Why isn't anyone talking about this???
Why isn't anyone talking about this???
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i dont even know what the fuck that is
because everyone already played the leaked press preview and realized it's shit
the puzzles are waaay too easy and the story is garbage
forgot to mention the 20 minute loading screens
not joking, it literally spent 20 minutes loading. I timed it
About what?
It's a shitty portal ripoff with muh grafix
You CAN'T prove me wrong
If you want me to play your game, you're gonna have to tell me more about it and give me a name.
This looks like that new Unreal Tournament for some reason.
Is ambient occlusion turned off, or something?
The places where the walls intersect with the floor look really off. It's like they're clipping.
It's an Alien Isolation sequl
settings must have reset when I updated my driver. There isn't an option for AO in the settings menu of the game.
Its pretty cool. I got stuck on the last puzzle because I couldn't see a lever, the ending was weak though. Coolest part was when you are the chatbot.
if only ;_;
thanks for reminding me to play Talos DLC
sequel when
why cant we get just one space exploration game with planets and ish like mass effect 1?
>Portal ripoff.
Are you basing that on anything or are you one of those tards that says clean white aesthetics = portal
uhhh do we get to actualy fight aliens this time? or ya know explore their planets and the aliens universe?
looks like a poor mans version of No Mans Sky
The only thing that matters is that they improve the tedium of the first game. If they didn't why the fuck would anybody want to play another hour of A:I when they gave you 30 hours of painful repeating gameplay?
OP Here I forgot to eat my wheaties this morning this game is the TURING TEST not alien isolation sequel stop filling my head with hope dammit.
they better include a gag "play as the alien" difficulty once you beat the final ending
Maybe you can post the name, you fucking fag.