering nintendo's biggest asset is their strong branding and intellectual properties i can't really fault them for being aggressive about it.
But still.
This is not being aggresive, this is being downright evil.
And the worst part is that theres children ir manchilds praising these acts.
There was that uproar a few years ago about Bethesda having to defend against Scrolls. Same thing.
The DMCA doesn't have much to do with it other than it being the method to get people to take shit off of the internet. The alternative would've been court which would've taken more time and money to result in the same thing. If the AM2R guy had a case, he could take it to court, he could fucking GoFundMe the legal fees, and you morons would pay it, but he won't, because he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I don't hate fangames like this. But when you fail to develop them anonymously because you want to reap the glory, you create a target for legal action. This wouldn't be happening if no one knew who made AM2R.
what about it is evil
it's literally a remake of a metroid game, it even bills it self as "a metroid 2 remake"
nintendo owns and currently sells products under the metroid brand
you can't just up and take ownership of metroid just because you're a fan that knows how to code
i just beat it and it felt fine. what updates were even necessary?
It's free, that magically makes everything OK
What do you mean "take ownership"?
Anyone with half a brain knows this is a fan project, made because its a idea that deserves to exist.
The author NEVER asked for money, and he would probably cancelled the project on its own if nintendo made a better game.
You want to judge someone? judge the pokemon uranium guy.
He's not even complaining about it. He knew it was coming, kept going for as long as they let him, and when they said stop he stopped.
>is a love letter to
You're the retarded one.
by producing and releasing a game from an intellectual property that you don't own, as your own work
Copyrights are not trademarks.
What's that little R with the circle around it mean, friend? Fucking, REGISTERED TRADEMARK.
>Fag makes a shitty remake of a good game made by a company
>Fag uses assets created by said company for his shitty remake
>Company files a C&D because the fag used their assets
Wow, stop the presses.
Please explain how it does not? And I want a morally sound argument, not a quote of something lobbied by MPAA.
b-b-b-but FAN GAME
>US law requires you to defend your copyrights or lose them.
I really want to slap the bitch ass that made up this bullshit because every idiot on the internet thinks it's true. There could be a thousand metroid clones available online (for free or not) and Nintendo could take down just AM2R whenever they wanted. You don't have to defend your copy right or stupid any stupid shit like that.
They could have told him to not use the Metroid name then, which he basically doesn't because the game is called AM2R.
Why doesn't he release all the source code etc so someone else can take over?
>Metroid 2
>Good game
It's really not that good
It's better than AM2R.
Not only are you completely wrong but that is not the reason why gaming is in a rut at the moment. Gaming is in a rut due to a lack of talented and passionate directors as well as staff of great studios being replaced with mediocre millennials.
>right. trademark. not copyright.
Its ok, these retards just want metroid or *thing they dont like* dead, cuz they are so retarded they think samus killed their dads or something.
Yeah I know what he did. In what way is that taking ownership of the IP, or even attempting to do so?
You might say it's making use of the IP. But taking ownership?
Morals don't matter you retard. Only the law matters. The "MPAA" (or whatever other totally unrelated boogeyman you could come up with) lobbied and won because you failed to lobby at all.
Fangames that no one knows about don't matter. The law is about notoriety. Once something begins to enter the public consciousness is when a company has a responsibility to defend its IP.
The name isn't the only issue. The law allows for comparisons based on "likeness". In a game that's a complete and total remake, nintendo lawyers would annihilate this guy in a court of law. Samus, the art, the level design, it's all fair game.
It's copyrighted and trademarked, so I don't know what your point is.
Not really but that's okay because I know you're just being contrarian to shitpost
It actually is.
Names or logos can be trademarked, characters and worlds cannot.
>Morals don't matter
>tfw you'll never suck corporate dick
You are referring to copyright NOT trademark. Nintendo would not take him to court over trademark infringement, but copyright infringement.
It doesn't you filfthy memer who the fuck started this garbage
Maybe one day I'll lose enough self-respect to do it
Do they have the right to take it down? Absolutely.
SHOULD they have taken it down? Fuck no
And here i thought we were dealing with actual human beings...
While I do understand that Nintendo needs to "protect" their business, their brand and their games, they have handled this (and the whole metroid franchise since that other:m fiasco) like a bunch of 3 years old retard mongoloids playing cheese.
As for me, can't wait for a videogame crash, it is sorely needed.
Its the law and NOA has every right to defend their copyright otherwise if someone made an "official" Metroid game for profit and NOA tries to take them to court, the defendent would be able to use this project to say NOA didn't actively attempt to protect their copyright and therefore lose the rights to the copyright
If you want to blame anyone about copyright law, blame disney for fucking over copyright law
holy shit is this just a meme now?
>someone remakes almost all of Half Life 1 in Source 2
>original dev gives them a spot on the Steam store to sell their game for a price
this wont affect my save will it?
Why didnt they use another name isntead of metroid for the remake?
The author NEVER asked for money in the 10 years this game took.
This doesnt count and you know it contrarian.
i just merged the folders and replaced all dupes with the updated ones
and then they never finish it
>Theres NOTHING illegal with fangaming you contrarian dolt.
It's perfectly illegal if Nintendo decides to sue.
Yes it's a meme. Problem is that it's just sounds like it could be true, and while it's not, Sup Forums will believe anything you tell them. More now than ever before.
Fuck Sup Forums has gotten unintelligent.
A majority of current-day Sup Forums is probably 16 or under, not too surprising
>Theres NOTHING illegal with fangaming you contrarian dolt.
Actually it's still illegally using a company's IP. Most just act like nothing is going on but with Nintendo they get bombarded with people sending in E-mails about it as well as tons upon tons of mentions of said fangames on social media so they have to act or risk losing the IP because of copyright law.
Its not illegal because regularly, its done without asking money.
Pokemon uranium is actually deserving of their dmca because they asked money.
>risk losing the IP because of copyright law
No they don't
the funniest thing about all of this is that the creater knew he wasn't allowed to do it, did it anyway, expected to be taken down, and complied fully when it eventually happened, and isn't mad about it, but that doesn't stop the keyboard commandos from using it as ammo for the never-ending console wars
Thanks for killing the things your fans like, Nintendo.
Protect us from this filthy, Nintendo-sama.
Read up.
They have to protect their IP.
Maybe he should have used his own sprites instead of ripping them directly from Zero Mission and cleaning them up a tiny bit.
Thats not true.
If it were so, PLEASE put a link with that law.
What do you mean? The game was finished and released. It even had a patch. How is there no future, what would a future even be? There's nothing more to do with it?
So what does the patch change?
Delusional people from the comments:
>I hope that they gave you a job offer along with that email
>Nintendo SHOULD have worked with you
>I hate that Nintendo didn't recognize all the hard work you put into the game
>So much for Nintendo going "Hey, fans really love this game and really hate our official game. Maybe we should make like Sega and offer this guy a job
Only one good comment on that whole article:
>Good riddance. You're a criminal stealing Nintendo's assets and infringing their copyright.
more like lets it slide cause SEGA is desperate for relevance.
Haha cool comment dude =o)
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